Assassins Creed Unity - Brute Review

AngryBrute | Heroic Posting Rampage
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Leader of Sep7agon Gaming YouTube Channel

Did not create a video for this one, but felt like writing it anyway.

Let me start off by saying this, I love the Assassins Creed games! I love history, and I tend to enjoy its story every once in a while when its used properly and the characters are given a proper amount of screen time so you will know them. Take for example AC 3.

Now I know many people hate its crazy long opening, and slow burn style, but, it gave your future targets a lot of good character building screen time! You learned some things about these people and it made the ending twist all the more shocking. That example in AC Unity, is absent. Many times during my playthrough I caught myself saying "uhh who are you?" when I was given an assassination mission.

Not knowing who they were just sucked me out of the plot and say "why should I even care?"

And that's one spot where the game really messed up. I just don't care! If you cannot invest me in a story due to writers incompetence at giving me good characters, and give me a reason to remember them, then I wont be liking your story...

However, thats not my main problem with this game. We all know by now how buggy the game is (or was). It was inexcusably released in a broken state much like Battlefield 4. I fell through the map idk how many times now, fighting multiple people at once among a huge crowd tanks the FPS to unplayable levels, it also does the same thing when you're just walking through said crowds. Sure its cool to see that many people on screen, but really they just get in your way.

Arno has a problem with sticking to any surface you sprint towards. There may be an instance when you're chasing somebody and he suddenly climbs a cart. Also when you clearly are able to grab a ledge thats less than spitting distance from you, Arno will sometimes just jiggle around and not even try to reach for it.

Oh, and its not uncommon to skip frames entirely when climbing, you may initiate a jump, then BOOM you're instantly on the other side. How fun...

"But Brute why dont you just stop bitching and download the patches?" Oh really, that would be nice! IF I HAD F*****G INTERNET!!!!! I could use the mobile hotspot on my phone, but that will just drive my data usage sky high and raise my bill. So, I have literally no choice but to play it as is. And that really pisses me all the way off! (The last patch I saw was like 2gb?"

"Dear God that is terrifying!"

Knowingly releasing games at such a putrid state is unacceptable! "Oh we will just patch it later!" SHUT THE F**K UP! That is a terrible practice, and nobody should stand for it. EVER!!

This is a AAA game, that we are paying full price for! Believe it or not, there are people out there who cannot even get internet to download these patches. So guess what, they are just as screwed as I am.

Ok rant over... For now.
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With all those problems aside, I do really like its changes to combat! Its more strategy related, and it feels like they are trying to turn these games into lite RPG's. That shines through with character customization, and mission difficulty. Every piece of equipment you give Arno has its own stat increases/decreases and can be upgraded. This entails everything from your hood, all the way to what your weapon is. Of which there are a great variety!

"Plenty of stuff to earn!"

This made me want to play more side missions, this made me want to explore for chests. All because I felt the need to grind for that awesome Katana! In this area, this is where the game shines the most. It enhances the gameplay experience and gives you a better reason to do anything you want.

If that be solving a murder mystery, completing random events, or just watching people get their heads chopped off.

As we all know, Unity is set during the French Revolution, and its shown beautifully here! Fights in the streets, mass executions, and everything else in between are all present here. However, it serves (once again) as nothing more than a mere backdrop to the main plot.

You cannot influence the revolution, nothing really goes bat shit crazy, and it just keeps reminding me of the huge potential missed for a good story! Why not have the Templars the actual people the Revolution was fighting against instead of this middle ground tomfoolery?

While AC3 did not use it to its best potential, atleast you could actually fight for it! Here, its like a painting on the wall. Nothing more.

I really liked what the game gets right, and when it works. I like the ambition with the RPG stuff, and the game is drop dead gorgeous! And now, the 30FPS does not enhance a cinematic feel. That is a total load of bull, and games are NOT movies! They should never be downgraded to feel like a movie and anybody that uses that excuse; needs to go learn to shut their mouths and stop lying.
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I like this franchise and I really want it to be better! Thats why I am showing it some tough love.Creating excuses for the games performance is downright silly. If you like it, awesome! But do not treat others like crap because they did not have the same experience as you.

PLEASE learn from your mistakes Ubisoft!

Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 07:00:25 PM by AngryBrute

A Cheese Potato | Legendary Invincible!
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Yeah I agree. Gameplay both stealth and open combat is the best it's been, but still has problems that detract from it unfortunately. The world design looks amazing but isn't worth what it does to performance. And the story I just didn't find interesting. Just a cliche love story, they got rid of all the Templar vs Assassin behind the scenes stuff I actually cared about.

And personally I never found it felt like the revolution was actually escalating. In the world the size and severity of the crowds never changes, it just stays the same from the start. And since you don't get any Templar character development you never learn how they are rigging the revolution in their favour. Which I find vastly disappointing given the ending of Rogue, where Shay says the Templars will start a revolution of their own. It doesn't make use of that at all.

Oh and the soundtrack sucked and was barely noticeable.
Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 08:22:46 PM by A Cheese Potato

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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Agreed with Cheesey, stealth was at its absolute best and something that probably should've been in AN ASSASSIN GAME a long time ago.  Combat is also good and has elements of the first Assassin's Creed in it, but it to suffers from annoying bugs.  When I see an enemy about to attack me, I always counter (by the way I am GLAD they got rid of the easy counter-kill attacks).  However, there were times where the counter would not work, even when I was smashing the button fast and hard enough to break the damn thing.

The Assassins and the Templars, along with the whole Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation/The Escapist put it best when he said that these days Assassins and Templars are background stories while your character frolics off with a famous person doing whatever famous thing they were famous for.  It's kind of sad, and it just feels like Ubisoft is riding their rising success like a beaten racehorse.  Sometimes you have to stop and take a break (and it doesn't help that barely 3 weeks later Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed Victory).

I wanted to like Unity, so very very very fucking much.  The Online is something I can't really complain about (though the "OMG YOU'RE TOO FAR AWAY FROM NAPOLEON, GAME-FUCKING-OVER" crap was annoying) and I actually liked these customization options.  However the initial launch bugs, the nonsensical story and a great, great, GREAT waste to historical characters made this game a dud.  Rogue was the far superior game this year.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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A flower which blooms on the battlefield
(and it doesn't help that barely 3 weeks later Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed Victory).
They didn't. Someone leaked it to Kotaku, and the shitheads at Kotaku made it public.

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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(and it doesn't help that barely 3 weeks later Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed Victory).
They didn't. Someone leaked it to Kotaku, and the shitheads at Kotaku made it public.

My mistake then.  Still, I believe Ubisoft's "leaks" are intentional, but they usually happen around springtime.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
(and it doesn't help that barely 3 weeks later Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed Victory).
They didn't. Someone leaked it to Kotaku, and the shitheads at Kotaku made it public.

My mistake then.  Still, I believe Ubisoft's "leaks" are intentional, but they usually happen around springtime.
Ubisoft officially announces AC during Q2 of every year there's an AC.

Statefarm | Heroic Invincible!
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Moms spaghetti
It was a fun game but they wasted the time period and it had troubling performance issues. The crowds never stormed like the co-OP teaser and co-OP itself was only okay. It was half tacked on feature half well done.

Septy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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See you Cowgirl,
Someday, somewhere
(and it doesn't help that barely 3 weeks later Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed Victory).
They didn't. Someone leaked it to Kotaku, and the shitheads at Kotaku made it public.

My mistake then.  Still, I believe Ubisoft's "leaks" are intentional, but they usually happen around springtime.
The last 3 Assassins Creed games have been "leaked" on airplanes.

So let's see where we are come February

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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3,143 posts
Another con you should've added AngryBrute:  Along with shoving UPlay down our throats continuously, Ubisoft is now anally raping you to sign up for Initiates and play the Mobile App if you want to get Chests that have possibly the best loot you can find.

LordoftheVoid | Member
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Spartan-IV recipient
Serial #1839-2993-0013
You are doing a good job with these reviews I do agree we can't be pushing out games all willy-nilly and completely broke albeit hilariously like with the face glitch.

RomanGladiator | Legendary Invincible!
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I was almost tempted to buy it for $30 for that one day Amazon deal yesterday, but I didn't...