Bioshock Infinite and Half Life 2 are immensely overrated.Gone Home is a load of shit that shouldn't exist.Halo: Reach was a good game.343i have handled the lore FAR better than Bungie.The Walking Dead Season 2 is better than Season 1.David Cage is a TERRIBLE writer.
and the gameplay was bad
Quote from: Sprungli on December 07, 2014, 03:32:49 PMand the gameplay was badThat's not an unpopular opinion.Halo 3 is pretty shit.Halo 4 is one of the best in the franchise.Saints Row 3 & 4 >>> Saints Row 1 & 2Half Life is overratedSkyrim is pretty shit. Dragonborn DLC was better than the actual game.Ummm...343 >>>>>> Bungie
Halo 3 ODST is the worst Halo game and doesn't deserve the praise it gets. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack and that's allHalo Wars is a terrible excuse of a console RTS. Fallout 3 is an excellent game.Mortal Kombat is the best Fighter franchiseBlizzard makes the best cutscenes out of any devMW2 and CoD4 are the best Call of Duty titles. Blops 2 is also really good.
Reach is AwesomeCompetitive Halo is a fucking JokeCompetitive CoD is a fucking contradiction in of itselfWe need another Game like Halo 4 (Exept not Halo)Little big planet is shitWii U aught to be outselling Shitbox One and the PissPoorCoD AW and Blops 2 are pretty goodWe need a new Paper MarioAnd a New Custom RoboFossil Fighters was alrightThe new one looks like Deer shit
Halo 3 is overrated. Halo is overrated and mediocre.Even with the changes in Halo 4 343 did a better job with that game than what Bungie did after Halo CE.Half Life isn't that great. GTA only has one all around good game(San Andreas.).Cod isn't that bad of a series. Skyrim is overrated and only feels like a developed game with mods. Fallout 3 is mediocre at best.
>Fallout: New Vegas is immensely better than Fallout 3, even though it was unplayable for the first six hours after release>Morrowind is better than Skyrim and Oblivion>GTA:SA is overrated and is mostly admired by nostalgiafags>Uncharted 2 is the only good game in the series>Borderlands is a horrible, horrible franchise>GoW sucks>343i is better than Bungie in almost every way>Ubisoft's only real blunder this year was AC:U>KoTOR is better than KoTOR 2>The PlayStation 4 is objectively a better piece of hardware than the Xbox One>The Xbox One has better games than the PlayStation 4>My PC outputs more terraflops than the Xbox One and PS4 combined>That wasn't an opinion>Larry Hryb is a pegboy>NVIDIA makes better hardware and software than AMD>Rockstar are money whores
>COD is the best game of the franchise>Halo is shit compared to COD>Halo is shit compared to COD and BF>COD has a good story>COD is not a copy and paste>Every COD people are old man and not kids>COD is love, COD is life
Mouse and keyboard is annoying when trying to play a FPS.60fps isn't significantly superior to 30fps and for the most part I don't notice the difference.RPGs are boring time vampires for the most part.Sports games are complete shit and I don't know why they exist.
I don't give a fuck about frame rate I do give a fuck about resolution
Quote from: Jono on December 07, 2014, 03:45:10 PMHalo 3 ODST is the worst Halo game and doesn't deserve the praise it gets. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack and that's allHalo Wars is a terrible excuse of a console RTS. Fallout 3 is an excellent game.Mortal Kombat is the best Fighter franchiseBlizzard makes the best cutscenes out of any devMW2 and CoD4 are the best Call of Duty titles. Blops 2 is also really good.YesDouble yes
>Gen 4 pokemon games were good>controller>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mouse & keyboard>halo 2 is bad>halo is overrated>343>bungie>SR 3&4>SR1&2>Half Life is overrated>Skyrim was mediocre, and like lemon said, Dragonborn itself was better than the actual game
Quote from: Sprungli on December 07, 2014, 04:25:40 PMQuote from: Jono on December 07, 2014, 03:45:10 PMHalo 3 ODST is the worst Halo game and doesn't deserve the praise it gets. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack and that's allHalo Wars is a terrible excuse of a console RTS. Fallout 3 is an excellent game.Mortal Kombat is the best Fighter franchiseBlizzard makes the best cutscenes out of any devMW2 and CoD4 are the best Call of Duty titles. Blops 2 is also really good.JonoIs a plebFix'd
Quote from: Jono on December 07, 2014, 03:45:10 PMHalo 3 ODST is the worst Halo game and doesn't deserve the praise it gets. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack and that's allHalo Wars is a terrible excuse of a console RTS. Fallout 3 is an excellent game.Mortal Kombat is the best Fighter franchiseBlizzard makes the best cutscenes out of any devMW2 and CoD4 are the best Call of Duty titles. Blops 2 is also really good.JonoIs a pleb