Your Top 5 main TES games?. The Elder Scrolls Fanboying is real in here.

UnwornUniform | Heroic Unstoppable!
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I fucking love The Elder Scrolls with a passion. It's a pretty popular series so I figured you guys on here would have your favourites. Seeing how there is 5 games in the main series I thought we might as well list it from that.

For me it goes.

5. Arena. It's old and stuff and hasn't really aged all that well. But I still enjoy it none the less.
4. Oblivion. I know a lot of you probably love this game. As do I but out of all the games the world is the least interesting to me. It feels like generic fantasy and not much else. It's still a fantastic game however.
3. Daggerfall. It has a lot of improvements over Arena. Even though it is buggy as hell. It's great and I love it.
2. Skyrim. This game is great and gets far too much hate then it deserves. It simplified everything and got rid of all the shit that didn't need to be there. Even though in the process it became extremely linear. But the amount of shit to do in this game along with the world that is Skyrim itself.
1. Morrowind. This game is amazing. The stuff that makes this game is the world and the quests. Some of the stuff that you can find in this game is insane and really is a testament to how if you give your players a interesting enough world people will want to explore it. Another thing that I love about the game is the fact that it's bare bones as all hell. There are no quest markers just a journal that either tells where to go or hopes that you know where that place is. It makes the game extremely immersive.

So those are mine, What are yours?

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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10,584 posts
Why 5

This is stupid

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,736 posts
1. Skyrim is the one I put most hours into and enjoy the most. The one that introduced me to the franchise.
2. Oblivion is just. Eh. It hasn't aged well and playing Skyrim first probably spoiled it a bit for me.
3. Morrowind, I played 10 minutes and got bored.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
Oh look, everyone is going to name the main 5 TES games.

UnwornUniform | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: UnwornUniform
Steam: UnwornUniform
ID: UnwornUniform
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1,979 posts
Why is this so black?
Why 5

This is stupid

Did you even read what I said?

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts

I've played Skyrim a lot more than Oblivion. I guess enjoyed Skyrim more than Oblivion, but it gets really stale after a while, whereas Oblivion feels a lot more varied. I can't yet vouch for the other games in the series.

GOODDAYSIRE | Posting Frenzy
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ID: scorchwarlock
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279 posts
Oblivion only has better music