Your Gaming story

XSEAN | Legendary Invincible!
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4,033 posts

On the PC.  Mostly flight sims, 688I submarine simulator

I proceed to handheld (Pokemon,Metroid,Zelda, Megaman)  That what spark my interest in Nintendo.

1st console was a N64 (LOZOFT,Majoras Mask, Battle Tank, Super Smash Bros......

I had a friend across the street who had a PS. We would game together alot.  We made a deal that if I bought FF6 a game that him and I were both interest in I could play it when ever I wanted.  We both enjoyed the game alot.

The gamecube was a great console but the console world was going to online gaming so I made the switch to Microsoft.

Now 16+ and with a part time job I could buy my own Xbox 360 games.

I've now lost interest in gaming most of my friends have stoped playing or moved to PC gaming. 

My interest in video games is slowly diminishing.

Tell your gaming story


Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 07:57:27 PM by XSEAN

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
I played bideo games since I could remember. Nintendo vaguely remembering Final Fantasy 3 (6), Super Mario 3, Link to the Past, and my first console being the Playstation 1 with some shitty racing game.

Gamecube was fun with the friends that lived around me. We'd play Super Smash Bro's Melee tournaments in my friends big comfy garage with a big screen tv, and wake up early as shit for the new episode of Yugioh lol. Good times.

360 and Halo 3/Reach, and CoD 4 were some of the most fond memories I can think of simply because of staying up until 4am doing custom games on all of em.

Doing PC gaming now (and 3DS with Fire Emblem/Pokemon), but not as obsessed with a lot of genres (FPS plz go) as I used to. I try to break the norm more so now that I have access to PC games, going for old school Isometric games (Fallout 1/2, Pillars of Eternity), along with games that capture that Cyberpunk/nostalgic look to em (Va-11 Hall-a, Cross Class). Got into strategy games with Civ/Total War (more so the latter). Of course I'll still play some few games in the franchise I enjoy like Battlefield 1.

Now a days I mostly play Final Fantasy 14 with friends, unfortunately get roped into League of Legends because I am a masochist apparently, and a few other various things. I've shied away from the huge blockbuster stuff you'd see at E3 though like CoD, Gears, whatever else you can think of, and try to look for the games that are more sort of different in pace or looks, if only to keep my flame for loving video games burning.

snurch | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Fr3shNugg3tz
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2,017 posts
games are gay

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ID: challengerX
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41,937 posts
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Onion | Elite Four Invincible!
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ID: Orion
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3,782 posts
blideo blames am i right

XSEAN | Legendary Invincible!
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4,033 posts
Picture has been fixed

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
ID: SpartanT110
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3,436 posts
video games raped my dog

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
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18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
Growing up, my older siblings had the NES, Sega Genesis, and Nintendo 64 all connected and that's what I played in my younger days. The first game I ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The N64 was what I played the most and my brother would always rent games for it since the Genesis and NES were outdated at this point and the video store didn't have games for those consoles. We also had our Windows '98 that I played Starcraft on.

Couple years went by and the PS2 was out. I went over to my cousin's house who had a PS2 and it blew my fuckin' mind on how good the graphics were compared to the N64. My older sister bought a PS2 some time later and we got Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and GTA 3 with the console. We had to keep the PS2 on because we didn't have a memory card yet. The PS2 was my console for a few years after this.

I was in 3rd grade now when my teacher brought his Xbox and Halo 2 to class the day it came out. I was amazed at this game because I had never seen a game that looked as good and was as fun to play as much as Halo 2. After bugging my parents to buy me an Xbox, I eventually got one for my birthday a few months later. I got Halo 2 and NFS: Underground 2. I didn't even touch my PS2 for the longest time after this.

The 6th grade came along and my PS2 at this point was broken and Blockbuster for some reason never had any good games to rent for the Xbox so I was bored as fuck at this point. Christmas came and I got an Xbox 360, Halo 3, and Call of Duty 4 which is still my favorite Christmas I've ever had. Playing on the Xbox 360 from 2007-2011 was my favorite time playing games. Wish I could go back.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
I actually had a video idea where I'd talk about this in-depth, but I guess I can touch upon it here.

My dad was hugely into gaming in his childhood, but he never really ventured beyond the NES and SNES. He hated handhelds and didn't like Sega. By the time I was born, the PS1 had already been released in America, but my dad still only had his two Nintendo consoles—and understandably so; since he became a father, he probably didn't have much time to be playing video games anymore.

That said, even though I was born well into the fifth generation, I pretty much grew up with old-school Nintendo games, and the same ones my dad used to play.

When I was two or three, the first game I ever played was Sesame Street: ABC & 123 for the NES, which was a two-in-one educational game for toddlers such as myself at the time. I'm not sure if it actually taught me anything—I think it just kind of tripped me out.


Eventually, when I turned three or four, I tried lots of other games—among the classics, the Super Mario Bros. trilogy, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, Metroid, Castlevania, Contra, and plenty more. I loved them all—even the not-so-good ones like Karnov and Deadly Towers—but I particularly enjoyed Zelda and Castlevania.

Naturally, I was terrible, and could never make it very far into any game without my dad's help—I preferred to watch my dad play anyway, because he actually knew what he was doing. Super Mario Bros. may just have been the first game I've ever beaten, even though I probably used the warp zones. My dad would beat everything else—even Punch-Out!!, which is pretty impressive, given that the game's challenge is based on your own reaction time, and he was already pushing 30 (your reaction time peaks in your mid-20s). The only game that ever gave him trouble was Castlevania and Zelda II, which are pretty intense games—kinda the Dark Souls of that era.

When I watched him play Metroid, he kept Samus's gender a secret from me until he beat it. I always appreciated that.

Today, I've beaten almost all the games that kicked my ass as a child—I still have to beat Punch-Out!!, though, and some day, I will.

By the time my dad introduced me to the Super Nintendo, I was six years old, and video games had become my favorite hobby. There was almost nothing else I wanted to do—nothing else came close. My favorite SNES games to play were Killer Instinct, A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, and Yoshi's Island. I liked Super Metroid, too, but I only declared it my favorite game sometime in my adulthood a couple summers ago.

This was also around the same time I got my turquoise Game Boy Color. That was when I discovered Pokémon, obviously, and played some dope-ass games like Wario Land 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.

Never really played the Nintendo 64 in my childhood—we picked one up much later. As such, all I knew at the time were 8-bit to 16-bit sprite-based graphics. The first next-gen console we had ever bought since I was baby was the PlayStation 2, which was quite the leap in graphical capability—I remember that being a mind-blowing experience. From there, we got ourselves a GameCube—never bought an Xbox until early adulthood, because fuck Xbox.

At some point in my teens, my dad and I decided to start collecting old video game consoles—even obscure ones like the Vectrex and the Fairchild Channel F—and now we own nearly every major console in existence, with the exception of Microsoft's, because Microsoft can suck a fat dick.

In summary: my first console was the NES, and my first game was an educational Sesame Street game. Gaming is still one of my favorite pastimes, and even my dad's interest in gaming has slowly been rekindling as of late. Between the two of us, we have over 1000 games in our collection across pretty much any console you could name.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
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13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Started with PS1 and went all the way to 360. Now on PC.

Got introduced to some of my favorite series through my parents playing them like FF's and Resident Evil's

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
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7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
The first real game I ever played was the Hercules action game on PC. Then I got a Gameboy Advance, then an SP, then a GameCube, then that broke so I got a PS3, then a 360, and now I don't play much of anything.

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
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13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
My Dad had a PS1 that I played a bit on when I was a kid. I played Hercules and Small Soldiers on it. He later upgraded to a PS2 and then it just kinda went from there. I remember being so excited to get a GBA SP for my birthday and I played the shit out of Harry Potter CoS and FF Tactics Advance. I think the first proper console I owned myself was the Gamecube. I dabbled in my Mum's boyfriend's PS3 before getting a 360 for my birthday and spending a few years with that, until getting my own PS4 and sticking with that. I'm pretty much entirely a Sony dude now but I also love playing Pokemon on whatever Nintendo console the game is on.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
First console I really played was a PS2. I had a bunch of games but I mainly just played star wars ones or Ratchet and Clank.

Then my friends got a 360 and introduced me to Halo. A couple months later I got a preowned Xbox and played CE and 2. In 2009 I got a 360 with Halo 3, Wars and ODST and also got into Fallout 3 and later New Vegas. Got XBL in 2011 (didn't have internet before 2011) and got into Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3. From there I just played Halo and Battlefield with friends until I got Skyrim in 2013 around the time everyone was upgrading to Xbox Ones. Played that for a year or so until I got an Xbox One at christmas 2014 with BF4.

Played that for a year until Halo 5 came out, that was shit so moved on to Fallout 4 which I played for a much longer time than it really deserved. I got Destiny TTK edition last april because my friends said it was good but that was a waste of fucking money, got Wolfenstein that definitely wasn't and since October I've just been playing Titanfall 2.

Somewhere in that time Halo went shit, Titanfall filled that gap, I got GTAV (first gta game) and otherwise didn't really buy many games. It's only really been in the past year or so I've started having money that I can actually spend on more games. And now I'm looking into getting a pc this year for uni work.

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Superirish19
PSN: Superirish19
Steam: Superirish19
ID: Super Irish
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6,017 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
Started with a PS One when I was around 5-6, so 2000-2001 ish. Played the shit out of Destruction Derby 2 and Wipeout 3 as well as the original Gran Turismo which was just a blob of pixels moving around a screen of static pixels. Safe to say I was definitely into my racing games as a child. Never played the "classics" associated with Sony like Final Fantasy or Spyro, though I did have a go at some game called Croc. I hated it because I was waaay to young to figure what I was supposed to do. While I stuck to mostly racing games and hated most other story-oriented puzzle/adventure games, I really got into Monsters Inc.; Scare Island - basically a training island where you play as Sully or Mike and scare the crap out of robots. At the time I thought it was weird that it was robots instead of children, but thinking on it now it was probably down to using robots as a loophole to lower the game's classification (For a 3+ game, you're probably not allowed to depict scaring or threatening of kids). I also had a go at Army Men with the "plastic" soldiers, but I never got further than the 3rd or 4th level because I didn't grasp the concept of saving progress on a memory card. I did later with Monsters Inc., which I think I finished, but before that I used to just play a game for however long I could to see if I could get as far as I can before I had to turn over the TV to someone else, as it was the only TV in the house.
PS1 Features

The Original Gran Turismo, 1998 - The height of graphic fidelity.

Army Men; Lock N Load, 2001 - Come out ye Plastic Tans

Several years later (though I'm unsure exactly when), I got a silver fat PS2. Apparently the slim version came out in 2004, so it must've been that year or around then when I got it. I stuck with this console well until I moved to Wales sometime around 2007, so I had plenty of games to play. Sticking with old habits I had racing games, but with more destructive tendencies like Burnout 3 and Flatout 2. So similar they were in their theme of beating your competitors by racing or failing that, literally beating them, they even had similar soundtracks, some of which I swear copied the same songs. Think screamy/alternative/"emo" metal - that sorta teen angsty stuff, though some was pretty good to be fair. Somewhere along the way I got myself my first CoD, Finest Hour. A memory that sticks in my mind is the intro to the game as some lowly Russian Private being given the most passionate speech ever by a Commissar on a little dingy heading for Stalingrad, only to be stuck on a mounted MG42 on the same mission because there was no hint to tell you to get off it, and thinking the game was broken. Took me a week of playing it again and mashing buttons in rage until I figured out you were supposed to press the action button to get off it again and continue with the mission. One of my favourites apart from the other two racing games (and oh-so-many other racing games I had at the time, most unknowns that never had a sequel, they were so crap) was Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition. Racing with powerups, but with a focus on racing and showing off your ride rather than crushing your competition. I played that right until I moved in 2006, maybe for another year until I moved on to the '360.
PS2 Features

Call of Duty; Finest Hour, 2004 - "The first one gets a rifle, the second, bullets. The first one dies, the second picks up the guns, and shoots!"

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition, 2005 - Cars REAL BIG, Money REAL BIG, Booty REAL BIG everything REAL BIG - I think you get the gist, things were generally gargantuan in nature.

After I moved here in 2006 I made friends with a guy and had sleepovers at his house often. He was the one to expose me to the Xbox 360 and online play around 2007/2008, being one of the early adopters with the god-awful original white 64GB console. Prone to overheating and breaking discs, it was a mechanical nightmare. But the games, jesus christ were they a step up from PS2. My friend had chipped his Xbox allowing him to play early pirate copies of GTA IV before anyone else, and I remember staying up until 6am with the lights off, with rapid flashes of Niko and an M4 mowing down fat cops and ragdolling NOOSE teams, minigunning and rotor-chopping pedestrians on Hove Beach, and constantly rejecting Roman Bellic's advances for family bonding via bowling.

2008 was a good year for me gaming wise. GTA IV, Fallout 3, and Call of Duty: World at War were all released (or thereabouts), I had gotten my first taste of online play in W@W and thinking "this is fucking magnificent". I had seen the online options for some games on PS2, but never being able to get onto it because I didn't understand the intricacies of attaching an ethernet cable to the back of the damn thing until it was too late for that console. Now here I was, shotgunning the legs off some Nazi 12-year old and being told I'm a massive fag for using bouncing betties and "hardscoping", whatever the fuck that was. Glorious. The Golden Age of Gaming continued with Red Dead Redemption, playing chicken with bears online in the forest before dynamiting bounty hunters, and Halo 3: ODST and eventually Reach getting me into the series and eventually, and finally here. During the "twilight stage" of the '360 I had upgraded my own to the black slim Elite edition as my own had died from the Red rings of Death, and got into the Battlefield Series with Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3.
'360 Features

Call of Duty; World At War, 2008 - "TONOHIKA, BANZAIIII"

Grand Theft Auto IV, 2008 - "Cousin, my cousin! Let's go bowling". 6 words that can kill your concentration while your baseball-batting some hookers who gave you a bad service, and became a meme.

Fallout 3, 2008 - "Hahaha, GAAAAARREEEEEE"

And finally, we come to the present. I played the shit out my Xbox(es), dumped a bunch of my parents money on games and Xbox Live, and now I had enough my own to buy my own for once. I first bought the Destiny TTK edition Playstation 4 in 2015 as I started my 2nd year at Uni and as my friends by 2013-14 had started buying into the 8th Gen consoles. I ended up as a minority among my friends as after the initial terrible release of the XB1 I went back to Playstation whilst everyone else stayed on. It was only recently friends bought it also (personally I think that's a crazy thing to do when you already have one, but eh), but now everyone's that bit older that life gets in the way of playing together. University, jobs, serious girlfriends, wives, children, Australia, that sorta thing.

So this year, I moved to a more beefy PC for gaming. More of a laptop really, but enough to play GTA V, Fallout 4, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and whatever else that comes out soon for singleplayer games. A bit more portable than a console too, which is perfect when in between summers you're moving to different houses for studying and need to take notes at a lecture too.

To be honest, I miss the Golden Age. That time when I was 14-17, without much of a care in the world and a tonne of time to kill to play with friends.