What's your favorite Halo: CE map? (Progress: COMPLETE)

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
Yup, I'm gonna do it. It's time. I'm gonna play this game through for the first time ever. Oh boy.


As most of you (should) know, I... don't like Halo. I think it's one of (if not the) most overrated game series of all time, and I've been very vocal about my feelings towards the franchise--and other franchises like it--in my six-year excursion of being a part of this beauteous community.

I'll save most of my history with this game for the actual review, but let it be known, first and foremost, that the only times I've ever played this game were at my friend's house, where we'd solely play multiplayer. I've never touched the game's campaign in my life. And as numerous people have reminded me, I can't have a full opinion on the game until I actually play it from beginning to end. Well... Fair enough.

I'll plan to have the game done by August's end.
Well, that didn't work out at all. Technical difficulties and such. September's end, then.

BUT FIRST... (manual overview)
I had to read the manual. Ya see, 'cause this game was made back when the developers actually cared to create nice and colorful and detailed manuals that are designed to get you excited to play their game. This was always my favorite part of purchasing new games--the anticipation built by the game's manual is often strong enough to give the game a big boost (though, worst case scenario--it builds expectations, only to have them ruined by shitty gameplay).

I decided I would go over p. 4 and sort of give my thoughts on what is essentially the premise of the entire Halo series. Now, I'm not familiar Halo lore at all, so this was rather exciting for me--I finally get to learn about why these fuckers are fighting each other. Cool. Totally awesome. Let's see here:

The year is 2552. Planet Earth still exists, but overpopulation has forced many of her former residents to colonize other worlds. Faster-than-light travel is now a reality, and Earth's unified government, through the United Nations Space Command, as put its full weight behind the colonization effort; millions of humans now live on habitable planets in other solar systems. A keystone of humanity's colonization efforts is the planet Reach, an interstellar naval yard that builds colony ships for civilians and warships for the UNSC's armed forces. Conveniently close to Earth, Reach is also a hub of scientific and military activity.

...Oh dear. Not exactly the most interesting or creative premise we got here so far. I'm willing to toss aside my own personal philosophical beliefs here, and just accept this idea that we're now colonizing other planets--that's fine. I can accept that. It's stupid, but I can pretend for a moment that it isn't.

What I'm trying to figure out here, mainly, is how exactly we managed to unify all the world's governments just because of some overpopulation issues. That's kind of interesting. Does that mean that Earth is completely barren now, or are there still some people there? I mean, it's 2552. Did any nations refuse to cooperate, and were simply left behind? Or did every single governmental body in the world agree to unite for the sake of humanity? I mean, I guess that's just what I'm supposed to infer, as improbable as it seems, but it doesn't really make for a very interesting or compelling idea, if you ask me.

I'm also keeping in mind that this shit was written in 2001, so, maybe this felt a little bit more interesting at the time. Maybe the concept of interplanetary travel was a lot more fresh back then--especially in video games. Nowadays, it's pretty bland and overdone, but I suppose I can suppress my initial prejudices here, per grandfather clause. Reading on:

Thirty-two years ago, contact with the outer colony Harvest was lost. A battlegroup sent to investigate was almost completely destroyed: only one badly damaged ship returned to Reach. Its crew told of a seemingly unstoppable alien warship that had effortlessly annihilated their forces.

Okay, now we're... kinda getting a little more interesting here, but not by very much. So, aliens invade one of the colonies and fuck everything up. Oh no. The main question I'm asking, of course, is "Why?"--Did we do anything to piss them off? Or are they just irrational and violent conquistadors? Hopefully it's a little bit more deep than that.

(I also find it convenient how one "badly damaged" ship made the trip back to Reach, but whatever.)

This was humankind's first encounter with a group of aliens they eventually came to know as the Covenant, a collective of alien races united in their fanatical religious devotion. Covenant religious elders declared humanity an affront to the gods, and the Covenant warrior caste waged a holy war upon humanity with gruesome diligence.


Well, that's stupid.

Still, I don't know why exactly the Covenant considers humanity an affront to the gods, so that's still up in the air. We must have done something to piss them off--maybe colonizing Harvest was us treading on sacred ground, or something like that. I mean, the whole religious zealotry thing seems kinda silly, but at least that would be believable.

After a series of crushing defeats and obliterated colonies, UNSC Admiral Preston Cole established the Cole Protocol: no vessel may inadvertently lead the Covenant to Earth. When forced to withdraw, ships must avoid Earth-bound vectors--even if that means jumping without proper navigational calculations. Vessels in danger of capture must self-destruct.

Wait. Why do we still care about Earth? Like, I get it--colonies are being "obliterated", but why are we taking measures to protect Earth specifically? Who gives a shit at that point? Apparently, there's something of precious value on Earth that must be protected, but it never goes into what that is. Civilization? Yeah, but so do the other colonies at this point. Higher-developed civilization? That seems improbable. It's been centuries--we have the planet Reach that is specifically designated to build warships. I would think, then, that the civilizations on the other planets are pretty well-developed. It's not like building warships is a huge priority if all humanity is united under the same cause, right?

And the order to self-destruct upon being "in danger" of capture seems kinda silly too, but whatever. I'm not a military strategist, but personally, I'd only cut the cord when capture is inevitable. I just don't see the necessity to give Earth, the planet we left for greener pastures, any special protection. Anything of major importance should... probably not be there in the first place, and it doesn't seem likely to me that we'd fuck up like that. Admiral Preston Cole seems like a dumbass.


On Reach, a secret military project to create cyborg super-soldiers takes on newfound importance. The soldiers of the SPARTAN-II project rack up an impressive record against the Covenant in test deployments, but there are too few of them to turn the tide of the war.

Existing SPARTAN-II soldiers are recalled to Reach for further augmentation. The plan: board a Covenant vessel with the improved SPARTAN-IIs and learn the location of the Covenant home world. Two days before the mission begins, Covenant forces strike Reach and annihilate the colony. The Covenant are now on Earth's doorstep. One ship, the Pillar of Autumn, escapes with the last SPARTAN-II and makes a blind jump into deep space, hoping to lead the Covenant away from Earth.

All right. I still have no idea why we still give a fuck about Earth--maybe it's the last shred of human civilization left at this point, but that's never specified in this text--but this is where things finally start getting real.

The Covenant finding Reach seems like a crazy diabolus ex machina, but I'll excuse that. But I mean, it was supposed to be a "secret" military project, right? Guess they really didn't keep the secret that well--I'm not sure how else the Covenant would've found us on Reach. Maybe they're clairvoyant, or some shit. I'm sure I'll find out later.

Oh yeah, I meant to say earlier--don't think I'm judging the game's story by this little introductory blurb in the manual. I'm sure most, if not all, of my questions will be answered as soon as I play the game. I just don't feel like this manual did a fantastic job of tying all this shit together--and I don't expect it to, really. It's just kinda funny.

What I did expect, at least, was for the story to seem at all interesting--and it wasn't, really. We discover aliens--they attack us--we try to fight back. That's the story so far. We do a Hail Mary and jump as far away from Earth as possible, to try to bait the Covenant away from it. And hope they fall for it. I'm sorry, that's... not a great premise. I can tell this is gonna be a game where I'll have to focus mainly on the gameplay and other aspects, rather than the story. Or maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised as soon as I start playing. I have my expectations set pretty low, so anything can happen.

If there's anything you feel like I should know, post away, I guess. Just try not to spoil anything too major--I'd like this to be an experience, if you know what I'm saying.


☑ The Pillar of Autumn (thoughts up to this point)
☑ Halo
☑ The Truth and Reconciliation (thoughts up to this point)
☑ The Silent Cartographer
☑ Assault on the Control Room (thoughts up to this point)
☑ 343 Guilty Spark (thoughts up to this point)
☑ The Library
☑ Two Betrayals
☑ Keyes (thoughts up to this point)
☑ The Maw
Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 07:04:56 PM by Fuddy-duddy

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I'm sure I'll get torn apart just for doing what I did here.

So, to reiterate, I'm not judging the game just yet. I just wanted to give you guys a little more something than just a simple "hey guys i'm playing a video game" thread. I'll begin playing shortly.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
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ID: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
The Covenant worship the Forerunners. We have gone on Forerunner planets, and (I think), studied some of their technology. The Covenant doesn't like that. By the way, you'll have a lot of questions, and not all of them will be answered unless you go read lore on the internet.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
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21,882 posts
Just keep an open mind and you'll be fine.

I don't expect you to like any of the games after giving them a fair chance. But not liking them because you think it's trash without actually playing it yourself is stupid.

Try it. For your sake I'd put the difficulty on Easy or Normal. You'll hate the game for sure if you put it on Heroic or Legendary if this is seriously the first ever time you're playing it.

With that said, try to have fun. It's a game not a fucking trip to the doctor or dentist.

Or Twilight movie. Fuck those.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
The Covenant worship the Forerunners. We have gone on Forerunner planets, and (I think), studied some of their technology. The Covenant doesn't like that. By the way, you'll have a lot of questions, and not all of them will be answered unless you go read lore on the internet.

Or read the books. I actually knew about the Engineers way before ODST came out since they were mentioned in the books. That and Halo 1 actually has them in the assets folder of the project folder. You can extract them and have them in game on the PC version however, both in Halo PC and in Custom Edition.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
Okay, here's a very brief run down of modern-26th centry lore. It has been mentioned, like, twice, so don't think much of it.

Basically, expansion continues a would be expected. We begin colonising other planets in our solar system, so far so good. Anyway, eventually, pure ideological differences between groups called Koslovics and Friedans emerge as both terror organisations begin their own war. Basically space nazis and space communists. This culminates in the UN organising into the UNSC, and setting up the UNSC Marine Corps. Their first deployment is on Mars, which sets the stage for things to come.

After the UNSC's total victory, things progress relatively quietly. In the 2300's, FTL (Wormhole) travel is discovered and within the next two hundred years, we colonise over 800 star systems. In te late 2490's, the outer colonies, often used by the inner colonies as a cheap source of materials and food, begin to rebel at this unfair treatment. This rebellion is the insurrection, and soon threatens to spread through the empire right to earth- which is why the Spartans were created. In 2525, the planet Harvest makes first contact with aliens, things go sour and a three-decade long war ensues.

And absolutely none of this is brought up in the games. Furthermore, the only time any of the expanded universe has been introduced to the games has been since 343 took over with Halo 4. Bungie basically didn't care, so you'll never find any of the really interesting stuff mentioned in their games.

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
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2,576 posts
As shitty as it is, you have to read the books for a chunk of those details that you want answered.

Fun fact: you can play all of Halo CE without jumping, aside from the bit in the beginning where they introduce jumping.  Bungie didn't implement jumping until late into the game, when their QA testers wouldn't stop nagging them to put it in.

True Turquoise
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25,385 posts
fuck you
You gun be ch33f guy

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
I you have any lore questions, I'll be happy to answer them :D

But bear in mind it took right years after the first halo book released (which came out before the game) before we were told the story of first contact. We knew how the war ended before we knew how it began.
Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 06:27:43 PM by BaconShelf

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
It's a shame you don't hae an X360 or an XB1. Then you could play the anniversary edition with better graphics and lighting, and you get to see what a certain character (I won't give details because spoilers) was doing in the background the entire game with the terminals they added.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts
Yup, I'm gonna do it. It's time. I'm gonna play this game through for the first time ever. Oh boy.

As most of you (should) know, I... don't like Halo. I think it's one of (if not the) most overrated game series of all time, and I've been very vocal about my feelings towards the franchise--and other franchises like it--in my six-year excursion of being a part of this beauteous community.
You're not the first person I know who's inexplicably attached to a forum of something he's not even interested it >.>
Wait. Why do we still care about Earth? Like, I get it--colonies are being "obliterated", but why are we taking measures to protect Earth specifically? Who gives a shit at that point? Apparently, there's something of precious value on Earth that must be protected, but it never goes into what that is. Civilization? Yeah, but so do the other colonies at this point. Higher-developed civilization? That seems improbable. It's been centuries--we have the planet Reach that is specifically designated to build warships. I would think, then, that the civilizations on the other planets are pretty well-developed. It's not like building warships is a huge priority if all humanity is united under the same cause, right?

And the order to self-destruct upon being "in danger" of capture seems kinda silly too, but whatever. I'm not a military strategist, but personally, I'd only cut the cord when capture is inevitable. I just don't see the necessity to give Earth, the planet we left for greener pastures, any special protection. Anything of major importance should... probably not be there in the first place, and it doesn't seem likely to me that we'd fuck up like that. Admiral Preston Cole seems like a dumbass.

All right. I still have no idea why we still give a fuck about Earth--maybe it's the last shred of human civilization left at this point, but that's never specified in this text--but this is where things finally start getting real.
But don't you get it??? The close-up on Captain Exposition's squinty eyes when he says "...Earth." in a deeper tone of voice? Earth is implied to be important because it's, well, Earth! You're obviously missing the bigger picture here.

...Just kidding! Who are we trying to fool here? All you really need to know is that aliens want to kill you, so you need to kill them first, and making a big explosion for an exciting ending is totally not derivative at all.
Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 06:35:04 PM by Kupo

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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10,584 posts
Halo was a mistake

It's nothing but trash

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
Oh, verb. This is the full version of that timeline of you're interested. It's a lot more detailed than my summary.


| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Thank you Bacon.

The fanboy in me wanted to write up explanations to Verb's various questions and insinuations. And I probably would have done a poor job on it.

Basically, Verb, when Halo first came out, I don't think Bungie was expecting it to be as big as it got. So they didn't put a paramount effort in flusing out all the details.(In hindsight not really what you want to do when creating a new universe and it's introduction)

And as we traveled along through the series, we learned more and more stuff to fill in the gaps in answers to both your, and our various questions.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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ID: challengerX
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| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
Okay, here's a very brief run down of modern-26th centry lore. It has been mentioned, like, twice, so don't think much of it.

Basically, expansion continues a would be expected. We begin colonising other planets in our solar system, so far so good. Anyway, eventually, pure ideological differences between groups called Koslovics and Friedans emerge as both terror organisations begin their own war. Basically space nazis and space communists. This culminates in the UN organising into the UNSC, and setting up the UNSC Marine Corps. Their first deployment is on Mars, which sets the stage for things to come.

After the UNSC's total victory, things progress relatively quietly. In the 2300's, FTL (Wormhole) travel is discovered and within the next two hundred years, we colonise over 800 star systems. In te late 2490's, the outer colonies, often used by the inner colonies as a cheap source of materials and food, begin to rebel at this unfair treatment. This rebellion is the insurrection, and soon threatens to spread through the empire right to earth- which is why the Spartans were created. In 2525, the planet Harvest makes first contact with aliens, things go sour and a three-decade long war ensues.

And absolutely none of this is brought up in the games. Furthermore, the only time any of the expanded universe has been introduced to the games has been since 343 took over with Halo 4. Bungie basically didn't care, so you'll never find any of the really interesting stuff mentioned in their games.
You are the first person to ever explain that lore so freaking clearly to me without making it convoluted.

Thank you.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
IMO I would realistically expect the aliens to be chosen by the forerunners, and humanity would have been attacking them because muh butthurt

Actually, that would have been an original idea. I notice a trend in sci-fi these days. Humanity always seems to land as "muh chosen ones" in some form or another. Portrayed as inherently "good" or "okay," or, "worthy."

Mass Effect was another series guilty of falling into that gay ass cliche of a trap as well.
Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 07:32:28 PM by 

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
Also, very good OP, Verb. I'll be following this closely.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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XBL: banjo my honey
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Jocephalopod | Mythic Inconceivable!
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8,352 posts
It's really interesting to see verb try and piece together the story of halo, aslo sheds some light on how the actual games only give you a rough outline of the universe.

There's an overwhelming feeling of curiosity felt even after completing the 3 main games, which imo unintentionally led people to seek the answers in other mediums and boosted the appeal of halo in a weird way.

You'll like the gameplay of CE hopefully, the game feels like a romp in the woods adventure With a good amount of variation. If you played it when you were younger you'd probably be a halo boi youeself.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
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I played it for the first time back in February or so. Loved it, except for that snow level towards the end. Felt like I was playing Destiny. If you know what I mean.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
You'll like the gameplay of CE hopefully
I fucking hated it... Halo 2 really tightened it for me.

Jocephalopod | Mythic Inconceivable!
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8,352 posts
You'll like the gameplay of CE hopefully
I fucking hated it... Halo 2 really tightened it for me.

It's better on PC

Well both are lol

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
IMO I would realistically expect the aliens to be chosen by the forerunners, and humanity would have been attacking them because muh butthurt

Actually, that would have been an original idea. I notice a trend in sci-fi these days. Humanity always seems to land as "muh chosen ones" in some form or another. Portrayed as inherently "good" or "okay," or, "worthy."

Mass Effect was another series guilty of falling into that gay ass cliche of a trap as well.
I was actually thinking this it's always the good ole' humanity that saves the day with kindness and honesty, tbh i would see humanity as the greedy powerful types

Like I said. "Muh chosen ones" complex.

In Halo, in all instances in the lore, humanity had apparently done nothing wrong and was seemingly portrayed as the small kid on the block while everybody else was the big bad bullies to them.

And in Mass Effect, especially in 3 where shit became big time Earth centric, Humanity got themselves flagged as genetically superior by the Reapers and became the prime conversion target.

I don't think I've ever played a game or read a book where Humanity didn't have some sort of pivotal central role because of some special innate and invisible quality.

And it's kinda gay, the more I spot it frankly.

Thun | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Verbatim, you are no longer pure. I can't even look at you anymore.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Ugh. I'm getting disc-reading issues, even though the disc is squeaky-clean.

Okay, we're good, I hope.
Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 08:06:31 PM by Verbatim

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The Rage....
covies shot first

Thun | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Steam: Thunder
ID: Suarez
IP: Logged

8,991 posts
play level 2 already fgt