i really wanna play mass effect now
I'm gonna buy 2 and 3. This franchise is the shit.
Play 2, it's actually good, it just drops any customisation and the dialogue wheel becomes a fork.
On top of it just copy and pasting the cover mechanics from Gears.
Also it fucks up what makes being a biotic fun.
However, you're better off starting and ending with 1, none of the choices you make will actually mean anything in the end and 3 is a jumbled mess of quality and utter shit.
Literally the only arguments against ME3's ending are "muh choice no matter" or "muh lazy devs"
It's still a far better game than ME2 was.
On it's own yes, it is a better game than ME2. However as a sequel none of the games really flow well together as your choices in ME 1 and 2 doesn't really have much of an impact, despite promises that there would be dozens of different endings for ME3 from the announcement of the first game all the way up to the launch of the third.
It also doesn't help that ME2 is one giant side adventure that introduces and destroys an entire enemy faction within the same installment with little to no reference made to them again anywhere and new plot points that go absolutely nowhere with the only thing tying the game into the rest of the franchise being a couple of DLC pieces and a reaper cameo.
You could honestly go from ME1 to ME3 and barely miss a beat in terms of the overarching story.