Volcanion FINALLY revealed officially

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
(Ignore the clickbait title of this article--I don't see an actual release date for Z.)

We're finally getting Volcanion, though. That took way, way too long. We've known about him for what feels like two and a half years now. They only just released Hoopa in America a couple weeks ago (you have until the 23rd).

The US has had about twenty-five events for Generation VI, and only five of them have been worthwhile:
- Celebi
- Diancie (twice)
- Latios/Latias (still available)
- Shiny Rayquaza
- Hoopa (still available in the US)

Meanwhile, Japan still gets all the cool shit--and much earlier. I thought Gen VI was all about solidarity?

Discuss bullshit Pokémon events and why they shouldn't be a thing.
Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 12:40:56 PM by Verbatim

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You either die a hero or live long enough to become Mythic..
I still remember scrambling for the Victini in Pokémon Black.

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ID: Prehistoric
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
I always fucking hated events because by the time they came around, I didn't care for them. And it locks off content that's in the game, that I paid for, that I should be able to play.

Like, I'm super fucking pissed I never got to do the Deoxys, Lugia/Ho-oh, Mew and Jirachi events in Gen. 3.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
The only event Pokemon I've ever gotten was the Darkrai with Roar of Time and Spacial Rend, both of which SUCK on Darkrai because, for him to be good, you have to have Dream Eater and shit on him.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I always fucking hated events because by the time they came around, I didn't care for them. And it locks off content that's in the game, that I paid for, that I should be able to play.

Like, I'm super fucking pissed I never got to do the Deoxys, Lugia/Ho-oh, Mew and Jirachi events in Gen. 3.
Yeah. Even though I'm... probably the biggest Pokémon nerd here, I've never actually come close to completing a Pokédex before.

Nope, never done it. Crazy, right?

When X/Y came out, I was determined to do just that. I was going to watch Serebii's event database like a hawk, and every single time they'd put out a legendary (or at least, all the legendaries that I wouldn't be able to get in any other way), I would just go out of my way to get it, wherever it was.

...Then they never put out any legendaries. For two years.

They had Celebi, and they had Diancie. Both of which I got right away, but that was... basically it for NA.

Sure, they had the Rayquaza--but I can just get a Rayquaza in OR/AS anyway.

By the time Hoopa came out, two and a half years after, I just... stopped caring... I didn't even notice. And it's sad, because I was so determined to finally "catch 'em all". They just waited way too long.

Fortunately, Hoopa is still available (at McDonald's wi-fi hotspots... until the 23rd), so I'll get him in time.

As for Volcanion, I really have to struggle to be hype about a Pokémon coming out three years after, when it should've been available within months of the game's release--hell, it should've just been in the game.



Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
Ah shit I missed hoopa

Basically what you said though^

I'm sitting on a completed pokedex minus 6 or so unobtainables, mostly gen 5 legendaries because our router hated my DS so I could never connect to the wifi for them. Then the endless wait for ugly ass abominations fresh and creatively designed pokemon and I just stopped giving a shit.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!

Yeah, that's such horseshit. Though it could be worse -- we could have to pay for it.

How close are you to completion of the Pokedex?

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Yeah, that's such horseshit. Though it could be worse -- we could have to pay for it.

How close are you to completion of the Pokedex?
I need Hoopa, Volcanion, the legendary beasts, Lugia & Ho-Oh (which I can easily just get in HG/SS), Jirachi, Deoxys, and pretty much every legendary thru Gen IV-V.

I also need Mew--it's weird that they haven't distributed any yet, because they usually distribute it out the ass.

So yeah, I'm in that "so close, yet so far" stage. Infuriating.

Still, this is the closest I've ever been.
Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 12:48:25 PM by Verbatim

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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I sure would care if I hadn't known about it for a few years.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I sure would care if I hadn't known about it for a few years.
That's the thing--these people who hack into the game's data think they're performing a service to the community, but they're really just killing the hype for when shit gets officially revealed.

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
ID: SpartanT110
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3,436 posts
I sure would care if I hadn't known about it for a few years.
That's the thing--these people who hack into the game's data think they're performing a service to the community, but they're really just killing the hype for when shit gets officially revealed.
Wouldn't be an issue if Game Freak just included them at launch, or if they added the event Pokemon in an update

Thun | Mythic Inconceivable!
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His type combo is weird as fuck isn't it?

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts

His type combo is weird as fuck isn't it?
Yeah. Quadruple resistance to Fire, Ice, and Steel.

Alternative Facts
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ID: IcyWind
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9,382 posts
I honestly hate the concepts of the event Pokemon.

At least make it readily obtainable without the event at some point afterwards

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Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 03:17:45 PM by Iberian Husky

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Legendary pokemon are for scrubs anyway.
and for people who want to complete the pokédex w/o cheating

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ID: Iberian Husky
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