Titanfall 2's review embargo lifts today

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
So Respawn are letting reviewers release their impressions just about a week before release - full multiplayer AND campaign reviews. I think this is very promising for the state of the game, if Respawn is confident enough to give full access this early.

Dunno how many people here still care about Titanfall 2, but it's changed a lot since the Technical Test according to player feedback. Not many places have been reporting it though because it doesn't generate as much clickbait traffic as DAE TITANFALL 2 IS SHIT??? does.

Embargo ends in about 2 hours, but some sites have already posted theirs and a few notable figures from Titanfall's fanbase were given access to a PC capture event about a month back where they were allowed to include fuckloads of footage. If anyone's interested, this link is compiling reviews as they come out (Yeah I know >leddit xD it's still a useful place to find info). It seems very promising thus far.
Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 09:10:19 AM by BaconShelf

snee0rp | Heroic Posting Rampage
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ID: Hargbeast
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Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
ID: SpartanT110
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3,436 posts
Scores are looking good, looking forward to it on Friday (or whenever I get around to playing it because I have to install it and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and I'm gonna play Xenoverse first)

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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11,899 posts
Scores are looking good, looking forward to it on Friday (or whenever I get around to playing it because I have to install it and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and I'm gonna play Xenoverse first)

double xp from pqs right now it looks like on xenoverse so you should be able to beat it fairly quickly

made a new character and got to level 80 + beat the story again in a couple of days