Think an oversaturated market and DLC is bad? Early Access is worse IMO.

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So I was just merrily browsing the Steam front page when I came across an advertisement for an Early Access of Medieval Engineers, which is made by the same people who brought us Space Engineers.  I noticed, however, that Space Engineers itself was also still an Early Access.

I grew very annoyed because this reminded me of a controversy on AngryJoe's Top 10 Gaming Controversies of 2014 video.  In it, he stated Early Access games are becoming much more frequent and are mostly just unfinished games being put out for a quick buck.  I would use DayZ as an example, but I have not played the "actual" DayZ and only use the DayZ Commander mod.  However, from what I hear the game is still very broken and even if they are adding some improvements, it's trudging along at a painfully slow snails pace.

Then we have other games, like Towns, that are released but nothing comes out of it and the developers abandon the project while leaving an "Oh well" note to the people who chose to invest in the game.  I can understand if the game just wasn't working properly, but to just simply be bored and leave a game broken and unfinished when you've made your payday just seems bad.

With Medieval Engineers, it kind of gives me the vibe that Space Engineers is just going to be left collecting dust as the developers have made their quick buck with that game.  Now Medieval Engineers apparently improves on some block placements and looks nice, but lacks a ton of content to make it worth the $20 right now.  Also, I fumed when I scrolled down the page and found this:

That's just fucking insulting.  That is Watch_Dogs and Assassin's Creed Unity levels of bad in my opinion.  "Let's prop up a 'Deluxe Edition' of an incomplete game because LOL!"



Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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big sponge
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>early access

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Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
Microtransactions is the work of Satan

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I think there's potential for DLC, and early access, but it's a potential only few people, studios and publishers can truthfully achieve without ending up to exploit the early adopters of such games. The truth is, the game industry is volatile, title ideas come, and go, and mostly are canceled.

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Why is this so black?
At this point I think Valve should pull the axe on Early Access. It was an idea that went badly. I thought Valve had better business sense at this point. Then again. This is the same company that brought us hats.

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I don't really understand why Early Access isn't free. It's the same thing as the betas and demos that are out there, except now you're paying for it.

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DAS B00T x2
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This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
I don't really understand why Early Access isn't free. It's the same thing as the betas and demos that are out there, except now you're paying for it.
Yeah. I just can't really wrap my head around paying for a demo or beta test...

Hawk | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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I don't really understand why Early Access isn't free. It's the same thing as the betas and demos that are out there, except now you're paying for it.

Well mostly because you don't have to pay for it again when they complete the game.

Actually I've just realized it's basically pre-ordering and playing the alpha-beta is a pre-order bonus...

The only early access game I've bought where I feel like I didn't waste my money is KSP.
Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 01:13:23 PM by Hawk

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Yeah, early access games are a scam.
I only consider the ones that are practically done, or have proven to be incredibly long lasting in the state that they're in.  The only ones I can think of that are worth the money are Star Citizen and Rust.

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Feet first into fun!
I agree that it's pricey for the content it has right now, I might get it when it goes on sale. The deluxe edition is the game + the sound track with a $4 difference, which to me $4 doesn't sound that bad for a soundtrack. As for the 4 pack, it's literally 4 copies of the game bundled in one discounted price to share with friends. I don't see how it's that bad.

For most, if not all, early access games I feel they should be sold at a fraction of the price they are now, and they should do something similar to what Mojang did with Minecraft and raise the price once it was fully released. It should also be harder for games to go on early access because there is a lot of extremely unfinished, shitty games there.
Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 02:20:19 PM by Rinev Jeqkogo