Now here is a very interesting PC Indie game! If you played LA Noire and like it, then this game is right up your ally. Its an investigative/atmospheric/exploration game that DOES NOT HOLD YOUR HAND!!! It is very clear about that right at the beginning. There is no tutorial, you just have to figure things out as you go. Luckily it is not complicated to do so...
You can quickly discern how things work together just by observation. You explore the breath taking environment for clues and then piece them together as they happened in chronological order (may not be like this all the time). it is certainly a gratifying and eerie undertaking to be solving a murder is such a gorgeous place. There are no real complex control's and it feels like the developers played Dear Esther and wanted to make it—fun...
The only complaint thus far is the shaky quality of the voice acting. The main narrator does a good job, but once you hear the first set of acting, you can tell its kinda amateurish. Its not cringe worthy horrible, but its not great either.

It is a budget game on Steam for just $20, but it has me very intrigued and I immediately thought that this was worth it (even though it was sent to me via PR peps). It is an Unreal engine game, so it should run very well on most PC's. I sadly cannot crank it up to max, but my current settings have my drooling.
I may do a review on this... Depends on my inspiration.

This is a screenshot I took moments ago with my current settings.