I really don't get this don't preorder thing. Maybe it's because I only preorder games I KNOW I will enjoy. Did everyone else just preorder every game before this shit started?
Now I know what you'll say "But you can't determine if you will like a game before it releases!", and you're right. You can't, not fully anyway. But you can get a good idea of the game's mechanics and how it works from gameplay videos, reviews ( even if the review is spouting BS), etc.
Plus, if you're using that argument, how does waiting until the game releases help me? I can still see the gameplay and reviews that people have put up, so that doesn't change. Oh if the collective masses don't like the game, then I shouldn't get it? No, that's stupid.
Anyway, this preordering thing is just a stupid trend that will die out soon. Only neckbeards care enough about it to try to make a small impact on the industry, which half of them don't even stick to.