Console:> Friends> Couch> No BS over a kill cause some guy has better draw distance than me> Standardized controller> Feelsgoodman.jpegI rest my case.#PCMustardRace
> Friends
> Couch
> No BS over a kill cause some guy has better draw distance than me
> Standardized controller
and the same standardized controller.
Quote from: BerzerkCommando on October 15, 2014, 05:42:38 AMQuote from: Flee on October 15, 2014, 05:35:55 AMand the same standardized controller. To an extent. For consoles you can get those razer controllers which would give you a better advantage over the people using normal controllers. So those things are like the gaming mouses for PCs. What do those even do then? Macros in the extra buttons?
Quote from: Flee on October 15, 2014, 05:35:55 AMand the same standardized controller. To an extent. For consoles you can get those razer controllers which would give you a better advantage over the people using normal controllers. So those things are like the gaming mouses for PCs.
Quote from: CIS Scum on October 14, 2014, 10:42:22 PMYou might be on to something. Could you please elaborate and provide some examples?PC often allows gamers to tweak their game's settings to a high extent. This appeals to some who take their games very seriously, but not everyone is interested in learning about all the different console commands, configs and cfgs to maximize their efficiency. Some people prefer a more level playing field, where everyone gets the same FPS, FOV and so on.The point he's making is that everyone on consoles is "equal". Everybody plays on the same hardware with the same graphics and the same standardized controller. This is vastly different on PC. Where everything from specs, monitor, mouse, keyboard and so on can be customized and put together, it affects the game. Say two people are playing the exact same game on PC. Only, one of them has a much better rig with a 144hz monitor, a "professional" gaming mouse, a gaming keyboard with mechanical switches and extra buttons allowing macro's and so on. This person will be able to play at a higher resolution, allowing him to pick up on smaller things more easily. He can play on 120fps instead of his opponent's 30-60, allowing him to react faster and more precise. His game will run just as well even when there's hundreds of explosions going off and people running around shooting, while the other guy's PC visibly struggles and lags. He can turn up his draw distance to max, allowing him to spot enemies from an insane distance while the other one gets "fog" around objects that are far away. He has a mouse with 9 buttons, allowing him to do more things with greater ease and do things like automatically have the DPI/sensitivity drop dramatically when he switches to a sniper for greater accuracy, something his opponent using a default computer mouse can't do. His monitor allows him to obtain a larger and more effective field of view at no loss, while his opponent doesn't have this advantage.Some people just want to play and enjoy their games without too much fuss. They don't want to play them on a platform where they can and will be outclassed by people not just because they're better at the game, but because they spent more money on better specs and higher settings or a gaming mouse, keyboard or monitor. They just want an equal playing field where they know that the guy shooting at them is just sitting behind his TV playing on his xbox with the default controller and has no additional advantages.Even though I play my PC games on a (very capable) laptop, I personally enjoy all the tweaking, perfecting configs and figuring out the best binds or use for my mouse. I think it's great that in games like Quake, I can turn down all of the irrelevant nonsense in order to boost my FPS, that I can turn off skyboxes or other things that do nothing but distract you and that I can change my enemy's player model to have red, green and blue bodyparts for maximum visibility and target practice. But bashing people because they just want to play their game without going through all the things that come with min-maxing settings to perfection and worrying about uneven playings fields? That's pretty pathetic. I've been a primarly PC gamer for most of my life, and this whole "pc mustar raace" thing is disgusting and makes me ashamed to even be a part of this crowd.
You might be on to something. Could you please elaborate and provide some examples?