Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
But even then, How come all these map and game designers suck dick at their own game? How exactly does knowing about game design translate to any part of the competitive part of the game. Other than the "pro team" whos the best player at 343? their community manager?
Holy fuck, I want to hit myself in the head with a shovel after reading this. Game developers, specifically ones who make FPSs, usually aren't all that good at playing their own game competitively. That's been a thing since FPS were invented. Have you ever played against a Bungie employee, they weren't so good themselves.

That exact reason is why that hired the pro team. Have you seriously stumped down to the "lol theier shit players, i kno 2 pleh bettur "? Put your dick away man, it ain't that big.

No, the Pro team were PR hires. We all know it.

Even if they were, which is a stupid PR move if they did,  they are still vital in helping give feedback to make the game better.

I know for a fact that Neighbor, Derksy, or Ghost would NEVER advocate sprint in halo. They have no real input.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I feel like an old son of a bitch when I look at stuff like this. A good 5-7 years back maybe I would have been more invested about this stuff and made a big huffy.

Now? Not worth it. Never was. And all this pointless whining and bitching only cements my feeling of being an elderly gamer. God damn when the fuck did people just not enjoy a game for what it was? Back before forums were a thing and if something wasn't quite right people just rolled with it.

Jesus fuck gaming communities have become spoiled cunts. At this rate 343 should drop all the coding and materials over to anybody who bitches and just say, "Here's the tools, make what you want with them."

What a fuckin' embarrassment this all is.

"Just be happy for what we have"

Fuck that. I'm tired of being spoon fed SHIT since 2007. Its bullshit.

Then stop buying it like a tool. If you can see it's shit, don't fuckin' buy it.

I played the Destiny "beta" when it launched, and could smell it a mile away that this was something I wanted to avoid. You know what you do when something is shit?

Don't fuckin' buy it. Fighting anything in an aggressive manner will get you nowhere. But I'd bet you if a damn fucking big chunk of the community didn't buy Halo 5, 343's ears would go wide open.

Oh but wait. It's easy to complain and bitch but when it comes down to it all of you people are too lazy and selfish to really stick to your guns and really coordinate and actually do something about it. Bottom line is, no matter what 343 does, no matter how much they cater, they sure as fuck won't appease everybody.

It's just not physically possible. And to the people who are appeased, it's selfish and unfair, unbalanced for the rest who are quiet about their troubles or go unheard because of the louder vocal aspects of the community.

I'd bet you any money even if 343 just dropped everything and followed everything to the letter that forum would still bitch anyway.

Bitching is always easy to do but when it comes actual time to do something and back up your words that entire crowd are a bunch of lazy ass pushovers.

But then again, this isn't my business after all since I don't play shit anymore. My old console's a dust bucket, overrated netflix player. Whatever fun there was to be had in gaming died out a long time ago under either shit products or the entitlement generation communities.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
Comparing a sports game to and FPS lol.

Madden didn't change its core gameplay like Halo did from 3 to reach.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 12:07:55 AM by Tackelberry

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
Reach has a higher population because its not in MCC.

And I don't even want to hate on Reach. I think ZBNS Reach is better than halo 3.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Mega Sceptile | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Mega Sceptile
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2,071 posts

Am I going to sit here and claim I'm a video game designer with knowledge or map design? No. But I've been playing halo for 14 years. I know the ins and outs of every single halo map in the series. I know how maps are effected with/without sprint.
No, you only know the differences that each game has made, not the effect of sprint. what sprint does is give a miniscule boost of speed on top of your movement speed, it increases the distance covered in the same time frame, this was a choice you make on the loadout select screen, this burst meant you could make it to the power weapons faster and make jumps a spartan with evade or armor lock couldn't make, it was a trade off in Reach, and that was a good thing. Halo 4 layered on top of that by giving everyone that as a permanent part of the arsenal, ideally you'd try to time your sprinting to choose the most efficient method of moving across map with your AAs. that's a new level of competitive play that the 'pro' crowd chose to turn away from because they couldn't adjust to the new meta game.

I've played No Sprint Reach and No Sprint Modded Halo 4, and both times it made the map flow better and made the games play 10x better.
The only reason you perceive it to be better was because you couldn't evolve your play style to add sprint to your play style, again, it has no effect on map flow, it's combat speed and disengage speed that were effected, you only like the no sprint because you can't disengage from a fight when you have no sprint or flash evade that can get you out of a situation, even thought it actually takes a more skilled player to be able to disengage at that level, it's just like in LoL, they have a flash and a ghost skill that both do the same thing that a sprint does, that's proof enough that sprint isn't a problem to a skilled player, you just have to know your tools and play at that level. to put it simply, the only reason you hat sprint is because you can't adapt to the new meta game.

Do I know all the technical stuff? No.
Do the workers at 343? I hope so. But even then, How come all these map and game designers suck dick at their own game? How exactly does knowing about game design translate to any part of the competitive part of the game. Other than the "pro team" whos the best player at 343? their community manager?

 map design and player skill are two completely different things. a map designer knows the competitive community, and how they will manipulate the map to their favor, as a designer, the job is to make it so that you are able to win any fight in the map if you are skilled enough, and have enough escape routes, and paths for the skilled enough to be able to escape with their balls intact, it's a balancing act you have to maintain in map design to get rid of choke points and make the game fair.
the knowledge of map design allows you to know where the best exits are, and the best places to get the drop on someone, but as a map designer, you may not have the skillset to pull of the escapes and engages you need to pull off. and generally, those with the creative mind set to make the good maps don't have the reflexes of a pro player, and can't pull off the escapes that they designed for pro players. the tools are set out for you, you just have to know how, and when to use them.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
ITT: PSU still trying to cram his own ideal play style down everyone else's throats

I'm trying to cram CLASSIC halo down your throats.

like that's better

Combat Evolved Big Team is next to shit-tier at times like on certain maps one team spawns on a giant tower and they get to Spawn-snipe the other team endlessly with pistols and on other maps it's a perpetualy deadlocked coridor Nade-spam fest the entire time.

Halo 3 big-team has Advanced Warfare spawns and Halo 2 is a glitchfest (for better or for worse)

Clasic Halo isn't as good as you think it is. Take off the nostalgia goggles

aMetroid | Ascended Posting Riot
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XBL: ImailU2Heaven
ID: aMetroid
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578 posts
Competitive Halo is dead get over it.

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,147 posts
I love you, son.
The Halo community contains some of the most entitled pieces of shits out there. They have no clue how game development works.

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
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ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯


Frankie got rekt
Well no shit. There's less people with the Xbone in 2014 than what there was with the 360 in 2007. So of course the system with the more sales is going to have a larger player base for a beta on that system. The other thing is that the MCC is a broken game so that would effect the beta as well. Even if it wasn't broken I see it still turning away a large amount of people due to it being nothing new and how it handles the playlists. Instead of each game being separate and having playlists you vote on which game you want to play.

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯

Comparing a sports game to and FPS lol.

Madden didn't change its core gameplay like Halo did from 3 to reach.
No, it just changed it's core gameplay from Halo CE to Halo 2 in one game. Halo 3 and Reach play closer to each other than what Halo 2 and 3 do with Halo CE. Hell Reach plays somewhat closer to Halo CE due to the fall damge and the health system. Also Reach still plays like an arena based game. Even with having classes it can still be an arena game due to each side having the same classes and load outs. The only difference between spawning players is the AA the pick. Invasion is the only one where each side has different weapons. 
Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 06:01:50 AM by BerzerkCommando

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield

Frankie got rekt
These stat comparisons are pretty twisted and flawed that it's sad.
Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 05:58:23 AM by BritishLemön

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
Comparing a sports game to and FPS lol.

Madden didn't change its core gameplay like Halo did from 3 to reach.
I don't think you even know what core gameplay is. But it's something that hasn't changed in Halo very much since 3.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
You think getting rid of loadouts and LOLnerfing sprint is for the competitive community? LOLOL No, its so their game might have a shot at having over 15k in the 2nd month after release.
God you're such a fucking mong.
343 have been pandering to the competitive community for ages now.

I've been unreasonable? LOL. I'm glad I called Frankie out on his bullshit. You people are spoon fed crap and you love it.
Not you specifically, but the whole competitive community. They're over entitled shits that think the entirety of the games should cater to them.
They cry over anything. They'd still cry even if 343 did everything exactly how they want it.

343 are trying to make a comprise between both communities, which has been made very apparent.

But me? Nope. I fight for my favorite series to return to the glory days.
That wouldn't even happen if Halo ended up being a carbon copy of Halo 2 or 3. That's just the way the industry works.

Word Wizard | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: WordWizard
ID: Sly Instict
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2,686 posts

Frankie got rekt
Well no shit. There's less people with the Xbone in 2014 than what there was with the 360 in 2007. So of course the system with the more sales is going to have a larger player base for a beta on that system. The other thing is that the MCC is a broken game so that would effect the beta as well. Even if it wasn't broken I see it still turning away a large amount of people due to it being nothing new and how it handles the playlists. Instead of each game being separate and having playlists you vote on which game you want to play.
Lol you didn't even fucking comprehend that simple picture.  Which number is bigger, 1 million or 820,000?  The point in was play time duration, Halo 3 had a slightly smaller population but the average play time was nearly 6 times longer.  The average Guardians beta player played less than 1 hour a week.  The average Halo 3 beta player average nearly 5 hours a week.
There's less xbox ones because people don't feel like buying them...Halo 3 was a 360 system seller.  People bought a 360 and Crackdown just to play it early.  MCC was the only reason I bought a one, and they even managed to ruin that.

Word Wizard | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: WordWizard
ID: Sly Instict
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2,686 posts

Frankie got rekt
These stat comparisons are pretty twisted and flawed that it's sad.
These stat comparisons are pretty straight forward and flawless that it's sad.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield

Frankie got rekt
These stat comparisons are pretty twisted and flawed that it's sad.
These stat comparisons are pretty straight forward and flawless that it's sad.
Except they're not.
It doesn't even specify which gametypes were played and for how long. Breakout matches would significantly lower total time played of the beta, because Breakout is a very quick gametype.

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
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1,925 posts

Frankie got rekt

Except you forget to realize that H3 beta wasn't pure arena and had longer matches. Halo 5 had 20 million total matches played, which surpasses Reach's recorded beta stats [13 million matches] by 7 million matches, even though Reach's beta had 2.4 million unique players. Remember that Reach was also at the end of the console's lifespan while H5 is on the beginning of a trailing console's too.

[Not to get caught in the drama of multiplayer Halo debates again though. Saving my energy for the inevitable lore torment]

Sprungli | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: RadialRacer
ID: Sprungli
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3,875 posts
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Frankie got rekt
These stat comparisons are pretty twisted and flawed that it's sad.
These stat comparisons are pretty straight forward and flawless that it's sad.
You know that's untrue, there are so many factors affecting those stats you can't it on 343. Think of it this way too, if you released the Halo 3 beta today just think how almost no-one would play beyond an hour of it.

Siffera | Respected Posting Spree
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XBL: Siffera
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107 posts
Two makes there more than speakers.
And this wasn't expected?

Seeing as how they have been handling things, it's no surprise that this would happen. This would have happened anywhere, regardless of being competitive or casual.

But it's okay to ridicule us, we're "the worst" after all... Get over yourselves.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
1. Regarding your 1st paragraph. I know everything about sprint. I've been hearing the BS rhetoric that 343 has been feeding me for years.
2. 2nd paragraph. I couldn't evolve my playstyle? LOL. My K/D went up by over a full kill from Halo 2-3 going to reach-4. I obviously can "adapt" my playstyle. It just wasn't fun and it damn sure wasn't competitive.
3. 3rd paragraph. So basically you just reinforced my point. Yes, game designers suck at the games. They DON'T know whats best for the competitive community. Which is why 90% of our maps are forged these days because map designers make shit like Sword Base and Abandon.

What does sprint bring to the game other than appealing to the COD crowd? Why is it needed in halo when you could just up the movement speed and everything would be fine? Its a joke. Halo 5 Will share the same fate as Reach and Halo 4 and its because of people like you.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
You think getting rid of loadouts and LOLnerfing sprint is for the competitive community? LOLOL No, its so their game might have a shot at having over 15k in the 2nd month after release.
God you're such a fucking mong.
343 have been pandering to the competitive community for ages now.

I've been unreasonable? LOL. I'm glad I called Frankie out on his bullshit. You people are spoon fed crap and you love it.
Not you specifically, but the whole competitive community. They're over entitled shits that think the entirety of the games should cater to them.
They cry over anything. They'd still cry even if 343 did everything exactly how they want it.

343 are trying to make a comprise between both communities, which has been made very apparent.

But me? Nope. I fight for my favorite series to return to the glory days.
That wouldn't even happen if Halo ended up being a carbon copy of Halo 2 or 3. That's just the way the industry works.
-If 343 was pandering to the competitive community they would remove sprint. They added descope back in because flinch was a horrid mechanic.
- You can't make a compromise when designing halo. You design it towards competitive play. "Casuals will play a competitive game, but no one will play a casual game" 

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
Comparing a sports game to and FPS lol.

Madden didn't change its core gameplay like Halo did from 3 to reach.
No, it just changed it's core gameplay from Halo CE to Halo 2 in one game. Halo 3 and Reach play closer to each other than what Halo 2 and 3 do with Halo CE. Hell Reach plays somewhat closer to Halo CE due to the fall damge and the health system. Also Reach still plays like an arena based game. Even with having classes it can still be an arena game due to each side having the same classes and load outs. The only difference between spawning players is the AA the pick. Invasion is the only one where each side has different weapons.

You can play Halo CE-3 and know its Halo.

When playing reach and 4 its not halo. They changed everything. AA's, sprint, ordinances, bloom, flinch? LOL

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
The Halo community contains some of the most entitled pieces of shits out there. They have no clue how game development works.

Why does it matter if I know how game development works?

I KNOW what works for Halo. Thats all I need to know. Halo 5 in its current state will fail. Just like reach and H4 did.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
-If 343 was pandering to the competitive community they would remove sprint. They added descope back in because flinch was a horrid mechanic.
You just made a contradiction. Way to go.
They've been pandering to the competitive community. Just because sprint is staying doesn't change that.
- You can't make a compromise when designing halo. You design it towards competitive play. "Casuals will play a competitive game, but no one will play a casual game"
Get a load of this nigger.
Believe it or not, but the competitive community don't dictate how a Halo game should be and aren't the ones who make up the majority of the population.