Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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Frankie got rekt

Fanboy shit like this is why the community is fucked. You will never be satisfied with anything
If its not Halo 3.5 its automatically bad

Halo's shitty fanbase in a nutshell.
Sometimes I hate myself for ever getting back into Halo. It's painfull to look at this shit sometimes. I should have stuck with Wii

I play it for story and custom games. To be honest, who really cares about Halo multiplayer anymore besides MLG faggots?


What did he expect from the worst part of the community?

How exactly are we the worst part?

The fact that you have to ask shows you're part of the problem. But please, indulge with us on how the Tourney community isn't full of asshats, while you sit on your thrown of Doritos bags and Mountain Dew bottles.

I love how you act like the Team Beyond community is full of geeks who take video games too seriously.

Its actually quite the opposite. At least I can have a discussion about sports over there. 90% of what we have here is weabos and fucking losers.

We are asshats because we enjoy playing video games *GASP* to win? Get over it and either get better or stop playing.

Word Wizard | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Sly Instict
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2,686 posts

Frankie got rekt

Fanboy shit like this is why the community is fucked. You will never be satisfied with anything
If its not Halo 3.5 its automatically bad

Halo's shitty fanbase in a nutshell.
Sometimes I hate myself for ever getting back into Halo. It's painfull to look at this shit sometimes. I should have stuck with Wii

I play it for story and custom games.
It's too bad 343 doesn't know how to make a working file broswer and broke Halo 3's forge.  Missing out on a lotta good classic customs.  Then there's that tiny ass 50 map limit they put in for 3 games.

To be honest, who really cares about Halo multiplayer anymore besides MLG faggots?

As a homosexual competitive gamer, this post triggered me.
Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 10:34:58 PM by Sly Instinct

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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You people are an embarrassment.

I guarantee you hate the "MLG crowd" because some 13 year old spawn killed you and talked shit online. If you'd ever attend a tournament, like I have many times, you'd know that the "MLG Crowd" are some of the nicest dudes in the community.

Just like I always said, I've heard more "Good Game Man" at level 50 MLG than at any level of TS.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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What did he expect from the worst part of the community?

How exactly are we the worst part?

>Trying to force everyone to play Halo 3 clones forever
>Are elitist tryhard  faggots
>Trying to get rid of the forge/custom game community and campaign
>Being horrible people in general
>bitching about the most minor changes

Take your pick

-No one wants a Halo 2 remake. We want logical progression without the addition of shitty COD features.
-You sound like a child
-No one wants to get rid of those things
-You sound like a child again
-Minor changes? Doubt it. Every change we bitch about has major impact on the gameplay.

You sound like a guy who got spawnkilled and now you take it out on any competitive player.

> Bitching about a feature that has been in the franchise for 5 years
> Bitching that you can turn off that feature
> Bitching that a game company is bending head over heals for you
> Thinking the only thing that matters in life is a level 50 rank
> Shit on anybody that enjoys something more than multiplayer
> Shit on for having a different opinion in general
> Made up of a cluster fuck of "adults" that can't take off their cheese puff stained rose-tinted glasses

-Minor changes? Doubt it. Every change we bitch about has major impact on the gameplay.

Because that slight sun glare on one map that no one outside the Tourney community complains about is gonna wreck your K/D, right? Super important issues.

-We bitch about sprint because it literally kills the gameplay and map flow. Ex: Reach, 4, and H5B.
-Yep, The competitive community wants to play vanilla halo. Not a watered down version because vanilla halo is too random.
-When exactly has 343 done anything beneficial for the competitive community? And don't you dare mention the HCS where we have 3 maps on a broken game.
-Who shits on anything other than multiplayer? TB is dedicated to multiplayer. If you want Single player shit, go to waypoint.
-No one gets shit on for having a different opinion.
-Oh, another geek joke? The tournament crowd are much more normal than the general halo population. 99% of them play sports and have a high competitive drive.

Oh cool. Over exaggerating again. Congrats bro.

Want to watch some good halo guys? Tune into the HCS at 10am EST tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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Frankie can't just waltz in there, act like the community and the website are shit and expect to be treated with respect.

Fuck him. He and his cronies at 343 ruined halo. He skips past every legit question like a pussy.

He said the website was having issues on his side and asked for help to fix the matter. In no way was he trashing the site.

And the community exploded on him. Those mods are worse than Waypoint Mods.

He said the website wasn't popular and he didn't understand how it had any traffic at all.

Those mods are better than the mods on this site and 1000x better than waypoint.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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No, I get that feeling from them with how they interact in online forums. Trying to explain a position to them is like trying to explain what different religions are to some baptist hillbilly.

Are you trolling me?

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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2,576 posts
I have to say, at least the "tourneyfags" can do better than regurgitated Waytard logic.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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No, I get that feeling from them with how they interact in online forums. Trying to explain a position to them is like trying to explain what different religions are to some baptist hillbilly.

Are you trolling me?
Trying to change the subject already?

You're the one bringing up baptist hillbillies.....

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 11:16:38 PM by Tackelberry

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
They've catered to us? You're delusional. Sorry bro.

I'm an idiot? You're the one making assumptions about a community that you know nothing about.

Are we the only people who play the games? No. But we are the people who are left on the games after all you casuals jump ship and play the newest BS on the market.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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Putting a BR start isn't accommodating. Its fucking common sense. Its balance.

Completely removing sprint would be accommodating.

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
They've catered to us? You're delusional. Sorry bro.

I'm an idiot? You're the one making assumptions about a community that you know nothing about.

Are we the only people who play the games? No. But we are the people who are left on the games after all you casuals jump ship and play the newest BS on the market.

3Fail3 has practicaly been sucking on the competitive community's colective cocks with all they've done with the tournament crap they've been shoving down everyone's thoats, re-releasing your precious Halo 2 and 3 and removing aim assist from Halo 5 and nerfing the fuck out of sprint and getting rid of loadouts.

343 is actually trying to advance halo and still comprimse with the competitive community but you (and I mean YOU PSU Spesificly) have been completely unreasonable

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
They've catered to us? You're delusional. Sorry bro.

I'm an idiot? You're the one making assumptions about a community that you know nothing about.

Are we the only people who play the games? No. But we are the people who are left on the games after all you casuals jump ship and play the newest BS on the market.

3Fail3 has practicaly been sucking on the competitive community's colective cocks with all they've done with the tournament crap they've been shoving down everyone's thoats, re-releasing your precious Halo 2 and 3 and removing aim assist from Halo 5 and nerfing the fuck out of sprint and getting rid of loadouts.

343 is actually trying to advance halo and still comprimse with the competitive community but you (and I mean YOU PSU Spesificly) have been completely unreasonable

You do realize that 343 hasn't actually had any of those tournaments. This weekends will be the 2nd one that they've actually coordinated. Of course you dont.

You think getting rid of loadouts and LOLnerfing sprint is for the competitive community? LOLOL No, its so their game might have a shot at having over 15k in the 2nd month after release.

I've been unreasonable? LOL. I'm glad I called Frankie out on his bullshit. You people are spoon fed crap and you love it.

But me? Nope. I fight for my favorite series to return to the glory days. 

Sigma617 | Heroic Posting Rampage
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Came for the Frankie, stayed for the PSU temper tantrum.

Mega Sceptile | Heroic Unstoppable!
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We bitch about sprint because it literally kills the gameplay and map flow.
Oh, mr. competitive is going to school us on map flow eh? I doubt you've ever even looked into the intricacies of map design in your life, you don't know a god damn thing about map flow. Sprint has absolutely no effect on the flow of a map at all, the thing it effects in multiplayer is the pace you have to play at to win, it changes the speed at which you can enter the fray and fight, it doesn't change the progression of the map or the distances you have to close unless you design a map to be specifically made for a constant sprint. I bet you're one of those 'pros' who idiolize the design of Guardian in halo 3 because it's just a circular arena with refills around it, it's one of those maps with zero map flow, there's no progression, it's just a big circle with some tumours on it.

TL DR- you don't know the difference between combat pacing and map flow, a difference anyone who knows what the fuck they're talking about would know. you're just complaining that you can't change up and go with the new pace that sprint sets for competitive play.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 11:47:51 PM by Tackelberry

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
We bitch about sprint because it literally kills the gameplay and map flow.
Oh, mr. competitive is going to school us on map flow eh? I doubt you've ever even looked into the intricacies of map design in your life, you don't know a god damn thing about map flow. Sprint has absolutely no effect on the flow of a map at all, the thing it effects in multiplayer is the pace you have to play at to win, it changes the speed at which you can enter the fray and fight, it doesn't change the progression of the map or the distances you have to close unless you design a map to be specifically made for a constant sprint. I bet you're one of those 'pros' who idiolize the design of Guardian in halo 3 because it's just a circular arena with refills around it, it's one of those maps with zero map flow, there's no progression, it's just a big circle with some tumours on it.

TL DR- you don't know the difference between combat pacing and map flow, a difference anyone who knows what the fuck they're talking about would know. you're just complaining that you can't change up and go with the new pace that sprint sets for competitive play.

Am I going to sit here and claim I'm a video game designer with knowledge or map design? No. But I've been playing halo for 14 years. I know the ins and outs of every single halo map in the series. I know how maps are effected with/without sprint.

I've played No Sprint Reach and No Sprint Modded Halo 4, and both times it made the map flow better and made the games play 10x better.

Do I know all the technical stuff? No.
Do the workers at 343? I hope so. But even then, How come all these map and game designers suck dick at their own game? How exactly does knowing about game design translate to any part of the competitive part of the game. Other than the "pro team" whos the best player at 343? their community manager?

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
ITT: PSU still trying to cram his own ideal play style down everyone else's throats

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I feel like an old son of a bitch when I look at stuff like this. A good 5-7 years back maybe I would have been more invested about this stuff and made a big huffy.

Now? Not worth it. Never was. And all this pointless whining and bitching only cements my feeling of being an elderly gamer. God damn when the fuck did people just not enjoy a game for what it was? Back before forums were a thing and if something wasn't quite right people just rolled with it.

Jesus fuck gaming communities have become spoiled cunts. At this rate 343 should drop all the coding and materials over to anybody who bitches and just say, "Here's the tools, make what you want with them."

What a fuckin' embarrassment this all is.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
They've catered to us? You're delusional. Sorry bro.

Maybe if you had a lighter inside your ass, you'd be able to see it.

I'm an idiot? You're the one making assumptions about a community that you know nothing about.

I like how you call me an idiot for making "assumptions" while you made them yourself. I've been part of these try-hard communities before. They're nothing more than the online gaming equivalent to a High School football jock. Are some of them smart, yeah. Some of them are fantastic to be around. But a good amount seem to worship themselves for small feats and look down on others. Let alone know how to change a lightbulb.

Are we the only people who play the games? No. But we are the people who are left on the games after all you casuals jump ship and play the newest BS on the market.

And there's the mentality of the usual Halo Tourney try-hards. Casuals =/= people who jump ship to new games. Casuals can stay around a again as long as the servers are up. I like to consider myself a casual player, and I own every game I've ever purchased (Even Destiny).  I come back to all of them to play.

And what exactly is "the newest BS on the market" ? The new RPG? The new CoD? While I might agree on disliking some of those games, they're far from being shit. I've even found myself to enjoy the newest Call of Duty. Once again, the entitled opinion of a Halo Try-hard thinking they're btter than everyone else.

You keep calling me a try hard like its some kind of insult. I love the fact that I do in fact TRY to win when playing the game. Sorry bro, thats why the scoreboard is there.

You play a plethora of games. Thats fine. But ALL I play is Halo (and occasionally some madden), but 95% of what I play is Halo.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
I feel like an old son of a bitch when I look at stuff like this. A good 5-7 years back maybe I would have been more invested about this stuff and made a big huffy.

Now? Not worth it. Never was. And all this pointless whining and bitching only cements my feeling of being an elderly gamer. God damn when the fuck did people just not enjoy a game for what it was? Back before forums were a thing and if something wasn't quite right people just rolled with it.

Jesus fuck gaming communities have become spoiled cunts. At this rate 343 should drop all the coding and materials over to anybody who bitches and just say, "Here's the tools, make what you want with them."

What a fuckin' embarrassment this all is.

"Just be happy for what we have"

Fuck that. I'm tired of being spoon fed SHIT since 2007. Its bullshit.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,090 posts
ITT: PSU still trying to cram his own ideal play style down everyone else's throats

I'm trying to cram CLASSIC halo down your throats.

If Halo Reach and Halo 4 were even remotely successful, I'd agree with you guys. But they tried to add AA's and Sprint and it was a colossal failure.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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10k Peak population after 3 months.

You guys are right. 343 is great for Halo. Everything they do is great! No changes are needed.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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But even then, How come all these map and game designers suck dick at their own game? How exactly does knowing about game design translate to any part of the competitive part of the game. Other than the "pro team" whos the best player at 343? their community manager?
Holy fuck, I want to hit myself in the head with a shovel after reading this. Game developers, specifically ones who make FPSs, usually aren't all that good at playing their own game competitively. That's been a thing since FPS were invented. Have you ever played against a Bungie employee, they weren't so good themselves.

That exact reason is why that hired the pro team. Have you seriously stumped down to the "lol theier shit players, i kno 2 pleh bettur "? Put your dick away man, it ain't that big.

No, the Pro team were PR hires. We all know it.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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