So I played Destiny.

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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Yes this is one of these again.

In 2012 we heard our first news of Bungie's next big game, "Destiny". Over the next months more and more was teased about the game and it sounded mysterious and interesting, a mythic sci fi adventure from the creators of Halo. Fast forward to September 2014 and.... Yeah that happened.

Destiny is set during an unknown time in the future, centuries after the discovery of a giant floating ball called "The Traveler" that kicked off humanities "golden age" that only lasted so long because "The Darkness" (no not the awesome band) came and almost succeeded in wiping Humanity if not for the Traveler sacrificing itself.
 Humanity survived but has limped on centuries after failing to rebuild beyond a a city that's located right under what remains of the Traveler. That's where you come in, you play as a Guardian, a corpse resurrected by a "Ghost" (little pocket sized floating robots) who's job it is to keep Humanity safe by killing several alien factions;

The Fallen: Some kind of spider people who don't have much story, other than "They're aliens so shoot them".

The Hive: Space Undead who supposedly post a serious threat despite their small impact on events, yes another race not given a motive or a background other than "space zombies, shoot them".

The Cabal: Basically Bungie decided to combine the Hunters and Brutes from Halo like some child with that one Lego set. Unlike the Hive and Fallen we know a bit about them. The Cabal are a militaristic race hell bend on conquering other planets.

The Vex: Robotic rape children between Daleks and Geth that worship the Darkness. Turns out these are the main big bad guys of the story, which is a disappointment since they aren't given much character.

The Main story is very lacking, Story missions only take 15 minutes to complete on average and there is little to no character development or solid plot. It feels as though the story was cut to get the game out on release date. The story felt shorter than Halo 3 ODST on easy and was far less satisfying.

Another thing that left an unsatisfied taste in my mouth was the lack of locations.

The Tower, so this is like your main hub, why is it a main hub? Fuck knows, I feel like more was planned for this area than what we got, the area you where restricted to in the beta is what you get on release, there really isn't much to it other than turning in engrams for special gear and taking on a bounty.

Old Russia looks like it was taken from a scrapped COD4 map, probably the worst location in the game, I'll let the dull brown colour pallet speak for itself.

The Moon looks like (you guessed it!) the fucking Moon, apart from a giant glowing crater (which is left unexplained btw) off in the distance, the moon is as dull and boring as you might expect.

Venus, probably the first interesting place you come to, the art department did a good job, then again when do jungle environments ever look boring?

Next up is Mars, possibly my favourite location in the game, unlike the other locations it feels more open and expansive however that changes when you hit an invisible wall. Way to ruin the experience Bungie.

And Finally Mercury.  Yeah there is no Mercury, that was all just a sales pitch.

Rings of Saturn? Ruins of Chicago? That city buried under the snow? C'mon the derelict ships? Yeah none of that, there is more to explore in the first Mass Effect than in Destiny, either that was a sales pitch or Bungie did a lot of content cutting

Despite the games short comings the game play is at least fluid and fun. The only thing that stops you wanting to pick up the game and keep playing is that by level 16 you've been to all the locations more than once and story missions & patrols tread the same ground over and over, there is really nothing new to explore once you've beat the main story other than doing a strike.

Strikes are missions that are supposed to challenge the player, they take place in some kind of enemy stronghold that you must battle through until you get to the end boss. They can be fun with the right team of guys but that fun quickly turns to sheer fucking boredom once you get the the boss. Boss battles in strikes are a fucking grind, they only challenge involved is balancing the endless horde of yellow bar enemies while trying to dodge one hit kill shots from an over sized damage sponge.

Character customisation
Other games have done it better.
Bungie could have borrowed elements from other triple A titles such as Mass Effect or Skyrim, but they didn't, character customisation feels very restricted.

Mass Effect has Destiny beat in Facial customisation

Halo 4 (yes Halo 4) has better armour customisation
COD: Black Ops 2 has much better weapon customisation


Generic run of the mill shooter, fun for a while but I don't see it lasting after the next Halo or COD is released.

Over all opinion.

Big disappointment, no not because I expected too much, after Aliens: CM I don't expect much from the game industry any more, however what we where told and promised didn't live up to the final product. There was obviously a lot of content cut from the final game, the story wasn't flushed out, the factions and characters where not given much of a story/background, planets where given 1 small area each to explore, ship customisation isn't a thing and so on.

So over all, yeah get the game to see for yourself, you may like it more than I did but I don't recommend paying full price for a game that doesn't deliver. I don't see Bungies latest "10 year game" lasting more than 10 months and that's including the two expansions they have planned.

You will probably have more fun playing an unmodded Skyrim for the 50th time that you will playing through your second character in Destiny.


True Turquoise
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fuck you

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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True Turquoise
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fuck you

Is that good or bad?

you was honest. I like that. But I dont have a opinion on the game because I've not played it. But from what I've read.... yeah

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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Is that good or bad?

you was honest. I like that. But I dont have a opinion on the game because I've not played it. But from what I've read.... yeah
If you want to play it wait until the Christmas sales. It's not worth the full price tag.

True Turquoise
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XBL: Anora Whisper
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25,385 posts
fuck you

Is that good or bad?

you was honest. I like that. But I dont have a opinion on the game because I've not played it. But from what I've read.... yeah
If you want to play it wait until the Christmas sales. It's not worth the full price tag.

I think I'll wait for other games. It looks cool, but I was never intrested in it all that much.

velox | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: True Velox
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I'm guessing more content will be added in DLC.

Which isn't exactly good, but at least I think that we haven't seen everything.

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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I'm guessing more content will be added in DLC.

Which isn't exactly good, but at least I think that we haven't seen everything.

I don't like having to pay for DLC that should have been part of the main game, I think the two DLCs will give a little bit of story to the Hive and Fallen since they where just there to shoot at in the main game.

velox | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: True Velox
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6,728 posts
I'm guessing more content will be added in DLC.

Which isn't exactly good, but at least I think that we haven't seen everything.

I don't like having to pay for DLC that should have been part of the main game, I think the two DLCs will give a little bit of story to the Hive and Fallen since they where just there to shoot at in the main game.
I agree with you. I'm not trying to defend Bungie here, I'm just trying to give a possible explanation.

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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I'm guessing more content will be added in DLC.

Which isn't exactly good, but at least I think that we haven't seen everything.

I don't like having to pay for DLC that should have been part of the main game, I think the two DLCs will give a little bit of story to the Hive and Fallen since they where just there to shoot at in the main game.

I agree with you. I'm not trying to defend Bungie here, I'm just trying to give a possible explanation.
Oh there's no question that the main story was dissected and separated to make several DLC's. I would have expected this thing from another company, then again the warning bells rang when Bungie offed two of their golden geese (Joe and Marty).
Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 12:36:18 PM by Kiyohime

Statefarm | Heroic Invincible!
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Moms spaghetti
I like it, it's not 5/10. Maybe 6/10 lowest. 8.5/10 max though.

Kinder Graham | Respected Invincible!
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Well it's a new game afterall. I didn't have any hype for it and din't pay attention to all the stuff they were revealing months ago and I'm rather happy with the game. Playing for a couple days, on level 12, and just completed the Earth and half of the moon missions. I actually get the storyline, but it's not a traditional story. It's the type of story gained from learning about what happened in the past; that type of deal. My guess is that Bungie may have failed to deliver on some parts, but the voice of the community telling them what they need to fix will make the next installment better. Building a new series from the ground up is something always difficult to do and there's no way to see how the audience will react to something they've never played

I'm probably like the only person here not giving Bungie a whole bunch of shit because I can see from their perspectives of all the hassle they need to go through

There's supposed to be 4 expansion packs, with the first in December and the 2nd around early-mid 2015

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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I like it, it's not 5/10. Maybe 6/10 lowest. 8.5/10 max though.
It gets its 5 points for the attempt, game play and design.

The rest falls short. Shit try Bungie, no fucking cigar.

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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Well it's a new game afterall. I didn't have any hype for it and din't pay attention to all the stuff they were revealing months ago and I'm rather happy with the game. Playing for a couple days, on level 12, and just completed the Earth and half of the moon missions. I actually get the storyline, but it's not a traditional story. It's the type of story gained from learning about what happened in the past; that type of deal. My guess is that Bungie may have failed to deliver on some parts, but the voice of the community telling them what they need to fix will make the next installment better. Building a new series from the ground up is something always difficult to do and there's no way to see how the audience will react to something they've never played

I'm probably like the only person here not giving Bungie a whole bunch of shit because I can see from their perspectives of all the hassle they need to go through

There's supposed to be 4 expansion packs, with the first in December and the 2nd around early-mid 2015
The story was utter shit, not because it didn't have a traditional narrative (I am a Dark Souls fan after all), the story literally wasn't flushed out, the game never answered any questions, it raised and raised and raised questions but it never gave any hints of what was next, what the conclusion is or any answers.

Like I said, the main story was dissected just so they could sell DLC. It being a new game really doesn't excuse that.

I'm not giving Bungie shit because I expected too much, I'm giving the game shit because it falls short of what a triple A game at full price should be. The fact that Bungie halted reviews until well after the games release should ring some warning bells.

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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Apparently Bungie is going to be releasing more story missions for free if their update is anything to go by. So it looks like the story isnt over yet. I'm hoping they'll actually flesh out this bare bones story and give us something interesting. There's a few cut scene pieces from trailers that weren't actually in the game like the the fallen brother pulling his gun on you in old Russia and going to what looks like mercury. Plus there is a Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury section in the grimoire yet you never end up going to those places.
Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 01:21:22 PM by Lord Commissar

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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Apparently Bungie is going to be releasing more story missions for free if their update is anything to go by. So it looks like the story isnt over yet. I'm hoping they'll actually flesh out this bare bones story and give us something interesting. There's a few cut scene pieces from trailers that weren't actually in the game like the the fallen brother pulling his gun on you in old Russia and going to what looks like mercury. Plus there is a Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury section in the grimoire yet you never end up going to those places.
I hope you're right. If that's the case then I'll come back and do another review, but until then my opinion stands.

The game had/has a lot of potential, but so far it's fallen short.

Juuzou | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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I'm guessing more content will be added in DLC.

Which isn't exactly good, but at least I think that we haven't seen everything.

I don't like having to pay for DLC that should have been part of the main game, I think the two DLCs will give a little bit of story to the Hive and Fallen since they where just there to shoot at in the main game.
I think the thing with the DLC was more Activision's doing, but I do not know. Bungie is obviously going to shit with the people they have working there, so I could be wrong.
It doesn't really mater who's decision it was, we the customer are the ones getting fucked over. Like take you for example, you paid full price for a game you can't even play because of an issue Bungie can't seem to fix. Wasn't that what the Beta was for? To get the servers ready for release?

Juuzou | Mythic Inconceivable!
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I'm guessing more content will be added in DLC.

Which isn't exactly good, but at least I think that we haven't seen everything.

I don't like having to pay for DLC that should have been part of the main game, I think the two DLCs will give a little bit of story to the Hive and Fallen since they where just there to shoot at in the main game.
I think the thing with the DLC was more Activision's doing, but I do not know. Bungie is obviously going to shit with the people they have working there, so I could be wrong.
It doesn't really mater who's decision it was, we the customer are the ones getting fucked over. Like take you for example, you paid full price for a game you can't even play because of an issue Bungie can't seem to fix. Wasn't that what the Beta was for? To get the servers ready for release?

I'm gonna keep saying it. What we got wasn't a Beta. It was a demo. It's not fucking possible to gleam relevant data from only a mere week. Because what you do in a beta is, you take data, than shift things around and knock things over, and then rebuild things with your new knowledge.

Bungie basically just lobbed 25% of their game out there and called it a Beta.

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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It doesn't really mater who's decision it was, we the customer are the ones getting fucked over. Like take you for example, you paid full price for a game you can't even play because of an issue Bungie can't seem to fix. Wasn't that what the Beta was for? To get the servers ready for release?
Ya, I completely agree, I was just saying that the DLC bullshit, the rushed game, the rushed website, none of it would have probably happened if Bungie did not sign a contract to work with Activision. I am quite annoyed that I spent $60 for an unplayable game because it is always online and Bungie's servers are trash.
Again, something that the beta should have prepared themselves for. I wouldn't get Destiny for next gen if it didn't already come as part of a 3 game bundle with the xbone (I technically get it for free). I'm going to completely ignore the PS4 version. The game just isn't worth it in my opinion.

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Almost always, with moderation
I just don't understand why the game was released with a story that wasn't even fully developed and needs 2 expansion packs just for more missions that may or may not flesh it our some more. You think with all those promises Bungie would have delivered something better.

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"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." ― The Je'daii Code
It doesn't really mater who's decision it was, we the customer are the ones getting fucked over. Like take you for example, you paid full price for a game you can't even play because of an issue Bungie can't seem to fix. Wasn't that what the Beta was for? To get the servers ready for release?
Ya, I completely agree, I was just saying that the DLC bullshit, the rushed game, the rushed website, none of it would have probably happened if Bungie did not sign a contract to work with Activision. I am quite annoyed that I spent $60 for an unplayable game because it is always online and Bungie's servers are trash.

It's because Activision wants more money, why do you think that they don't want to push back destiny, it's because they want money, there is a reason why Activison will be the worst publisher and the only one i will really hate, money doesn't give you life, its not yours to marry, its helpful in occasions, i'm sick of people always being greedy.
Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 08:07:26 PM by CyberGama