Playing Elite Dangerous and reading up a few bulletine board posts. The system I'm wants Ludite. Okay, I'll go look for it.
Spend a while searching for places that sell Ludite. Finally find a system. LHS 3006. I check the distance in Elite Dangerous and it's only 9 jumps and 131 light years. I then look at the system information to see what is there. One planet, an asteroid belt, and two stations. One station is orbiting the star absurdly far out. I check the other station. It's orbiting the planet which is only .2 au from the star. The planet is named Vulcan. I check the station info and realized I had to go there.
9 jumps and 131 light years completed in just under 20 minutes with Genesis blasting the entire way. I stopped every star to top off my tanks and see if there is anything worth exploring. Save for the last one, it was a shitty L class dwarf that doesn't have delicious space gas. Nothing really of note so I continue my journey.
Finally, I arrive at my destination. An unassuming orange star with a single, solitary, lonely planet in close proximity. I make my way to the planet to see a magnificent set of broken rings. My destination was on the far side of the planet, just at the fulcrum of night and day. I coasted along the rings admiring the view, taking in what I was about to see.
[Safe disengage] blares on my HUD. I could drop out of Frame Shift and witness a magnificent sight.

I request docking and make my way to the station entrance. As I pass through the threshold into the docking area, I am greeted by the station name.

Welcome: Leonard Nimoy Station
By pure chance in my quest for space bucks, I discovered the Memorial to Leonard Nimoy. A single, solitary station orbiting a lonely desolate planet in a quiet and unassuming system. A location to serve as a homage to a man who helped make science fiction what it is today. A silent testament to all who happen on it while exploring, trading, or just adventuring. I was a bit touched when I dropped out of frame shit to behold that sight. It brought a smile to my face and I'm glad I made the journey.
Oh and my stable 60fps plummeted to 40 when I entered the station. It's obviously to fancy for my computer.