So Halo 4 was going to have killstreaks

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
speaking of thoughtcrime

i also had the "Thoughtcrime" xbox gamertag for a few months back in 2012ish but i changed it to Team Flag like an idiot

i am karjala takaisin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Niedopalek
ID: Ember
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9,154 posts
Ember used to be cool and funny

Now he's just gay
complaining about something when it got cut early on in a game's development is actually really retarded

Statefarm | Heroic Invincible!
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3,727 posts
Moms spaghetti

speaking of thoughtcrime

i also had the "Thoughtcrime" xbox gamertag for a few months back in 2012ish but i changed it to Team Flag like an idiot

Aw thats a sweet name to have

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
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2,576 posts
Maybe people are "throwing a fit", because it represents the rest of Halo 4's uncut and grotesque additions/inspirations perfectly.  Just a thought.

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts

speaking of thoughtcrime

i also had the "Thoughtcrime" xbox gamertag for a few months back in 2012ish but i changed it to Team Flag like an idiot

Aw thats a sweet name to have
yeah i "wtf'd" to myself when i found out it was available

True Turquoise
| MILF Hunter
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ID: True Turquoise
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25,385 posts
fuck you
I just want to play games....

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
ITT: People don't understand the process of designing a game and getting mad over features 343 decided to cut

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
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1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Maybe people are "throwing a fit", because it represents the rest of Halo 4's uncut and grotesque additions/inspirations perfectly.  Just a thought.
So something that no longer exists represents tangible features in a game?

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
IP: Logged

1,925 posts
People are still talking about Halo 4's multiplayer?

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
IP: Logged

2,576 posts
Maybe people are "throwing a fit", because it represents the rest of Halo 4's uncut and grotesque additions/inspirations perfectly.  Just a thought.
So something that no longer exists represents tangible features in a game?
It accurately represents where those tangible features got their inspirations from, yes.

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
IP: Logged

1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Maybe people are "throwing a fit", because it represents the rest of Halo 4's uncut and grotesque additions/inspirations perfectly.  Just a thought.
So something that no longer exists represents tangible features in a game?
It accurately represents where those tangible features got their inspirations from, yes.
You honestly think they built a prototype of a killstreak and then decided to add in custom loadouts and unlockables because of that now non-existent feature?

I feel like everyone here is a bit dense on the reasons behind Halo 4's "radical" changes.

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
IP: Logged

2,576 posts
Maybe people are "throwing a fit", because it represents the rest of Halo 4's uncut and grotesque additions/inspirations perfectly.  Just a thought.
So something that no longer exists represents tangible features in a game?
It accurately represents where those tangible features got their inspirations from, yes.
You honestly think they built a prototype of a killstreak and then decided to add in custom loadouts and unlockables because of that now non-existent feature?

I feel like everyone here is a bit dense on the reasons behind Halo 4's "radical" changes.
I didn't say those new features were derived from killstreaks.  I'm saying that they are all bastardized products of 343's entire design direction, and are united by the exact same inspiration.  This only makes it more clear the extent they went to, and the time they spent on implementation, in order to clone CoD/generic shooters.

I'm gonna go ahead and guess the people that are "throwing a fit" aren't too pleased with the final product for what it is, not for what was tested and scrapped.  It's not even a gripe about that one specific cut mechanic, even though you treat it like it is, but rather about all of the mechanics that did make the cut, and were drawn from the exact same source.

I don't get how you can look at this, and not understand how someone could possibly be upset with a direction that a form of media took and be a little disgusted when they see something furthering that (relatively) godawful direction.

Also, It's cute how you consider "the fuck?", "glad they scrapped it", and "why..." as "everyone having a fit".  Bit too defensive, there.
Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 06:44:24 PM by Cocos