So, after getting my Platinum in Arkham Knight...

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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Spoilers ahead.

This is sort of a review. But whatever.

Anyways, I've put my fair share of time into Arkham Knight. I've 100% the original story, with all the bad guys taken into custody. I've beaten the New Game +'s story mode. Got all stars on all the AR Challenge maps. Unlocked everything there is to unlock. Just like I have with Arkham Asylum, City and Origins. The game still carries everything I loved from the previous game's mechanics, but it also brings it's faults with it.

I'll start with the story.

It's probably the most fan-fiction Batman story I've witnessed in recent years (though, Batman V. Superman is sure to take it's place soon enough.) The opening section with the Joker is great, but is somewhat ruined by the MOTHERFUCKER who voices Jim Gordon. God, he is awful. He just sounds really fucking amateur in his delivery. "This is how it happened. This is how the Batman died." Gross. Moving on...

We get an introduction to Scarecrow, who is thankfully brought to life by an excellent voice actor. The opening of the game is no Arkham City, but it gets the job done.

Once we finally get to play as Batman, things take a nosedive into snoozeville. Firstly, he looks so out-of-fucking-place with his Arkham City costume. While it DEFINITELY looks better here than it did in City, he still looks like he's wearing pajamas, IDGAF.

You go rescue some cop, you get into the batmobile, and you find out Poison Ivy is being held hostage. Rescue her, and you're introduced to the game's biggest gameplay flaw: battlemode. Not only does it make no CANONICAL sense for Batman to have a fucking tank, as he's literally hoplophobic, the Arkham Knight is so ridiculously stupid that he makes the opposing tanks UNMANNED. He fucking KNOWS that Batman doesn't kill, yet he goes out of his way to buy billions of dollars worth of unmanned fireworks. His justification? "I would be in there myself but, you'd only hold back." Why the fuck do you care if he holds back? You claim you just want him dead, you moron. Ugh.

Again, moving on.

Once you're introduced to the battle mode, it's a nice change of pace. While not as refined as the combat or predator mechanics, it somewhat fits in with what we're used to. My main gripe isn't how the battlemode works, it's how much it's used. A good 60% of the riddler trophies need the batmobile to finish them, there are several puzzles that require you to slide up and down buildings in the most ridiculous way possible. I guess my main gripe with both it's function (Battlemode) usage and canonicity is that it all feels contrived. Why would Arkham Knight need tanks to take control of a mostly abandoned city? So that we can justify Batman needing a tank. It just makes no sense, really. And the rest of the game suffers as a result of the overreliance on the batmobile. Yeah, pursuit mode can be fun, but I'm so bloody tired of fighting waves of tanks in place of a fun and challenging boss battle, like Ra's al Ghul or Solomon Grundy. And that's another thing.

Boss battles suck. They amount to:
-various tanks for you to sneak up behind and eliminate.
-shitty predator rooms

That's it.

Back to the story.

After you bring Ivy to GCPD, you have to go get your new suit. Which thankfully, looks awesome. For once, Batman actually looks cool. He has a menacing walk, whereas in Asylum/City, it always looked like he had a stick up his ass. My only real complaint with the costume is that the cowl's mouth slits go up the cheekbones a little too high. But whatever, I'm fine with everything else.

The game tasks you with finding out where Scarecrow is creating his toxic bubble blast, and logically, the only place where he could do this is ace chemicals. I don't know why we didn't just go there in the first place instead of wasting an hour of gameplay finding out how to jump out of a floor grate and press square. But I digress, because this is one of the game's finest sections.

The entire Ace Chemicals plant chapter is really, really, good. We get an introduction to Arkham Knight, who at first, is actually pretty cool. I mean, he's ruined more and more as the game goes on, but for now, he's menacing and interesting. He knows all your moves before you make them, and he goes on a rant about where his men should shoot their weapons based on armour plating weak points (I don't know how he could know where the weaknesses are considering this is the newest model of the Batsuit, but whatever. It's cool).

He goes away, there's some expositional dialogue between Scarecrow and Knight about why Knight hates you.  Eventually, you have to use the batmobile in a pretty contrived (again) way to get down to the basement where scarecrow is turning the main generator room into his own personal hot box of fear toxin. Once you get to him, he seemingly surrenders, you try to turn off the generator making his bomb, and then you realise it's a trap. He locks you in Bob Marley's garage on Halloween, and you're tasked with reducing the bomb's radius to only the chemical plant. Slowly, the fear toxin starts to leak, where it can now be absorbed through the air. Just as you're about to finish the job, you turn around and find joker has a gun trained on your head. Yup, Joker.

Anyways, it turns out that he's a figment of your imagination and has manifested in your consciousness via the fear ganja. At first, I was scared by it. I didn't expect it. However, my second thought was.

"Really...? That's how you're going to play this, Rocksteady?"

At that point, you've reduced the blast radius to the plant and must get out in time.

So in recap, not only has Rocksteady cheaply brought back Joker (AGAIN), they've also ruined any of the stakes they set up beforehand. Within the first two hours, the game destroys it's own sense of urgency. The blast radius was going to affect the entire eastern coast, but now it's just a small plant that no one is in. Yay.

And the game just goes downhill from there. The Arkham Knight is given way too much spotlight. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but it is because every time we see more of him he gets a) more whiny as a character, therefore losing any intimidation he had before, and b) more obvious as a character. By the end of the game, you simply aren't expecting him to be Jason Todd because the game so heavily sets up that character arc. You end up thinking "No, there's no way Rocksteady is going to make the Arkham Knight Jason Todd. They're better than that." Nope, they're not. Not only did they lie about AK being an entirely new character, they butchered Jason Todd as a byproduct of their unoriginality. His change to the "Good side" is so jarring at the end that it leaves an awful taste in your mouth.

Scarecrow doesn't get nearly as much screen time but is a much better character this time around. Joker gets the most screen time a-fucking-gain.

I'm literally so tired of this. We get it! Joker and Batman are one in the same! The reveal here (and for Jason Todd) are so bad. Honestly, Origins did the Joker reveal better than Rocksteady did here. That's...bad news bears.

Anyways, I'm tired of ranting. Here are some other gripes I have in an easier to digest format.

-Side missions suck in comparison to City. Not only are there less, they feature shit-tier villains like Deacon Blackfire and Firefly.
-Hush is butchered as a character
-a fraction of the challenge maps that ought to be in the game. there are 3 challenge maps. The rest will be sold as fucking DLC. Fuck WB, man.
-riddler trophies are god awful. Worse than City, and less of them too. "Quality over quantity" my ass, RS.
-You can't play as Robin, Catwoman, Azrael or Nightwing in any of the challenge maps. No doubt for DLC purposes
-No Superman cameo
-Deathstroke's boss battle sucks fucking balls

I'm sure there's more but like I said I'm tired.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
Sorry for the incoherent mess of thoughts. I had to get this shit off my chest.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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Where did riddler get all the money for those race tracks

And does he ever give you the banana?

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Where did riddler get all the money for those race tracks

And does he ever give you the banana?

That's what I'm saying. Maybe the stock market.

And no, he never does. Fucking horseshit.

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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I was really disappointed that we didn't actually fight Deathstroke. Like that was just a big fuck you making you do another fucking tank battle.

And holy shit I'm so tired of the fucking collection quests. I don't know about you guys but I was really annoyed when I saw that we had to collect even more riddler trophies.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
I was really disappointed that we didn't actually fight Deathstroke. Like that was just a big fuck you making you do another fucking tank battle.
Especially since he has really, really good dialogue in this game. Such a shame to waste a good character like that.

I swear at one point he was making fun of Todd for using a tank to take out Batman, and said he wouldn't make that mistake.
And holy shit I'm so tired of the fucking collection quests. I don't know about you guys but I was really annoyed when I saw that we had to collect even more riddler trophies.
What do you mean? Like the firefighter missions?

And are you pissed that you had to collect riddler trophies at all in this game?
Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 07:10:31 PM by Snake Wilson

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Just the trophies and breakables you had to find for riddler. I really don't like collecting them and I can't imagine many people do.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
Just the trophies and breakables you had to find for riddler. I really don't like collecting them and I can't imagine many people do.

No, especially considering most of them are completely trash in comparison to previous games. Asylum's were the best, Origins were second, City and then Knight. Which is a such a cocktease because RS said that they were going for "quality over quantity". Neither are present.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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Oh, hey.
I'm at 98% still doing riddle trophies.

Fucking hate how much the batmobile was used. Although it's fun to simply drive around, it was mental how much combat you had to go through with the bat mobile. Although fun to start, it gets old.

Also, Deathstroke and Red Hood/Arkham Knight/Jason Todd "boss battles" were incredibly lame.

One of my favorite moments however was the quick Hush side mission. It was something I was not expecting and was delightful surprised, although I had hoped he had a bigger role, it was an original way of putting him into the mix.

The camera play they used in the game however was top notch. Easily one of the best moments was after the flashback to joker shooting oracle, your reading the wall and you turn around and your back in the clock tower. It was so smooth and so well done. As well as the joker pop ups that were pretty well placed and contextual.

Manbat was a nice change of pace and was also different in how it was executed. When he first made his appearance I was grappling up a building, I nearly shit my pants lol.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
One of my favorite moments however was the quick Hush side mission. It was something I was not expecting and was delightful surprised, although I had hoped he had a bigger role, it was an original way of putting him into the mix.
I just thought it was kinda ruining what City had setup. Especially since Hush is supposed to be a somewhat physical character (like, on-par with Batman).

The camera play they used in the game however was top notch. Easily one of the best moments was after the flashback to joker shooting oracle, your reading the wall and you turn around and your back in the clock tower. It was so smooth and so well done. As well as the joker pop ups that were pretty well placed and contextual.
I agree, but it's so overused. It loses it's affect on me halfway through the game.

Manbat was a nice change of pace and was also different in how it was executed. When he first made his appearance I was grappling up a building, I nearly shit my pants lol.
I agree, same thing happened to me. The jump scares were plentiful in the game. My gripe with the Manbat shit though was that it takes like 5 minutes to do.

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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I did really like that elevator trick they pulled with hush.

I thought that batman just changed really quick lmao.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more. I actually liked the Batmobile's implementation in the Riddler challenges and puzzles. On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker, and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

I had the same reaction to the Arkham Knight thing.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.

Manbat made me jump out of my seat when I was grappling.

The Joker Blood thing was stupid

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.
I was mostly disappointed because we didn't get this Hush.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more.
So did I, although they should have made Pursuit mode a faster way of transportation. Gliding is still the fastest way to get to places.

On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker,
Same here buddy. Especially this.

and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

And none of them are all that great.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.
I could take or leave the movie studios section. The Jason Todd shit was some of the worst foreshadowing, in hindsight. I really liked Johnny Charisma, though.

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.
I really preferred Asylum over City, but it's honestly a tossup. There are aspects of both games that I enjoy more than the other, but Asylum felt more contained and Batman-y. I still get goosebumps over the Zsasz audio files.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
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6,179 posts
I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.
I was mostly disappointed because we didn't get this Hush.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more.
So did I, although they should have made Pursuit mode a faster way of transportation. Gliding is still the fastest way to get to places.

On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker,
Same here buddy. Especially this.

and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

And none of them are all that great.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.
I could take or leave the movie studios section. The Jason Todd shit was some of the worst foreshadowing, in hindsight. I really liked Johnny Charisma, though.

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.
I really preferred Asylum over City, but it's honestly a tossup. There are aspects of both games that I enjoy more than the other, but Asylum felt more contained and Batman-y. I still get goosebumps over the Zsasz audio files.

THen there's this gem: "this is merely check, detective. I'll be mating you soon. Wait - I meant Chess! Chess, you base, gutter-minded savage!"
Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 10:10:33 PM by Mmmmm Napalm

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.
I was mostly disappointed because we didn't get this Hush.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more.
So did I, although they should have made Pursuit mode a faster way of transportation. Gliding is still the fastest way to get to places.

On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker,
Same here buddy. Especially this.

and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

And none of them are all that great.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.
I could take or leave the movie studios section. The Jason Todd shit was some of the worst foreshadowing, in hindsight. I really liked Johnny Charisma, though.

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.
I really preferred Asylum over City, but it's honestly a tossup. There are aspects of both games that I enjoy more than the other, but Asylum felt more contained and Batman-y. I still get goosebumps over the Zsasz audio files.

THen there's this gem: "this is merely check, detective. I'll be mating you soon. Wait - I meant Chess! Chess, you base, gutter-minded savage!"

Oh man, that's actually awesome. I never heard it in game, though...

I forgot to mention that I really liked Joker's line on Catwoman.

"When did Ms. Kyle becomes so attractive? It must have been when I started looking at her through your eyes."

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
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ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.
I was mostly disappointed because we didn't get this Hush.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more.
So did I, although they should have made Pursuit mode a faster way of transportation. Gliding is still the fastest way to get to places.

On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker,
Same here buddy. Especially this.

and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

And none of them are all that great.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.
I could take or leave the movie studios section. The Jason Todd shit was some of the worst foreshadowing, in hindsight. I really liked Johnny Charisma, though.

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.
I really preferred Asylum over City, but it's honestly a tossup. There are aspects of both games that I enjoy more than the other, but Asylum felt more contained and Batman-y. I still get goosebumps over the Zsasz audio files.

THen there's this gem: "this is merely check, detective. I'll be mating you soon. Wait - I meant Chess! Chess, you base, gutter-minded savage!"

Oh man, that's actually awesome. I never heard it in game, though...

I forgot to mention that I really liked Joker's line on Catwoman.

"When did Ms. Kyle becomes so attractive? It must have been when I started looking at her through your eyes."

I'm really disappointed they didn't end up going with the plan they originally had for Riddler's design, where he starts as you see him on the screens, but deteriorates as you complete his challenges, gradually becoming more stressed, sweaty, and dirty, until he looks as his in-person character model does. Instead, they just made it so he has two different character models throughout the entire game.
Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 10:17:37 PM by Mmmmm Napalm

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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I agree with most of what you said. I still love the game though. Best game this year so far IMO, right behind TW3. I also think it's the best game in the series. Right behind Arkham City.

Also. Is that Pyg Man side mission not the creepiest thing ever?

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
I agree with most of what you said. I still love the game though. Best game this year so far IMO, right behind TW3. I also think it's the best game in the series. Right behind Arkham City.
I don't even... the story is trash. How can it be second best to you?

I'm just at a loss for words, really.

Also. Is that Pyg Man side mission not the creepiest thing ever?
Yeah, but I didn't really like it all that much, to be honest.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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I enjoyed the story. It's not trash. But not amazing. Asylum had a good story, but it was much more focused than the other 3 games. Origins just screamed cash grab all around. I enjoyed it, but it was sub-par all around. I had freezing and framerate problems, the graphics were downgraded compared to City, and even Asylum. They also had a different look. Like almost a more cartoonish art style. The story was shorter. The tacked on MP was awful. Just not that good of a game compared to the others.

Also keep in mind. It doesn't matter if Knight has the best story in the series, or the worst. Story isn't the deciding factor, or end all.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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1,507 posts
I agree with most of what you said. I still love the game though. Best game this year so far IMO, right behind TW3. I also think it's the best game in the series. Right behind Arkham City.
I don't even... the story is trash. How can it be second best to you?

I'm just at a loss for words, really.

Also. Is that Pyg Man side mission not the creepiest thing ever?
Yeah, but I didn't really like it all that much, to be honest.
Also, cool fact. If you didn't know. If you set the date to 12-13-14 on your console and go to Calendar Man in Arkham City he has some new dialogue. Ending it with... "I was there at your beginning and I will be there at your end"

In the Knightfall Protocol ending, you can see him standing in the crowd in front of Wayne Manor.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
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ID: Mmmmm Napalm
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6,179 posts
I agree with most of what you said. I still love the game though. Best game this year so far IMO, right behind TW3. I also think it's the best game in the series. Right behind Arkham City.

Also. Is that Pyg Man side mission not the creepiest thing ever?
The Professor Pyg side mission disturbed the hell outta me, that's for sure.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
I enjoyed the story. It's not trash.

It is trash, though.

I had freezing and framerate problems, the graphics were downgraded compared to City, and even Asylum.
Arkham Knight on PC is even worse than Origins.
On consoles, Origins is the best looking of the 3.

They also had a different look. Like almost a more cartoonish art style. The story was shorter. The tacked on MP was awful. Just not that good of a game compared to the others.
Origins has a more realistic art style that I enjoyed, as well as a more serious and better-performed story than the other 2. The MP was tolerable with friends but for the most part, yeah. It was shit. Kind of sucks because those trophies are the only ones holding me back from a Platinum /:

Also keep in mind. It doesn't matter if Knight has the best story in the series, or the worst. Story isn't the deciding factor, or end all.
But... it is, in this sense.
Knight doesn't do much to deviate from stuff that City already established, gameplay-wise. And the stuff it does (batmobile) sucks.
So, what we have essentially is Arkham City, with worse gameplay, and a worse story. I can deal with the Batmobile, but the story is god-awful.

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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3,143 posts
I actually enjoyed the game, though I will say it was shamefully overhyped.  The boss battles from the previous games are nonexistent, the Robin/Nightwing/Catwoman gameplay was a letdown, and the fucking Batmobile felt like it was being shoved down my throat.

And to be honest, I wasn't let down by the Arkham Knight himself, since I called Jason Todd/Red Hood being the villain.  Given how they brought out some unknown villains as bosses for the Gotham's Most Wanted, I probably would have been more surprised if the Knight was someone like Wraith or something.  Or imagine if it was Hush, since he's going complete out of his way to be Bruce,  so why not imitate the Batman as well?

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
I enjoyed the story. It's not trash.

It is trash, though.

I had freezing and framerate problems, the graphics were downgraded compared to City, and even Asylum.
Arkham Knight on PC is even worse than Origins.
On consoles, Origins is the best looking of the 3.

They also had a different look. Like almost a more cartoonish art style. The story was shorter. The tacked on MP was awful. Just not that good of a game compared to the others.
Origins has a more realistic art style that I enjoyed, as well as a more serious and better-performed story than the other 2. The MP was tolerable with friends but for the most part, yeah. It was shit. Kind of sucks because those trophies are the only ones holding me back from a Platinum /:

Also keep in mind. It doesn't matter if Knight has the best story in the series, or the worst. Story isn't the deciding factor, or end all.
But... it is, in this sense.
Knight doesn't do much to deviate from stuff that City already established, gameplay-wise. And the stuff it does (batmobile) sucks.
So, what we have essentially is Arkham City, with worse gameplay, and a worse story. I can deal with the Batmobile, but the story is god-awful.
Ok, fuck quoting each individual line. Sorry about that.

Anyways. I enjoyed the story. I did. If you think it's trash, that's fine. But I disagree. I know the PC port is shit. And that's a shame. But I'm not playing on PC so I don't really care, as it doesn't affect me. I can agree Origins had a more serious story than Asylum or City. Not sure about it being better though. And a realistic art style? I've been looking at pictures. It looks toned down. Not more realistic. The snow looks like a plastic texture covering the ground. Gone are the pools of water collecting light from Arkham City. At least in the pictures I saw. Heck, even Batman's suit looks plastic. The Batmobile I enjoyed. I don't think it sucks. I think it's overused. So there you have it.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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I know the PC port is shit. And that's a shame. But I'm not playing on PC so I don't really care, as it doesn't affect me.
So then why bring up issues about Origins being shit on PC if you're not going to apply the same standards to Knight?

I can agree Origins had a more serious story than Asylum or City. Not sure about it being better though.
I never said it was better than City or Asylum. Just more serious. Although, it is much better than Knight.

And a realistic art style? I've been looking at pictures. It looks toned down. Not more realistic.




It's pretty obvious, dude...

The snow looks like a plastic texture covering the ground. Gone are the pools of water collecting light from Arkham City.
Which has nothing to do with art style...

The Batmobile I enjoyed. I don't think it sucks. I think it's overused. So there you have it.
So did I. It just doesn't have a good place in the game. Pursuit mode is functional, but battle mode literally makes no sense.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
I know the PC port is shit. And that's a shame. But I'm not playing on PC so I don't really care, as it doesn't affect me.
So then why bring up issues about Origins being shit on PC if you're not going to apply the same standards to Knight?

I can agree Origins had a more serious story than Asylum or City. Not sure about it being better though.
I never said it was better than City or Asylum. Just more serious. Although, it is much better than Knight.

And a realistic art style? I've been looking at pictures. It looks toned down. Not more realistic.




It's pretty obvious, dude...

The snow looks like a plastic texture covering the ground. Gone are the pools of water collecting light from Arkham City.
Which has nothing to do with art style...

The Batmobile I enjoyed. I don't think it sucks. I think it's overused. So there you have it.
So did I. It just doesn't have a good place in the game. Pursuit mode is functional, but battle mode literally makes no sense.
Hmm, I'm not sure, City just looked better to me. Could be art style, or just certain features. Eh.
And I wasn't talking about PC. Arkham Origins froze and lagged on my PS3. It was nothing game breaking thankfully. But it was unfortunate, considering I never had any problems with Asylum or City.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
I know the PC port is shit. And that's a shame. But I'm not playing on PC so I don't really care, as it doesn't affect me.
So then why bring up issues about Origins being shit on PC if you're not going to apply the same standards to Knight?

I can agree Origins had a more serious story than Asylum or City. Not sure about it being better though.
I never said it was better than City or Asylum. Just more serious. Although, it is much better than Knight.

And a realistic art style? I've been looking at pictures. It looks toned down. Not more realistic.




It's pretty obvious, dude...

The snow looks like a plastic texture covering the ground. Gone are the pools of water collecting light from Arkham City.
Which has nothing to do with art style...

The Batmobile I enjoyed. I don't think it sucks. I think it's overused. So there you have it.
So did I. It just doesn't have a good place in the game. Pursuit mode is functional, but battle mode literally makes no sense.
Hmm, I'm not sure, City just looked better to me. Could be art style, or just certain features. Eh.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed City/Asylum's art style, too. I just think that Origins was more realistic and a nice change of pace.

But it was unfortunate, considering I never had any problems with Asylum or City.
Asylum and City weren't as big or graphics-intensive as Origins, though.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
If you restructure it a little, this could be made into a News submission and a frontpage feature as a review of the game.

I'm sure you're right. But I don't have the energy to do that right now. Plus, anyone who wanrs to talk about my thoughts on the game can reply to me here.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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