Series that need to die

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
Super Mario

Obviously, Mario's never going to die. He's surpassed the likes of Mickey Mouse in terms of his notoriety. His face is so deeply ingrained in our culture that it would be foolish to expect the franchise to ever go away--but regardless, it should. We really don't need a Mario Kart 18, a Mario Party 47, and least of all, a "New" Super Mario Bros. title. It's really just the same schlock every year. The series peaked for me at Super Mario World--that game nearly perfected 2D platforming. Every future game in the series is basically just a rehash of SMW, but made worse. The heart and soul of the franchise is just gone, and it's getting a little bit sad to watch. I'd be glad if they put Mario to rest.

Pokémon (core series)

Don't get me wrong--I don't think Pokémon should die entirely. I just want them to kill the Pokémon formula. I don't want to have to get yet another eight badges to win the game. I don't want to have to purchase two (or three, or four!) of the same game just to "catch 'em all". I want more games like Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness--except actually make them good this time. At least those games had a plot that wasn't rooted in this get-eight-badges formula. And because it's getting a little ridiculous, I also want them to stop making new monsters at some point--maybe when they hit 1000. That seems like a good number to end on. I mean, they HAVE to stop at some point... right?


Yeah, I bet I triggered some of you. Let's face it--we don't need a Halo 9. We don't need a Halo 8. We don't even need a Halo 7. But you know what all these games have in common? They all have domain names registered by Microsoft. Does this confirm that Halo is going to go on for another four main installments? Not necessarily. But just the thought of having the series go up to 9 kinda makes me sick to my stomach.

FIFA, Madden, etc.

Okay, let's take a moment. Let's take a moment to be adults here. Do any of us want to pay $60 for the same exact game every single year? ...I didn't think so. Sports game are, by far, the biggest perpetrators of this in the entire gaming industry. There should only be one sports game for every sport--there doesn't need to be one every single year. Roster updates, bug fixes, AI improvements, and basically everything else can be solved with patches. But as long as people keep shelling out the money for these games every year, they're never gonna stop. So sleep tight knowing that.
Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 12:05:56 PM by Verbatim

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10,296 posts
AC, CoD, etc

Azure | Heroic Posting Rampage
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1,685 posts
The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.
I thought Halo was going to 6.

Of course, we'll get a spin off series but still.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
The explosion of Assassin's Creed games kinda baffles me. To my understanding, none of the games were particularly outstanding (never played one myself--just going off what I've heard). What's the deal?

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18,501 posts
The Rage....
Ass Creed

But really, Mario really needs to die

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6,568 posts
You either die a hero or live long enough to become Mythic..
I am completely fine with Halo 6 being the final installment in the MAIN franchise.

I want to see the Halo world still, just in a different light than the spartans. Give us a game focused on the covenant!

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours

The Halo series is like the Brundlefly at the end of the movie at this point. Just put it out of its micro-transactional misery.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
I disagree about Mario. You got Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy. And eventually the next big 3D one.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,736 posts
I only want Halo to continue because story

If it switched to novels-only and cancelled the games, that'd be fine by me

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I disagree about Mario. You got Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy. And eventually the next big 3D one.
I was never a fan of any of those, personally. SM64 being one of my least favorite Mario games of all time.

But I mean, whatever, valid point, I guess. I can't deny that they're all very unique in their own right.

Jim | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
I disagree about Mario. You got Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy. And eventually the next big 3D one.
I was never a fan of any of those, personally. SM64 being one of my least favorite Mario games of all time.

But I mean, whatever, valid point, I guess. I can't deny that they're all very unique in their own right.
I never played Sunshine. But I LOVE 64. And Galaxy 1 and 2 are some of my favorites. But yeah, not for everyone. I agree with the whole 2D Mario though. Besides ones like RPG or Paper Mario, it is getting old.

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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9,111 posts
If you know, you know.
Metal gear
Star Wars

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts

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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Borderlands could shuffle off the mortal coil and I wouldn't mind.

Cowadooty for obvious reasons.

Admitedly, yeah, Halo should go too. Baconshelf makes an interesting point about adopting comic books and books over games. though.

I seriously and honestly don't like the ring of Dark Souls 4. From should move onto new endevours after 3.

Five Nights at Freddy's should'nt have even gotten out of bed in the first place.

Like, the 20 madden and fifas need to stop now.

Mass Effect should have fucking stayed dead.

Mat Cauthon
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Aside from the aforementioned...

Final Fantasy
Is Legend of Zelda still going? If so, that.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Aside from the aforementioned...

Final Fantasy
Is Legend of Zelda still going? If so, that.

Dude, Fable hasn't even had a pulse since III. EEEZ DED, MANE

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
Aside from the aforementioned...

Final Fantasy
Is Legend of Zelda still going? If so, that.
Zelda? Kill yourself.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Zelda deserves another decade, I'd say.

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
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Aside from the aforementioned...

Final Fantasy
Is Legend of Zelda still going? If so, that.

Dude, Fable hasn't even had a pulse since III. EEEZ DED, MANE

Fable II Pub Games
Fable II    
Fable III    
Fable Heroes    
Fable: The Journey    
Fable Legends

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
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There have been over 10 Zelda games, if you think it doesn't need to die, then reconsider your stance if you've said Halo, CoD or any sports game.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Aside from the aforementioned...

Final Fantasy
Is Legend of Zelda still going? If so, that.

Dude, Fable hasn't even had a pulse since III. EEEZ DED, MANE

Fable II Pub Games
Fable II    
Fable III    
Fable Heroes    
Fable: The Journey    
Fable Legends

Nobody even played those. Or liked them.

The Fable fanbase knows that the series is dead. Those are just some desperate last heartbeats to try and lure something back.

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
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Aside from the aforementioned...

Final Fantasy
Is Legend of Zelda still going? If so, that.

Dude, Fable hasn't even had a pulse since III. EEEZ DED, MANE

Fable II Pub Games
Fable II    
Fable III    
Fable Heroes    
Fable: The Journey    
Fable Legends

Nobody even played those. Or liked them.

The Fable fanbase knows that the series is dead. Those are just some desperate last heartbeats to try and lure something back.
Well I guess that means...

It needs to die.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Aside from the aforementioned...

Final Fantasy
Is Legend of Zelda still going? If so, that.

Dude, Fable hasn't even had a pulse since III. EEEZ DED, MANE

Fable II Pub Games
Fable II    
Fable III    
Fable Heroes    
Fable: The Journey    
Fable Legends

Nobody even played those. Or liked them.

The Fable fanbase knows that the series is dead. Those are just some desperate last heartbeats to try and lure something back.
Well I guess that means...

It needs to die.

It's already technically and clinically dead.

Lionhead is just a ghost at this point. They don't know that they're actually dead. Don't worry. Give it a few more years.

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6,017 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
Battlefield. It went too far with the LA Police suddenly having RPG's to shoot criminals with assault weapons.

Bad Company could do with another spin off though.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
There have been over 10 Zelda games, if you think it doesn't need to die, then reconsider your stance if you've said Halo, CoD or any sports game.
Number of games isn't the only factor to consider when deciding whether a series should die, though. There coud be 100 Zelda games, and it would be okay if they all contained a radically different, refreshing experience.

Zelda is a franchise widely known to bend expectations, experiment, and take risks--only a couple games in the franchise could be described as "same-y".
Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 12:40:58 PM by Verbatim

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1,244 posts
"Ornate chandeliers suspended from a vaulted ceiling lit the spacious chamber; Jack tilted his gaze overhead and noticed how far away they were.  His thoughts wove around those bright lights, like a dance of ether masses spiraling in precious unison. Why must we try to clutch desperately for the mere threads of this world when we can clasp onto a tapestry of untold magnificence beyond this plane of existence?"
Assasins's Creed

Dragon Age Series

The Pokemon series should stop making new Pokemon immediately

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
Sports games and shooters are largely the same every game. Each Zelda game is a lot different. Mostly.