Riot Agrees, Bard is weak and as such is receiving major buffs on the PBE

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ID: Latsu15
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Bard is one of the most fun supports in the game but the problem is he only bring utility. He is like what Zyra is after Season 4. There are other Champions that do what he does better and his kit doesn't offer enough to justify his playstyle.

Bard is a support, one that is supposed to roam and make plays. The problem is his stun is a skillshot that lasts shorter than Taric's stun. His heal does marginal if you don't build AP. His Journey has a really long cooldown on the current patch and doesn't really offer much in terms of roaming presence because of its cooldown. His Ultimate is really the only good spell he has.

What I think should be done/is being done.

Buff his AP Ratio on his only damaging spell. - Q (Currently being changed)

Make his relics heal for more while it's not charged but debuff it's total heal. -W

Reduce the spells coodown. - E (Currently being changed)

Ultimate is just fine. - R (Maybe reduce the movement speed of the shot based upon how close bard throws it.)

Passive: They are reducing the cooldown for Meeps which is nice and they are increasing his base damage but currently he doesn't do any damage with anything. His slow is nice but takes until late game to exist in any significant manner.

Changes I'd like is to have chimes spawn a lot closer together so that pathing to get them is easier and doesn't take 6 minutes of waiting to chain chimes movement speed.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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This is about some weeb game isn't it?
League of Legends, I assume. My cousin plays it all the time, and he tells me I should play it but meh, MOBAs don't really grab my attention.

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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it isnt quite enough to make him FOTM, but its a nice series of buffs. hes still going to suffer from extremely poor base stats and awkard scaling- there is only one effective way to build him, and thats as a utility tank. itll be another couple of months before we start smoothing the wrinkles out and figuring out how to play him. lucian had similar issues on release and then he was the most overused champ in the game for a year.

there's a link to the buffs that you can peruse, also has other information about pbe patches. s@20 is a site you should have bookmarked if you're a league player

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
This is about some weeb game isn't it?
League of Legends, I assume. My cousin plays it all the time, and he tells me I should play it but meh, MOBAs don't really grab my attention.
dont play it. each game takes like 40 minutes on average between queue time/champ select/loading/game itself. its not friendly for newbies. ive been playing for over 2 years and i still dont own all the champs and runes i need. riot is a very abusive company and they mismanage the game horrendously.

if you want to get into a moba, either play dota 2 or smite. league isnt worth it unless you want to devote your entire life to it.

nosejob | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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I might get back into league when I get bored of bloodborne

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The Rage....
Still haven't seen anyone use Bard, surprisingly.