That's Pagl'than. Knowing Yoshi he'll just get lazy and turn all of it into a 20-minute dungeon like he did with Xelphatol.
"Rebalance" takeaways-They're going to tone down the button bloat-They'd like to raise the skill floor ("During the course of the 3.X series and the introduction of more actions the action rotation that was necessary for high DPS became very complex so we started seeing a big gap form regarding the skilled and casual players and we wanted to bring up the bottom.")-They'd like to add job specific UIs for managing your debuffs on targets.
All I heard was Othard, sorry.
For the confused english speaking viewers: This is a japanese tv series based off the real story of a Japanese FFXIV user. He got his dad (in his 60s) to play FFXIV and met him on game without telling his dad that it was him & led him all the way to the binding coils of bahamut. The japanese user told his story on his blog and that got made into a book, which is what this tv series is based of.
New emote is cute