No mans sky

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
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ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯

itt: morons who fell victim to the hype
Yes people fell for the hype but I'm thinking the majority of us fell for what was being said/shown.

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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11,899 posts
itt: morons who fell victim to the hype
Yes people fell for the hype but I'm thinking the majority of us fell for what was being said/shown.

Honestly more of you should have started calling bullshit when they kept showing the same pre-rendered trailers over and over again, refused to show off features they promised before release, and wouldn't actually say anything about the games core gameplay loop.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts

Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
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1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?

This is honestly the way I feel about this game.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts

I did not make it 30 seconds into that video.
It's satire, FYI. He's parodying people like AngryJoe and other loud opinionated idiots who just flock to hate this game because it's popular to do so.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
but yeah, listen to that angryjoe clip he threw in--"WAH, WE WERE FUCKING LIED TO!!!"

he genuinely sounds like a little fucking kid

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
ID: Stroud
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1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?

| Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
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6,172 posts
Why is the game giving refunds
Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 07:31:45 PM by Luis

Arren | Ascended Posting Riot
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ID: Arren
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658 posts
“I’ve become skeptical of the unwritten rule that just because a boy and girl appear in the same feature, a romance must ensue. Rather, I want to portray a slightly different relationship, one where the two mutually inspire each other to live - if I’m able to, then perhaps I’ll be closer to portraying a true expression of love.”
I've always thought that No Man's Sky looked really ambitious, but didn't have a lot of substance. The post-launch reception isn't dissuading that impression.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
but yeah, listen to that angryjoe clip he threw in--"WAH, WE WERE FUCKING LIED TO!!!"

he genuinely sounds like a little fucking kid
Well gamers were literally lied to. It's not a good thing to do. It's a horrible horrible practice, and I can't think of a game that's done it so badly like this since Colonial Marines.

People who spent $60 on it have every single right to be upset that the developers SAID that stuff was in the game. Instead of downplaying it, they pulled a Trump and kept doubling down again and again, and all they got was an unfinished Alpha game.

And even if you throw the false information aside, that's not excuse for how much the game costs with what little their is, along with just how shitty the game runs. So many bugs, crashes, horrible fov for people on console, etc. It's bad.
Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 07:57:03 PM by Luciana

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts

Are we entering the phase now where the No Mans Sky apologists come into dominance? I remember the same thing happening with Destiny. A bunch of hype, a bunch of promised shit and expectations, and all we get is a gutted game that's barebones.

You can enjoy a game that isn't all that great (and by that, I mean a barebones game, bugs, etc. Factual stuff that's there, not opinionated things like how fun you have exploring). It's something I never understood with people. You can like a game that's factually not finished (let alone crash a lot). There is no problem with that. But to be in denial and act like nothing is wrong and support them 100% without offering your own criticisms, is bonkers to me.

You're supporting a bad practice in the game industry that's already run wild where they release unfinished products because publishers are rushing them to all hell just to make their money, with little to no regards to the consumer. Hold the companies you love accountable while at the same time, enjoying the product. Not act like nothing is wrong at all and have to defend it 100%.

If you have a best friend that fucks up, are you going to say he did nothing wrong? Or call him out while still being there for him?

Edit: I like how he adds a "BUT" at the end of every single criticism he admits is in there (along with saying "but that's my opinion!" at every unpopular opinion he has of his own, as if to somehow distance himself from it), as if he needs to justify to himself why he doesn't love it 1000%.
Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 08:08:41 PM by Luciana

Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
ID: Stroud
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1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?

Are we entering the phase now where the No Mans Sky apologists come into dominance? I remember the same thing happening with Destiny. A bunch of hype, a bunch of promised shit and expectations, and all we get is a gutted game that's barebones.

You can enjoy a game that isn't all that great (and by that, I mean a barebones game, bugs, etc. Factual stuff that's there, not opinionated things like how fun you have exploring). It's something I never understood with people. You can like a game that's factually not finished (let alone crash a lot). There is no problem with that. But to be in denial and act like nothing is wrong and support them 100% without offering your own criticisms, is bonkers to me.

You're supporting a bad practice in the game industry that's already run wild where they release unfinished products because publishers are rushing them to all hell just to make their money, with little to no regards to the consumer. Hold the companies you love accountable while at the same time, enjoying the product. Not act like nothing is wrong at all and have to defend it 100%.

If you have a best friend that fucks up, are you going to say he did nothing wrong? Or call him out while still being there for him?

Edit: I like how he adds a "BUT" at the end of every single criticism he admits is in there (along with saying "but that's my opinion!" at every unpopular opinion he has of his own, as if to somehow distance himself from it), as if he needs to justify to himself why he doesn't love it 1000%.
Yeah, this seems to be common with youtubers who cover a specific game. Anyone else remember MoreConsole?

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯


Are we entering the phase now where the No Mans Sky apologists come into dominance? I remember the same thing happening with Destiny. A bunch of hype, a bunch of promised shit and expectations, and all we get is a gutted game that's barebones.

You can enjoy a game that isn't all that great (and by that, I mean a barebones game, bugs, etc. Factual stuff that's there, not opinionated things like how fun you have exploring). It's something I never understood with people. You can like a game that's factually not finished (let alone crash a lot). There is no problem with that. But to be in denial and act like nothing is wrong and support them 100% without offering your own criticisms, is bonkers to me.

You're supporting a bad practice in the game industry that's already run wild where they release unfinished products because publishers are rushing them to all hell just to make their money, with little to no regards to the consumer. Hold the companies you love accountable while at the same time, enjoying the product. Not act like nothing is wrong at all and have to defend it 100%.

If you have a best friend that fucks up, are you going to say he did nothing wrong? Or call him out while still being there for him?

Edit: I like how he adds a "BUT" at the end of every single criticism he admits is in there (along with saying "but that's my opinion!" at every unpopular opinion he has of his own, as if to somehow distance himself from it), as if he needs to justify to himself why he doesn't love it 1000%.
Yeah, this seems to be common with youtubers who cover a specific game. Anyone else remember MoreConsole?
I remember him from Bnet and his videos seem to be Halo Follower level of stupidity. One of his videos was talking about Halo 4 having duel welding as a possibility due to SP using duel pistols in a cut scene.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
but yeah, listen to that angryjoe clip he threw in--"WAH, WE WERE FUCKING LIED TO!!!"

he genuinely sounds like a little fucking kid
Well gamers were literally lied to. It's not a good thing to do. It's a horrible horrible practice, and I can't think of a game that's done it so badly like this since Colonial Marines.

People who spent $60 on it have every single right to be upset that the developers SAID that stuff was in the game. Instead of downplaying it, they pulled a Trump and kept doubling down again and again, and all they got was an unfinished Alpha game.

And even if you throw the false information aside, that's not excuse for how much the game costs with what little their is, along with just how shitty the game runs. So many bugs, crashes, horrible fov for people on console, etc. It's bad.
I get all that, Luci, but I'm just saying. There's being rightfully upset, and then there's being an entitled little petulant pissbaby about it. It's just annoying, and it makes it SO fucking difficult for people like me, who are completely neutral, to sympathize with anyone who's having a conniption fit over it. Let alone take them seriously.

Well-earthed people like hbomberguy (of Fallout 3 is Garbage fame) are much more tolerable to listen to, because their critiques are measured, reasonable, and delivered in a rational, calm, and fair-minded way. They don't just whine and cry about such and such lies, as if a couple lies during development completely invalidates the rest of the game.

Really. If people like hbomberguy weren't around, I'd have never known about some of the cooler aspects of No Man's Sky, like the fact that the aliens each speak their own languages that you have to decipher for yourself. THAT'S COOL AS FUCK, and it makes so much sense--yet I'd have never known about it unless I paid $60 for the game, because everyone else on the Internet is too busy having a prepubescent paroxysm over a few little lies.

And just to reiterate, lying is the worst thing ever. It's awful and unjustifiable. But you wanna know two things that lying cannot do in this particular case? 1). Mark the end of the world, and 2). Invalidate the rest of the game's virtues and selling points. You absolutely don't have to like the game or its developers, but hanging the developers' lies over the game's head for the rest of its lifespan just seems extremely unfair and petty to me, and it always will. Sorry.
Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 09:52:24 AM by Verbatim

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
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10,584 posts
Let this thread die just like no mans sky did

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
i edited that post about 13 straight times

new record

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
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8,077 posts
because their critiques are measured, reasonable, and delivered in a rational, calm, and fair-minded way. They don't just whine and cry about such and such lies, as if a couple lies during development completely invalidates the rest of the game.

Except hbomber's review is an obnoxious and heavyhanded "parody" that straight-up defends bland, shallow, and repetitive exploration as 'good' because it supposedly reflects the reality of space -- an inane and philistine viewpoint that mistakes boredom for ennui. AngryJoe's schtick is worn out, but he does spend nearly half the video talking about all the things the game did right, and defends it as a legitimately revolutionary concept that he would like to be seen used by developers with more experience, e.g. in Mass Effect.

Cybil | Member
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Steam: kj1397
ID: Cybil
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33 posts
Does anyone in this thread actually enjoy the game?

I was hyped on it for about 2 years before it came out and I preordered, I've got about 60 hours in iirc and while I play less than I thought I would, I do legitimately enjoy playing this game.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Except hbomber's review is an obnoxious
yeah yeah, i know you have some kind erection of enmity for hbomber, but i'm not terribly interested in your opinion of his video, or your opinion of his opinion

my point was, regardless of whether you happen to agree with him, his defense is still well-reasoned and put together--sure, he may not have acknowledged the game's many flaws, but he literally does not have to, and he KNOWS it, because every other chucklefuck on YouTube has already let the whole world hear them loud and clear
an inane and philistine viewpoint that mistakes boredom for ennui.
but unless you're a clairvoyant, i'm not sure what gives you the leverage to say that

"you're not actually having fun--you're actually bored"


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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Does anyone in this thread actually enjoy the game?

I was hyped on it for about 2 years before it came out and I preordered, I've got about 60 hours in iirc and while I play less than I thought I would, I do legitimately enjoy playing this game.
it looks like fun, but i wouldn't personally buy it until we see a huge price drop

i've been defending it because the hivemind's hatred of this game has been getting on my nerves

Cybil | Member
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Steam: kj1397
ID: Cybil
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33 posts
Does anyone in this thread actually enjoy the game?

I was hyped on it for about 2 years before it came out and I preordered, I've got about 60 hours in iirc and while I play less than I thought I would, I do legitimately enjoy playing this game.
it looks like fun, but i wouldn't personally buy it until we see a huge price drop

i've been defending it because the hivemind's hatred of this game has been getting on my nerves
That's a fair stance.

I feel like the game was worth $60 for me personally, But I can absolutely see why someone would want to wait for a sale or price drop.

The game is missing content, Pure and simple. That said that information doesn't at all stop me from enjoying the content that is actually in the game. I got pretty much exactly what I expected from NMS.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Think my biggest issue with it is

1. Lack of FoV slider on consoles, and it's like 70. It also crashes a shit ton

2. The rocks you mine from disappear frequently when you get close to them

3. It fails to do a good job at the thing it promised, which is an insane amount of different worlds with different environments. It's mostly just a color change. It fails at the one thing it was mainly supposed to do.

Cybil | Member
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Steam: kj1397
ID: Cybil
IP: Logged

33 posts
Think my biggest issue with it is

1. Lack of FoV slider on consoles, and it's like 70. It also crashes a shit ton

2. The rocks you mine from disappear frequently when you get close to them

3. It fails to do a good job at the thing it promised, which is an insane amount of different worlds with different environments. It's mostly just a color change. It fails at the one thing it was mainly supposed to do.
On the latter point, I disagree. The landscapes themselves vary largely.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
Steam: HurtfulTurkey
ID: HurtfulTurkey
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8,077 posts
Except hbomber's review is an obnoxious
yeah yeah, i know you have some kind erection of enmity for hbomber, but i'm not terribly interested in your opinion of his video, or your opinion of his opinion
What are you talking about? I have no idea who this guy is and as far as I know I've never seen his videos or commented about them. Your post said he's different, described as, "measured, reasonable, and delivered in a rational, calm, and fair-minded way", except the video you posted is the total opposite of that.

but unless you're a clairvoyant, i'm not sure what gives you the leverage to say that

"you're not actually having fun--you're actually bored"

I never said he didn't have fun. "mistakes boredom for ennui" -- he calls it empty, says the experience begins to feel meaningless, mundane, slow-paced, simple, and similar. The vast majority of criticism has been that said features are shallow and ultimately boring; hbomber basically calls them stupid and describes his experience as superior because he was able to "get" it and they weren't.

I'm not defending AngryJoe or criticizing the game, which I think is fun (if vastly underdeveloped and legitimately lacking promised content). hbomber says the repetitive aspects are actually good because space is bland and meaningless -- I disagree, and I think he's giving way too much credit to the intentions of the developers. They clearly have a great procedural generation system, but they failed to do much with it.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
What are you talking about? I have no idea who this guy is and as far as I know I've never seen his videos or commented about them. Your post said he's different, described as, "measured, reasonable, and delivered in a rational, calm, and fair-minded way", except the video you posted is the total opposite of that.
I've linked four of his videos here before--two of which you HAVE seen and commented on: A video response to Sargon the Fuckhead earlier this summer, and a video about power fantasy literally last week.

His most popular video is Fallout 3 is Garbage which I'm surprised you haven't seen.

Note his rational, calm, fair-minded manner in delivering his points. His No Man's Sky video is different because it's satire--he's making fun of people who base their entire channels around a stupid loud-'n'-angry gimmick, but otherwise, his points are still rational and fair-minded.
I never said he didn't have fun. "mistakes boredom for ennui" -- he calls it empty, says the experience begins to feel meaningless, mundane, slow-paced, simple, and similar. The vast majority of criticism has been that said features are shallow and ultimately boring; hbomber basically calls them stupid and describes his experience as superior because he was able to "get" it and they weren't.
and what's the matter with that
Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 02:34:07 PM by Verbatim

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Think my biggest issue with it is

1. Lack of FoV slider on consoles, and it's like 70. It also crashes a shit ton

2. The rocks you mine from disappear frequently when you get close to them

3. It fails to do a good job at the thing it promised, which is an insane amount of different worlds with different environments. It's mostly just a color change. It fails at the one thing it was mainly supposed to do.
On the latter point, I disagree. The landscapes themselves vary largely.
We don't have that desert world though, which saddens me.

Oh well, maybe the game will slowly update as it goes on. Hope they don't sell it as overpriced DLC though.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
Steam: HurtfulTurkey
ID: HurtfulTurkey
IP: Logged

8,077 posts
I've linked four of his videos here before--two of which you HAVE seen and commented on:

Decent vid so far. It's always been weird how these people get offended by statistics like "1 in 5", and so forth.

I was kind of hoping this 17 minute video would be more than, "SoA's rebuttal of 1 in 5 is wrong because he used the wrong study and he's a silly manchild". Because that's literally all it is.

He seemed to lose his thesis throughout the video, eventually contradicting himself by talking about how far storyless action games have come and how fans really do desire less sexual exploitation and power fantasy over meatheads and bimbos. And really, the generic alt-right/anti-feminist arguments he presents here really are the lowest hanging fruits he could go for. It feels like neither side really has an interest in understanding what the other is saying.

Ah yes, truly "erection of enmity" material, right here.
and what's the matter with that
hbomber says the repetitive aspects are actually good because space is bland and meaningless -- I disagree, and I think he's giving way too much credit to the intentions of the developers. They clearly have a great procedural generation system, but they failed to do much with it.
Nothing's wrong; I just disagree, and don't really see a point in insulting people because they had a different experience than he did. As for not seeing his Fallout 3 video, I don't usually watch things like that (or AngryJoe, for that matter) because I don't really care about strangers'/YouTube personalites' opinion of a game, and they're rarely impressive (to me).
Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 02:50:39 PM by A Smooth Chicken