No mans sky

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
IP: Logged

9,147 posts
I love you, son.

Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
ID: Stroud
IP: Logged

1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?

Just a cool screenshot I found.

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯

Did anybody else think the planets were going to have multiple environments to them rather than them only having one and there being cities or towns on them? Then for space travel being able to fly to each solar system rather then them only being areas which act just like the galaxy map in KoTOR? By that I mean just like in KoTOR you select which area you want to go to on a map rather than being able to freely fly to them just like the planets. 

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯


Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯


Sprungli | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: RadialRacer
ID: Sprungli
IP: Logged

3,875 posts
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tfw you have Elite Dangerous instead

Feelz good man

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
IP: Logged

10,736 posts
>tfw I said this game would be a washout and I was correct

Feels pretty good man

In all seriousness it sucks it turned out this way. Space games are a really cool genre that no one has yet to perfect, and it's always cool to see a new one announced. But if there's one good thing to come of this, it's the amount of free advertising there's been for games like Elite, Star Citizen, Rodina and Space Engineers. I've seen a lot of people switching to those alternatives, so hopefully this ends up being a net win for the genre.
Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 07:41:39 AM by BaconShelf

Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
ID: Stroud
IP: Logged

1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?

I know many of you don't like this guy (I don't either), but I thought I should post it here anyways.
Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 09:32:32 PM by Ludwig von Lützow

| The Tide Caller
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XBL: Naru No Baka
Steam: The Tide Caller
ID: GasaiYuno
IP: Logged

18,501 posts
The Rage....
this game could have been much more if it followed simple astronomy and physics

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
ID: SpartanT110
IP: Logged

3,436 posts

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts

I know many of you don't like this guy (I don't either), but I thought I should post it here anyways.


Is this the video you meant to post?

Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
ID: Stroud
IP: Logged

1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?

I know many of you don't like this guy (I don't either), but I thought I should post it here anyways.


Is this the video you meant to post?
yeah, thanks for notifying me

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
IP: Logged

18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!

I know many of you don't like this guy (I don't either), but I thought I should post it here anyways.
AngryJoe's experience with the game for the first 10 hours was pretty much my same experience. After that I had no desire the play the game anymore with all the stuff that was cut from it that was originally going to be in it.

I haven't played the game since two days after it came out.

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯


I know many of you don't like this guy (I don't either), but I thought I should post it here anyways.
AngryJoe's experience with the game for the first 10 hours was pretty much my same experience. After that I had no desire the play the game anymore with all the stuff that was cut from it that was originally going to be in it.

I haven't played the game since two days after it came out.
I went from playing the game for a few hours once I got it, to an a hour a day, to barley at all and now I traded it in or Red Dead GoTY. Even if the stuff we seen in the E3 trailer is in the game, the trailer is still completely different due to the way the ships in it were being handled. In the trailer the ships looked like they were being freely flown, but in the game you're limited to how low you can fly and the ships don't control that great. There is no way we could be doing those maneuvers that fluid.

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯


Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
Lol lost 90% of playerbase already

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Lol lost 90% of playerbase already
An unfinished game tends to do that


Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
So it's basically another Destiny. Sucks for my friend who was super excited about it.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
So it's basically another Destiny. Sucks for my friend who was super excited about it.
except destiny is a good game and wildly successful
Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 12:10:46 AM by Tyger

| Future Nostalgia
more |
XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
IP: Logged

18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
Destiny makes No Man's Sky look like Ride to Hell

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
Destiny makes No Man's Sky look like Ride to Hell

No Mans Sky makes No Man's Sky look like Ride to Hell

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯

So it's basically another Destiny. Sucks for my friend who was super excited about it.
The thing though about Destiny is that it's still a fun game to play, even if it's just for an hour at a time. NMS on the other hand has nothing to it which is fun to do. The space combat is shit and for the exploration there is nothing to explore since the entire planet you landed on is the same repeated environment throughout the whole thing.  Within 5 minutes or even less you explored the whole planet due to everything looking the same on it. 

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
IP: Logged

18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
Destiny makes No Man's Sky look like Ride to Hell

No Mans Sky makes No Man's Sky look like Ride to Hell
I traded in No Man's Sky and bought wings with the money. NO RAGRETS

| alo
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XBL: goooots
Steam: goootsby
ID: Gatsby
IP: Logged

19,291 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
Tfw you didn't fall for the no mans sky meme

Feels good

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
IP: Logged

4,765 posts
Tfw you didn't fall for the no mans sky meme

Feels good
tfw there will never be a good space sim with actual content

| alo
more |
XBL: goooots
Steam: goootsby
ID: Gatsby
IP: Logged

19,291 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
Tfw you didn't fall for the no mans sky meme

Feels good
tfw there will never be a good space sim with actual content
tfw there will never be a gta equivalent for space

| alo
more |
XBL: goooots
Steam: goootsby
ID: Gatsby
IP: Logged

19,291 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
this game could have been much more if it followed simple astronomy and physics
how would that fix a lack of content and/or cut content?

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
IP: Logged

10,736 posts
this game could have been much more if it followed simple astronomy and physics
how would that fix a lack of content and/or cut content?

It would add stuff.

Stars of varying classifications
Black Holes
Neutron stars
Gas Giants and ring systems
Asteroid Belts (Dunno if these are in the game anyway. I'm erring on the side of they aren't but correct me if they are)

And finding a planet with life would actually hold some weight to it. Out of all the airless dustballs out there and you finding one with life? That's something special.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
this game could have been much more if it followed simple astronomy and physics
how would that fix a lack of content and/or cut content?

It would add stuff.

Stars of varying classifications
Black Holes
Neutron stars
Gas Giants and ring systems
Asteroid Belts (Dunno if these are in the game anyway. I'm erring on the side of they aren't but correct me if they are)

And finding a planet with life would actually hold some weight to it. Out of all the airless dustballs out there and you finding one with life? That's something special.
There are different types of stars and black holes. The higher class stars have the better planets and usually aren't on your straightforward path. Black Holes just throw you many many many more light years closer to the center instead of going system to system.