"I'll Keep Coming." | Death Stranding, A Kojima Productions Thread

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts

I would say that you should give a fuck because things tend to be more than just the one thing they appear to be when you first see them.
Have you told yourself this? Have you considered that characters you might like and appreciate might actually have something really shitty about them that you probably shouldn't overlook?
Yeah, it's called a flaw. Practically everything has them.

You can find appeal in more than just in her looks, which were indeed meant to appeal to hormonal males, but that in no way restricts you from finding something else appealing.
That's not what I'm saying. I just think it's stupid to ignore the negatives. You accuse me of ignoring the positives--I'm accusing you of ignoring the negatives.
I'm not saying ignore the negatives, I'm saying move on from the negatives. Accept them, they aren't going anywhere and getting upset over it isn't going to do anything for you. You dislike them, good, that's perfectly fine. But what isn't is obsessing them. You can dislike part of a thing and still like the whole of that thing.

I really don't care for Quiet's get up, I think it's just idiotic, but I accept the reasoning for it and that it is the way it is. However, this is not a game about dress-up, it's about stealth and combat, and that's something Quiet excels at as a character. She's a soldier, while it would be nice if her default outfit was something not showy but practical, I can move past that glaring flaw to focus on what she does as a soldier and character.

Well, I don't own the game yet, guy. So I really can't comment on anything else but what I can see and hear, can I?
Are we no longer talking about hypothetical perfect character with sexualized get up?
finally, a somewhat reasonable post

No, I don't "accept" flaws. That's not who I am. I point them out, and... that's it. I don't have to accept anything.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
But Bowie's version of TMWSTW is a mess of cocaine and vox clipping.

Midge Ure version is best version, obviously. I'm just saying that the game is full of Bowie nods but no tangible references. Ridiculous.

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
Liquid was raised from birth to be a killer, got told his entire life that he was the inferior of Big Boss' sons (or perhaps came to the conclusion himself based on no real evidence), got tortured for what's implied to be years in the Middle East, believed he was created to destroy because his genes said so without even attempting to live for anything else, and held an irrational hatred for a brother he hadn't even met before. It's clear he was not at all stable, and snapping at the slightest gesture was entirely understandable given the circumstances.

I really hate it when you make a sub-par story more grandiose with a paragraph of "interesting events".

You did it with Gray Fox, too.

I found it interesting. And all of it is true, too.

The novelisation says that Eli hated his father and the pat on the back gesture pissed him off because he didn't want Big Boss to like him -- he wanted him to know how much he hated his father.

Didn't know that. In-game it just looks like he's pissed since, y'know, Big Boss just kicked the hell out of him and took him away from the kingdom he built.

On top everything I listed above.

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.

I would say that you should give a fuck because things tend to be more than just the one thing they appear to be when you first see them.
Have you told yourself this? Have you considered that characters you might like and appreciate might actually have something really shitty about them that you probably shouldn't overlook?
Yeah, it's called a flaw. Practically everything has them.

You can find appeal in more than just in her looks, which were indeed meant to appeal to hormonal males, but that in no way restricts you from finding something else appealing.
That's not what I'm saying. I just think it's stupid to ignore the negatives. You accuse me of ignoring the positives--I'm accusing you of ignoring the negatives.
I'm not saying ignore the negatives, I'm saying move on from the negatives. Accept them, they aren't going anywhere and getting upset over it isn't going to do anything for you. You dislike them, good, that's perfectly fine. But what isn't is obsessing them. You can dislike part of a thing and still like the whole of that thing.

I really don't care for Quiet's get up, I think it's just idiotic, but I accept the reasoning for it and that it is the way it is. However, this is not a game about dress-up, it's about stealth and combat, and that's something Quiet excels at as a character. She's a soldier, while it would be nice if her default outfit was something not showy but practical, I can move past that glaring flaw to focus on what she does as a soldier and character.

Well, I don't own the game yet, guy. So I really can't comment on anything else but what I can see and hear, can I?
Are we no longer talking about hypothetical perfect character with sexualized get up?
finally, a somewhat reasonable post

No, I don't "accept" flaws. That's not who I am. I point them out, and... that's it. I don't have to accept anything.

You point them out and dwell on them until nobody feels like discussing them anymore.

No offense.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
I'm not gonna break down every post like you guys at Sept love to do, so here we go.

Well I will, considering it's the only way to get to the bottom of arguments.

The frequency thing about saving wasn't even that big a deal to me.

It breaks up gameplay inorganically. Fact.

I liked them sometimes but they overstay their welcome.

Honestly, I miss a lot of the codec crap. I liked to put my controller down and listen to some amazing voice acting.

Yup, that's why I buy games. To put my controller down.

It felt like after MGS 4, Kojima was scared of it.

Kojima stated that he felt they weren't "next-generation" enough for MGSV.

GTA, Far Cry, MGS V, etc.

MGSV =/= GTA/Far Cry.

MGSV is just roads that connect smaller Ground Zeroes together.

MGS 3 has more open areas, but you still have paths you have to go down to get to certain areas.

Just like MGSV.

There are parts of MGS3 that are just as "open-world infiltration" -esque as MGSV, believe me.

You can't just fast travel or take a helicopter to some zone.

Can't do that in TPP, either. Not a super big point of contention but worth pointing out nonetheless.
Just because Kojima says the codec stuff doesn't feel next gen, doesn't mean his opinion should negate the ones I, or anyone else opposing it feel. When I said I enjoyed codec stuff, I mean it immersed me in the story far more than a cassette did. Don't cherry pick my words when I say putting down the controller.

And yes, I am aware there are some open parts to MGS 3, like Grozni Grad, but you still had to sniper fight the SAME THING AS QUIET and not booby style, and then take a long tunnel and crap. It guided you. There were paths that led out into open zones.

Also, I was comparing MGS V to GTA and Far Cry in the simple fact that they are open world. That is it. You need to listen to me when I bring up the comparisons and not just say it's not it to make a point sound more "correct" to you.

And yes, last I checked you COULD fast travel in MGS V and take helicopters to certain areas. I don't know what you've been doing this entire game.
Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 11:46:35 PM by Luciana

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
I found it interesting. And all of it is true, too.

I know. It just seems like you're reaching for something that isn't there. Which you can do with any character.

"Volgin lived a hard life. His father died when he was very young, and the burden of the then-crippled Philosopher's was bearing down on him. Already an outsider amongst his peers, due to his supernatural abilities, this isolation was enough to break him into the most sadistic and irredeemable villain in the series, even going so far as to launch a nuclear warhead on his own people to make a point."

See what I mean.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
You point them out and dwell on them until nobody feels like discussing them anymore.

No offense.
none taken? i realize it's an old subject, but the only reason i'm responding is because he keeps responding

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Also, is Eliab Venom Snake?

I can't keep up with these damn name changes. Every few days I pop back in here, you guys change your names around.

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
I found it interesting. And all of it is true, too.

I know. It just seems like you're reaching for something that isn't there. Which you can do with any character.

"Volgin lived a hard life. His father died when he was very young, and the burden of the then-crippled Philosopher's was bearing down on him. Already an outsider amongst his peers, due to his supernatural abilities, this isolation was enough to break him into the most sadistic and irredeemable villain in the series, even going so far as to launch a nuclear warhead on his own people to make a point."

See what I mean.

Everything sounds more exciting on paper than when it's actually seen.

🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
Also, is Eliab Venom Snake?

I can't keep up with these damn name changes. Every few days I pop back in here, you guys change your names around.
Eliab is Prehistoric is Snake is Ahab is Venom Snake. Keep up m9.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
You point them out and dwell on them until nobody feels like discussing them anymore.

No offense.
none taken? i realize it's an old subject, but the only reason i'm responding is because he keeps responding
Finally, we have something in common.

On that note, I'm going to bed.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Also, is Eliab Venom Snake?

I can't keep up with these damn name changes. Every few days I pop back in here, you guys change your names around.
i know, it's bad

the easiest way to tell is to click the arrow at the top right corner of each post
everyone has their unique ID there--Snake's is Prehistoric

if you're on mobile, uh
stop being on mobile

🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Just because Kojima says the codec stuff doesn't feel next gen, doesn't mean his opinion should negate the ones I, or anyone else opposing it feel. When I said I enjoyed codec stuff, I mean it immersed me in the story far more than a cassette did. Don't cherry pick my words when I say putting down the controller.

The first part of your statement has no relevance. I was simply addressing your concerns about Kojima being "scared" of codec conversations.

The second part, I don't really care about. Both the cassette tapes and the codec calls are stupid, but at least the codec calls make you focus on the discussion. I always miss details because I'd rather be playing the game than listening to a conversation in the background.

but you still had to sniper fight the SAME THING AS QUIET and not booby style,

Not a point of contention but I think Quiet's fight on Extreme difficulty is the best boss battle in the series.

and then take a long tunnel and crap. It guided you. There were paths that led out into open zones.

And MGSV has those, too.

I mean yeah, fundamentally they're built as different games. But your argument that the story suffered (or, immersion) as a result is kind of ridiculous because Snake Eater did it years ago and it's the best story Metal Gear has ever told.

Also, I was comparing MGS V to GTA and Far Cry in the simple fact that they are open world. That is it. You need to listen to me when I bring up the comparisons and not just say it's not it to make a point sound more "correct" to you.


MGSV isn't even an open-world, though. It's just small sandboxes connected via roads. Kojima was always very conservative about the open-world label for a reason.

And yes, last I checked you COULD fast travel in MGS V and take helicopters to certain areas. I don't know what you've been doing this entire game.

Nope, you can't. You can go back to ACC and then travel to a location, but that's not different from the mission select screen from Peace Walker.
Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 11:59:52 PM by Eliab

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
but i mean, once you get used to everyone's posting style, it isn't that difficult to guess who's who, tbh

True Turquoise
| MILF Hunter
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XBL: Anora Whisper
PSN: True_Turquoise
Steam: truturquoise
ID: True Turquoise
IP: Logged

25,385 posts
fuck you
Also, is Eliab Venom Snake?

I can't keep up with these damn name changes. Every few days I pop back in here, you guys change your names around.
He's Tru

No wait, sorry Verb, Fuddy Duddy is Tru and True Turquoise is Liquid who is also TBlocks
Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 11:54:03 PM by True Turquoise

🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
But Eliab, you actually can fast-travel in MGSV via postal service.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Okay, disregarding the other stuff so I don't argue more.

I can't even... what? MGS V isn't open world (or sandbox. That's what I originally said. You can go anywhere)? Yeah it is. You can go any- nevermind. We're splitting hairs and my point isn't getting through to you.

Also, you can fast travel via boxes in MGS V around the maps. Pay attention.

Edit: Also, learn the difference between your and you're plz
Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 11:55:11 PM by Luciana

🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
but i mean, once you get used to everyone's posting style, it isn't that difficult to guess who's who, tbh

I change my posting styles, too. Not by choice, but for example, I'm kind of pissed off at the moment so my posting style reflects that.

Sometimes I'm amped like last night and I'll be a bit more basic.

Usually I'm somewhere in between.

I also reserve the right to change my username as I wish. I'm trying to find my niche.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Also, is Eliab Venom Snake?

I can't keep up with these damn name changes. Every few days I pop back in here, you guys change your names around.
i know, it's bad

the easiest way to tell is to click the arrow at the top right corner of each post
everyone has their unique ID there--Snake's is Prehistoric

if you're on mobile, uh
stop being on mobile
Just stick to a name :S

I don't come here often enough to know.

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
Also, is Eliab Venom Snake?

I can't keep up with these damn name changes. Every few days I pop back in here, you guys change your names around.
He's Tru

No wait, sorry Verb, Fuddy Duddy is Tru and True Turquoise is Liquid who is also TBlocks

I was originally me but then Eliavenomstoric killed me, but I came back after Truddy Duddy cut off TBlocks' hand and he replaced it with one of mine but my ghost took over his mind (and Ender's ghost possessed his other hand).

Except it all turned out to be the work of parasitic nanomachines.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Also, is Eliab Venom Snake?

I can't keep up with these damn name changes. Every few days I pop back in here, you guys change your names around.
He's Tru

No wait, sorry Verb, Fuddy Duddy is Tru and True Turquoise is Liquid who is also TBlocks
He couldn't pull off your cute personality if he tried.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
But Eliab, you actually can fast-travel in MGSV via postal service.

Good point. I never use it so I forgot.

But it's also worth pointing out that you have to work to unlock this feature. So... kinda two steps forward, one step back for Luciana's argument still.

MGS V isn't open world

If we're going by your definition of open-world, it isn't. Which is what I was going by.

Also, you can fast travel via boxes in MGS V around the maps. Pay attention.

See above.

Edit: Also, learn the difference between your and you're plz

I know the difference.
Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 11:59:06 PM by Eliab

True Turquoise
| MILF Hunter
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XBL: Anora Whisper
PSN: True_Turquoise
Steam: truturquoise
ID: True Turquoise
IP: Logged

25,385 posts
fuck you
'Truddy Duddy'


Also Luci, click the drop down on people

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
He couldn't pull off your cute personality if he tried.
you wanna bet

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
more |
ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
'Truddy Duddy'


That should be your name once Verby is finished using his.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
I don't see the point in needing to remember people's names anyway.

We're all faceless words on a screen, bouncing ideas around. I've always said that the main draw to this site is the arguments you have with people. I just happen to like a few people along the way.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
But Eliab, you actually can fast-travel in MGSV via postal service.

Good point. I never use it so I forgot.

But it's also worth pointing out that you have to work to unlock this feature. So... kinda two steps forward, one step back for Luciana's argument still.

MGS V isn't open world

If we're going by your definition of open-world, it isn't. Which is what I was going by.

Also, you can fast travel via boxes in MGS V around the maps. Pay attention.

Edit: Also, learn the difference between your and you're plz

I know the difference.
I said sandbox first. The point I'm making is you can go from one corner of the map, to the other, without loading screens. It's a sandbox.

Nice try on insulting me from someone who can't even get grammar right. Or as you'd say, one step forward, two steps back.

And it doesn't matter if you unlock fast travel, it's still fast travel. You have to unlock bases in Far Cry to go there as well. You can still run around anywhere.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
I don't see the point in needing to remember people's names anyway.

We're all faceless words on a screen, bouncing ideas around. I've always said that the main draw to this site is the arguments you have with people. I just happen to like a few people along the way.
I come from Bungleboards, which is far more tight knit than this website of Flood fallouts.

So maybe that's why.