Campaign. Multiplayer still kinda meh, and when you find a game it's all try hards." OMG BRs ON LOCKOUT. QUICK MOM, GET THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!""Hey, there's CTF on Highground.... guys...? Guys...?" ( ._.)
Quote from: Azumarill on January 06, 2015, 10:21:22 PMQuote from: Tackelberry on January 06, 2015, 10:16:04 PMCampaign. Multiplayer still kinda meh, and when you find a game it's all try hards." OMG BRs ON LOCKOUT. QUICK MOM, GET THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!""Hey, there's CTF on Highground.... guys...? Guys...?" ( ._.)ARs CTF on high ground is fucking retarded. too snowbally. and ordinarily, im not the kind of guy to complain about halo being unforgiving to bad players, but its game over the second one team gets map control with the warthogs and laser. beyond stupid. same with slayer ARs on any pseudo-big team map like sandtrap. if you know what you're doing it's a good idea to keep ARs on those maps, but most people run around like headless chickens k
Quote from: Tackelberry on January 06, 2015, 10:16:04 PMCampaign. Multiplayer still kinda meh, and when you find a game it's all try hards." OMG BRs ON LOCKOUT. QUICK MOM, GET THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!""Hey, there's CTF on Highground.... guys...? Guys...?" ( ._.)ARs CTF on high ground is fucking retarded. too snowbally. and ordinarily, im not the kind of guy to complain about halo being unforgiving to bad players, but its game over the second one team gets map control with the warthogs and laser. beyond stupid. same with slayer ARs on any pseudo-big team map like sandtrap. if you know what you're doing it's a good idea to keep ARs on those maps, but most people run around like headless chickens so.
Quote from: Azumarill on January 06, 2015, 10:24:30 PMQuote from: Tackelberry on January 06, 2015, 10:23:36 PMQuote from: Azumarill on January 06, 2015, 10:21:22 PMQuote from: Tackelberry on January 06, 2015, 10:16:04 PMCampaign. Multiplayer still kinda meh, and when you find a game it's all try hards." OMG BRs ON LOCKOUT. QUICK MOM, GET THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!""Hey, there's CTF on Highground.... guys...? Guys...?" ( ._.)ARs CTF on high ground is fucking retarded. too snowbally. and ordinarily, im not the kind of guy to complain about halo being unforgiving to bad players, but its game over the second one team gets map control with the warthogs and laser. beyond stupid. same with slayer ARs on any pseudo-big team map like sandtrap. if you know what you're doing it's a good idea to keep ARs on those maps, but most people run around like headless chickens kyou think im wrong? id love to hear this.YouTubeAR starts are objectively better than BR starts, IMO.
Quote from: Tackelberry on January 06, 2015, 10:23:36 PMQuote from: Azumarill on January 06, 2015, 10:21:22 PMQuote from: Tackelberry on January 06, 2015, 10:16:04 PMCampaign. Multiplayer still kinda meh, and when you find a game it's all try hards." OMG BRs ON LOCKOUT. QUICK MOM, GET THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!""Hey, there's CTF on Highground.... guys...? Guys...?" ( ._.)ARs CTF on high ground is fucking retarded. too snowbally. and ordinarily, im not the kind of guy to complain about halo being unforgiving to bad players, but its game over the second one team gets map control with the warthogs and laser. beyond stupid. same with slayer ARs on any pseudo-big team map like sandtrap. if you know what you're doing it's a good idea to keep ARs on those maps, but most people run around like headless chickens kyou think im wrong? id love to hear this.
Quotedepends on the map, and there are /very/ few maps which work better with AR starts.IMO, the best map in Halo 3 for AR starts was The Pit. AR>BR on The Pit at all times for me. and anyone with half a brain would have already either taken that ammo or kill you the second you pop your head out.Quoteand suddenly you all spawn with an ar and a pistol. the hell can you do with those?The Halo 3 pistol maybe. But if you're telling me you can't work with an Assault Rifle and a Pistol in Halo: CE/Reach/4/5 then you need to git gud.Quoteyou're forced to either crouch around hoping to catch someone with shitty awareness or you have to make a beeline for a br or carbine,Git gud.Quotekeeping ARs is never really a safe option, it only really works if you know 100% you're better than the other squad. see, halo is all about map control. coordinated teams in competitive play will absolutely shitstomp the enemy if they get the slightest advantage in an ARs gametype.And A coordinated team can also make a comeback and roflstomp the other coordinated team. Play with friends more often, becuase terrible teamates will always exist in Halo. Giving them a BR on spawn doesn't make them better, and honestly seem kind of noob friendly.Quoteand anyone with half a brain would have already either taken that ammo or kill you the second you pop your head out.Anyone with half a brain can easily beat a BR/Carbine with a pistol and AR. Sound like your mind is still stuck in the Halo 3 days, which I do admit BRs were somewhat better in certain circumstances, but coupled with the shit netcode, the BR was terrible.
depends on the map, and there are /very/ few maps which work better with AR starts.
and suddenly you all spawn with an ar and a pistol. the hell can you do with those?
you're forced to either crouch around hoping to catch someone with shitty awareness or you have to make a beeline for a br or carbine,
keeping ARs is never really a safe option, it only really works if you know 100% you're better than the other squad. see, halo is all about map control. coordinated teams in competitive play will absolutely shitstomp the enemy if they get the slightest advantage in an ARs gametype.
and anyone with half a brain would have already either taken that ammo or kill you the second you pop your head out.
Halo 2 Classic. BTB (Vote for 3 the most)I rarely vote for Halo 2A.
Quote from: True Turquoise on January 06, 2015, 11:05:51 PMHalo 2 Classic. BTB (Vote for 3 the most)I rarely vote for Halo 2A.h2a is okbut since it's all bloodline it gets annoying pretty fastnot a fan of zanzibar and its remake either, and those are the only 2 maps on btb
Quote from: Alphy on January 06, 2015, 11:08:05 PMQuote from: True Turquoise on January 06, 2015, 11:05:51 PMHalo 2 Classic. BTB (Vote for 3 the most)I rarely vote for Halo 2A.h2a is okbut since it's all bloodline it gets annoying pretty fastnot a fan of zanzibar and its remake either, and those are the only 2 maps on btbI always get bored in Halo 2A. But halo 3 and 2 Classic btb is so fun.
Quotethe pit is one of the most dangerous maps to pick ARs on."Muh opinionz"Quote map control is extremely hard to break because of the location of rockets/camo/ovies. and even with BRs, pit games often ended with less than 20 kills total.holy fucking shit, did you play with autistic people?Quoteit wasnt a good map for slayer at all. You are objectively wrong in every way imaginable.Quotei cant speak for ce because ive never playedScrub.Quotebut in h3/reach/h4 you are absolutely beyond fucked if you have ar/magnum and the enemies have DMRs or BRs. GIT GUDQuotereach is the worst offender honestly because the AR is such a weak piece of shitlolwut. Have you even played Halo 3? Quoteand the magnum cant begin to compare to the beyond retarded DMR in terms of pure power.Git gud. Quoteyou tell me to play with friends more often as if you think i searched solo when i still your friends need to git gud too it seems. Halo 4 is one of the easiest Halo's to date.Quote to4 against a to4 in 50 high, or onyx, or whatever halo 4's pathetic excuse for a ranking system was,>Halo 4>Meaningful ranking systemCan't really use being paired with people better than you as an excuse. You're basically saying you need a crutch because you're not good enough to fight the enemy team with an AR and Pistol. While your at it, you should spawn with Rockets and full overshield to make it more fair too. Quoteit's always extremely difficult to break map control against a coordinated team if you dont spawn with a mid range precision weapon. Depends on the game/map and the skill level of your own team. A poor ranking system is more to blame, not you not spawning with a base weapon.Quoteyou dont just "get map control back." i think you have fundamentally misunderstood the nature of the game.Yes you do. That's why it's called map control. You can gain or lose it. It's not the sandbox's fault the ranking system is broken/you're too scrub at the game to win.
the pit is one of the most dangerous maps to pick ARs on.
map control is extremely hard to break because of the location of rockets/camo/ovies. and even with BRs, pit games often ended with less than 20 kills total.
it wasnt a good map for slayer at all.
i cant speak for ce because ive never played
but in h3/reach/h4 you are absolutely beyond fucked if you have ar/magnum and the enemies have DMRs or BRs.
reach is the worst offender honestly because the AR is such a weak piece of shit
and the magnum cant begin to compare to the beyond retarded DMR in terms of pure power.
you tell me to play with friends more often as if you think i searched solo when i still played.
to4 against a to4 in 50 high, or onyx, or whatever halo 4's pathetic excuse for a ranking system was,
it's always extremely difficult to break map control against a coordinated team if you dont spawn with a mid range precision weapon.
you dont just "get map control back." i think you have fundamentally misunderstood the nature of the game.
Quotemy god, you're just as bad as all the idiots i used to make fun of in the h3/optimatch forums. are my credentials. feel free to pick through my stats, compare them to yours, and try telling me to get good again. you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.>Going on Halo WaypointYou also might wanna learn how to link properly. That link just brings you to your credential page that only YOU can see from your account. Scrub.
my god, you're just as bad as all the idiots i used to make fun of in the h3/optimatch forums. are my credentials. feel free to pick through my stats, compare them to yours, and try telling me to get good again. you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Halo CE because I have so much fun playing it.
Hey I love my Halo 2. I played that game non stop for over a year when it first came out in 04! Best online experience I ever had during those times.
Quote from: AngryBrute on January 07, 2015, 08:51:00 AMHey I love my Halo 2. I played that game non stop for over a year when it first came out in 04! Best online experience I ever had during those times.Isn't that hypocritical? You know, considering you slam other broken games?
Quote from: BritishLemön on January 07, 2015, 08:55:15 AMQuote from: AngryBrute on January 07, 2015, 08:51:00 AMHey I love my Halo 2. I played that game non stop for over a year when it first came out in 04! Best online experience I ever had during those times.Isn't that hypocritical? You know, considering you slam other broken games?Halo 2 is a broken game? Wut?
Quote from: AngryBrute on January 07, 2015, 08:56:21 AMQuote from: BritishLemön on January 07, 2015, 08:55:15 AMQuote from: AngryBrute on January 07, 2015, 08:51:00 AMHey I love my Halo 2. I played that game non stop for over a year when it first came out in 04! Best online experience I ever had during those times.Isn't that hypocritical? You know, considering you slam other broken games?Halo 2 is a broken game? Wut?It's MP is broken and glitchy; Don't pretend that it isn't.It's unfinished too.