Like my Fallout NV ENB?

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
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2,576 posts

That's just the lighting.  I'm installing ~9GB of hi-res textures right now, as well.

Also I've never fully gotten through New Vegas.  Played the hell out of 3, but I didn't find the Mojave environment very exciting, so I only got to a part where I met the shooter in a casino.  I'm ready to give it a second chance, though.  Any tips for a noob?

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
Don't install too much. Falloutt 3's/NV's engine is a bag of dicks.

A Cheese Potato | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: A Cheese Potato
ID: A Cheese Potato
IP: Logged

5,921 posts
If you have 7 or higher luck you can make like 100k caps in the Mojave casinos, and another 200k caps from the Sierra Madre Casino in Dead Money.

BrenMan 94 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: BrenMan 94
Steam: BrenMan 94
ID: BrenMan 94
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1,886 posts
Be careful when installing large texture packs.  The Gamebryo engine doesn't like to load a lot of things and when it sees large texture packs it usually goes "lolnope" and crashes.

Your best bet to get good looking textures is to download NMC's medium texture pack, install it, then install Poco Bueno on top of it (overwrite NMC files).  That's what I have in my game.

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
IP: Logged

2,576 posts
Be careful when installing large texture packs.  The Gamebryo engine doesn't like to load a lot of things and when it sees large texture packs it usually goes "lolnope" and crashes.

Your best bet to get good looking textures is to download NMC's medium texture pack, install it, then install Poco Bueno on top of it (overwrite NMC files).  That's what I have in my game.

I did NMC's large and DL'd the mod that allocates 4GB of RAM to the game, and everything runs fine so far.  Honestly, I think I like the original textures better though, because the ground is all saturated with NMC, and doesn't look nearly as bleak.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
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13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Energy weapons, energy weapons all day.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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The Waifu Master | Legendary Invincible!
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PSN: overusednames
ID: The Waifu Master
IP: Logged

7,010 posts
7 luck = easy money in casinos.
You really don't need a lot of money, though.

If you want I can give you a guide to becoming God through Dead Money.