Better games is the #1 reason. Console actually has games.
I value the tactile sensation of opening a game case, sliding a disc in, pushing a button, hearing a beep and a whir, sitting down on my couch, controller in my hand, and playing a video game. You don't get that on PC.
"You can hook up your PC to your television and download a program that lets you use gamepads."I shouldn't have to do any of that--and even if I could be assed to learn
I still have to pirate all the games I want to play. Which is wrong.
You also won't find a "state of the art" console for less that $20 so I'm not seeing why that matters.
Piracy is a big thing on consoles too
Also considering that the PC makes more revenue from gaming than all of the current gen consoles combined I think it's pretty safe to say that the notion of the PC "having no games" is blatantly false.
It has no games. Everyone who thinks it does just has shit taste.
So does PC
That doesn't make consoles better, it just makes it your preference, which is perfectly fine.
It's a possibility, but that's not true. Just because something is there, doesn't mean everyone does it, and it shouldn't alter your opinion on the actual markets available on PC.
At the end of the day, the PC is objectively a stronger and more versatile system
If you're looking to play games with friends on a couch, have easy to connect to parties/online, along with playing exclusives, then the console is probably for you.
But to say the PC has no games is false. I don't know where you're really getting that from.
You can like one more than the other all you like, but don't go saying things like they're objectively factual things.
Hearing stuff like "console plebs" or "pc master race", or whatever retarded slogans spawn, is annoying.
Quote from: Verbatim on June 07, 2016, 04:41:57 PMIt has no games. Everyone who thinks it does just has shit taste.Can you please explain this? I'm really trying to wrap my head around this statement. Do you perhaps mean exclusives? I can just look on Steam/Origin and see hundreds upon hundreds of games.Otherwise Idk, this sounds like a trolling comment to you. It's not like you to just say "if you don't agree you have shit tastes" when it comes to something like this.
PC has no games. You have to break the law to play anything worthwhile on a PC.
This meme is still arround
Quote from: ChaosMetalDragon on June 07, 2016, 04:57:17 PMThis meme is still arroundName an exclusive PC game and I'll tell you why it's either shit, or why it's one of the few good ones.The molehill of good PC games cannot compare to the mountain of quality console games.
The Whole Civ seriesAge of Empires
Quote from: ChaosMetalDragon on June 07, 2016, 05:01:09 PMThe Whole Civ seriesAge of EmpiresRTS games bore me out of my mind. I'd have more fun watching water evaporate.Try something more stimulating and fun to play.
Civ is turn based you swine.
Quote from: LC on June 07, 2016, 04:28:08 PMYou also won't find a "state of the art" console for less that $20 so I'm not seeing why that matters.It's called a flea market. QuotePiracy is a big thing on consoles tooThe point is that, on console, you actually have the choice to be a good person and purchase the game. On PC, if you want to play something like LittleBigPlanet or Super Metroid, you're gonna have to pirate the game. There's no choice.QuoteAlso considering that the PC makes more revenue from gaming than all of the current gen consoles combined I think it's pretty safe to say that the notion of the PC "having no games" is blatantly false.It has no games. Everyone who thinks it does just has shit taste.
The burden of proof is on you. I have never seen a modern console for $20 in any sort of second hand shop or market. Saying "there's one for $20 down the street and I won't bring you proof because you can't make me" is tantamount to saying "there's a flying unicorn in my backyard but you can't see him because he's invisible".
If you want to play Stalker, Starcraft, Homeworld, ARMA, EVE, et cetera, et cetera, you have no option to on a console.
This means that the PC is superior because I say so and these are games I like are better than the games you like because I don't have to justify myself because I'm always right.
As you can see the argument of "I don't like X so this means that anyone who likes X is wrong because I say so" is bullshit.
guys, this is a WILD new idea, but, when verb goes off on weird tangents like this, i think we should either completely ignore it or just meme him to death, because clearly logic doesnt work
Quote from: Azumarill on June 07, 2016, 05:28:58 PMguys, this is a WILD new idea, but, when verb goes off on weird tangents like this, i think we should either completely ignore it or just meme him to death, because clearly logic doesnt workThose don't work. We've tried already. HE JUST WONT STOP
Quote from: ⚡ Thunder on June 07, 2016, 05:30:29 PMQuote from: Azumarill on June 07, 2016, 05:28:58 PMguys, this is a WILD new idea, but, when verb goes off on weird tangents like this, i think we should either completely ignore it or just meme him to death, because clearly logic doesnt workThose don't work. We've tried already. HE JUST WONT STOPi think ignoring is probably the best avenue
Anyway, I'm glad to see you've discovered the utility of chopping up posts.
So Verb you're basically doing it to show how other people act like it (since you said PC guys do it all the time)?Yeah, I can understand the annoyance in that. Like I said, anyone who does that "lol has no games" crap and is legitimately serious about it, needs to die. It seems to be like the console superiority mindset is just a way for people to make themselves feel better about their (parents) purchase.
Anyway, I don't feel like addressing all the points you threw at me since it seems other did when I was afk. Simply put, whatever games you prefer on whichever console has them is perfectly fine. It seems you were on about exclusives though, which is something that Xbone has all but gotten rid of it seems (not a fan of exclusives).See for me, I love Total War games as you've seen before. That and other things that I can't get on console, hence why I enjoy it a lot more.
has a wider variety of games
Quote from: Batch on June 07, 2016, 06:11:33 PMhas a wider variety of gamesThis is what I'm talking about.Why are PC gamers allowed to make this argument, but I can't make the opposite and just say that they all suck?You're either saying- PC gaming has more good games, which would be hypocritical of you--or, if you're not saying that,- PC gaming has a higher number of gamesBut who cares? It's not the number of games that should matter. Quality > quantity. You can't use that as an argument for why PC gaming is "objectively" superior if I'm not allowed to just say that they all suck.As for PC gaming being more "powerful"--again, why does that make it better?
Basically yeah. The underlying point of everything I said about the quality of the games on each platform is that, if I'm not allowed to use the fact that I don't enjoy PC games as an argument, then PC gamers aren't allowed to say that PC gaming has "more games." That would be hypocrisy.
PC elitists are cancer
I understand. I just can't get into strategy games.I really wish they'd call them something, else, though, because I like strategy, and I like strategizing, but I don't like what you do in games like Total War or Civilization or Sins of a Solar Empire or Starcraft. It's just so mind-numbingly slow-paced, and even if something happens, I stopped giving a shit ten minutes ago.