Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | PS4 Review

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ID: Prehistoric
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dracula can eat my whole ass!
First of all, the game looks worse than its PS3 counterpart. From what I can tell, the PS4 simply took the PS2's game, upscaled it to 1080p and """ran""" it at 60 FPS. That's all well and good in theory but what happens is that you end up comparing this port with the high-definition remaster on the PS3, and that is not a favourable match-up for the PS4. Yeah, it might be able to run it at a higher resolution but the high definition models and textures they used on the remaster and the fact that it runs at a much more stable frame rate elevate the game's visuals far more than a few extra pixels ever could. The PS3 had greater textures and colours while running the game at 720p @ 60FPS, whereas the PS4 struggles to get above 1080p @ 40 FPS while using textures from almost 2 decades ago. Keep in mind, too, that Jak and Daxter: TPL is the """worst""" looking game from the quadrilogy, so it should have been the easiest to make look nice.

Secondly, asking $15 for this half-assed, subpar port of an almost 20 year old game is just a scummy move by Sony to cash-in on their fan's nostalgia and desire for a good platformer. Although I didn't run into any, I've seen many complaints about game-breaking glitches, spontaneous freezing and crashing from several other players, with some issues popping up during mandatory (unskippable) cutscenes that you need to experience to beat the game. Simply put, some people are unable to complete their game due to these glitches.

I have no idea where these issues stem from. My guess would be a mixture of Sony's PS2 emulation software being less-than-stellar and that they rushed out the game to ride the coattails of the new Uncharted's release. It seems that recently Sony has done nothing but shoot themselves in the foot with their first-party ventures.

For someone who absolutely loves these games it would make me sad to see the remaining three games to be released treated with the same casual thoughtlessness this one clearly garnered. It's already a given that they'll most likely look worse thanks to them neglecting the high-definition textures found on last generation's remaster, but given a rock-solid 60 FPS and a good deal of polish to avoid the game-breaking glitches, the remaining entires could almost be worth buying again for fans of these Playstation Classics.

Verdict: 3/10

With one of the most powerful consoles ever released and the potential to craft an extensive first-party library due to their industry history, you'd think Sony would focus on making the first big Playstation 2 rerelease of this generation one of their best rather than settling for what what we got. For a game that's been released 4 times now, this ends up being the second worst way to experience the game. For first-time players, if you don't own a PS3, wait for the price to drop or an inclusion with Playstation Plus.
Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 04:23:46 PM by Snake

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Is Jak really nearly 20 years old

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Is Jak really nearly 20 years old

4 years off, yeah