
Halo: What Category do you fall under?

Original Trilogy Enthusiast
5 (35.7%)
ODST Enthusiast
1 (7.1%)
Reach Enthusiast
2 (14.3%)
Reclaimer Trilogy Enthusiast
0 (0%)
Total Halo Fanboy
1 (7.1%)
Multiplayer Enthusiast
0 (0%)
Other Category
5 (35.7%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Halo: What Category do you fall under?

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
IP: Logged

18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
The 'every after ODST is irrelevant and fanfiction" group
The best category

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,685 posts
I came into the series during Halo 2's reign, so whatever that is. I really, really enjoyed Halo 3's lifespan, as that was the game I sunk the most time into (it was literally an obsession) and all my friends were playing it too.

Huge fan of Halo 3: ODST's story. Liked Reach well enough. It was almost as enjoyable as 3 (multiplayer wise). Halo 4 was just OK, although I was actually better at this game than any other Halos. Halo 5 was kinda bad, apart from Warzone (which is great IMO). Its story is complete garbage.

Mega Sceptile | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Mega Sceptile
IP: Logged

2,071 posts
cam into halo with the original, but I loved ODST's different take on the gameplay and the more open and somber feel to the game as a whole, although it seemed incomplete, and I wish there was more to it.