going to get it when i return elder suckyourmum scrolls online
I'm a peasant.So I haven't played it. I heard it was rushed. There were bugs.
I haven't tried the campaign yet, but the multiplayer feels like Halo 4, I don't like it.
Quote from: Mistanosejob on July 02, 2015, 09:20:54 PMQuote from: Sandtrap on July 02, 2015, 08:43:15 PMI'm a peasant.So I haven't played it. I heard it was rushed. There were bugs.MCC was rushed (servers, UI, etc. were bugged) but H2A itself has never really had any bugs.>H2A itself has never really had any bugsHave you tried playing a Custom Game with more than 5 people? The game breaks and won't load parts of the forge map.
Quote from: Sandtrap on July 02, 2015, 08:43:15 PMI'm a peasant.So I haven't played it. I heard it was rushed. There were bugs.MCC was rushed (servers, UI, etc. were bugged) but H2A itself has never really had any bugs.
SP was awesome.But I just didn't like modified H4 MP with Elites, no sprint (unless you count speed boost), and pointless dynamic features.