Guys help

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
As a man that has been addicted to League since I was 18, and being almost 20 now, it is a hard thing to stop. It is really the only drug that I have ever been addicted to and have had serious issues trying to stop.

I cannot find the article now, but I read a couple years ago that people who have been playing lol from a young age find vast trouble quitting, and is on par with a nicotine or cocaine addiction. I am being very serious, there are forums out there with people admitting and talking about ELO addiction and PTSD (post traumatic skillshot disorder) and and how terrible it is. I myself have tried quitting numerous times and after about 2-3 days I get very irritable and have an insatiable need for dragon steals, it can be the only thing I think about. When I eventually relapse I can play 10 matches in half a day, albeit my normal consumption is usually a 20 matches roughly ever day and a half. The reason for this is that LCS big plays increases the level of naturally occurring opiates in your brain by about four to seven percent. This may seem minuscule, but if your brain is used to that level of operation over the course of many years, then it is highly noticeable.

League to me is something that I do not need, is unnecessary, and is a dumb part of my lifestyle. As a man that plays as much as I do it vastly increases the risk for carpal tunnel, it also contributes to weight gain to a large degree, and is simply not healthy. My cousin Rico told me that he stopped playing ranked cold turkey in his thirties and that just from that ALONE, and no other changes in his diet, he lost fifteen pounds in a month.

Now I may love LoL, in terms of it keeping my opiate levels at an accustomed level, and also just it's dank memes and friendly community, but I know it is not good for me.

I hope that someday soon I can overcome it and quit forever. I am going to be trying again this week.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
Give me attention

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
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9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
I perscribe 420 ryletokens a day to help overcome your addiction.

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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
lol what is this

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
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ID: Cocos
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2,576 posts
Suicide is your only option.

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ID: Flee
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Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
lol what is this
my attempt at copypasta

Mat Cauthon
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play dota instead

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
play dota instead
Dota more like no

Also guys this isn't serious

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
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this isn't serious

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts

| Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
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