Order the Prequel DLC today for the price of $39.99 so you can play as a Clone Trooper and CIS Battle Droids.Additional troopers/droids will cost $10 each.Vehicles will be an extra $5.
Quote from: Jono on April 11, 2015, 10:13:27 PMOrder the Prequel DLC today for the price of $39.99 so you can play as a Clone Trooper and CIS Battle Droids.Additional troopers/droids will cost $10 each.Vehicles will be an extra $5.BUT WAITToday for $1 per minute YOOOOOOUCan use the force, become invulnerable with plot armour and one-hit your enemies TODAY!!!!*sips tea*
This is a good thing. They need to focus on actually doing it right before cramming too much shit into the game. We will see if they can actually get the gameplay right, get the maps right, get the balance between factions right. If they are able to show competency with this series and it continues, then they can add other stuff in.
I hope to shit they don't add that Battlepack crap they did in BF4 and BF: Hardline."BUY A BATTLEPACK TODAY for $9.99! YOU UNLOCKED: Obi-Wan Kenobi"
DLC down the road.