Give me your gaming history!

AngryBrute | Heroic Posting Rampage
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1,406 posts
Leader of Sep7agon Gaming YouTube Channel
I want to start a video, one that details the personal gaming history of people. Not the big name people in the industry, just every day joes like me and you! I want to detail your beginning moments, your moments of glory, and the hard times when this medium was there for you.

I would like to compile it all into a video, (with permission, and if you're willing). I would like to get individual videos of your stories.

^ Totally just an idea. Not the sole purpose of this thread.
_________________________________________________ ___________________

So, tell me your stories!

RomanGladiator | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: BobaFettIsAlive
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First real exposure was a Gameboy color in 1998 with Pokemon Red when I was six years old. At the same time also some games for Windows that were available at the time such as The Lost Word game titled Chaos Island and Caesar III. Then it was onward to Gameboy Advanced.

Soon after in 2001 it was a Nintendo Gamecube that was meant to be a Christmas gift that I discovered in my dad's closet. The game that came with it was Star Wars Bounty Hunter. Also my friends and I would play James Bond Nightfire, Star Wars, The Clone Wars, and Smash Bros. Melee.

Next in 2003 I entered middle school, and what I knew about gaming would change forever when I first played Halo and then begged my parents for another console. It was the green limited edition that included Halo CE. Also notable games we loved to play: both Battlefront games and Timesplitters.

Halo 2 XBL in 2004 was my first time playing a game online as far as I can remember. My friends and I did the whole LAN party thing from CE to 2.

Got my 360 in November of '06 with Gears of War. Another game changer. Blown away by the graphics and pure atmosphere of this exclusive, not to mention the gameplay unlike anything I had played. A good friend of mine would play this for end on end, praying for a snow day to get some more matches in.

Then '07 was Halo 3, obviously, and more great times with friends ensued. Followed by H3 ODST, then lolReach, HCEA, and H4, etc... Then X1 of course... and now with The Master Chief Collection things have come full circle for me as a 22 year old gamer, and I'm hoping old friends will have time to play with me once again.

Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 06:51:43 PM by RomanGladiator

Sprungli | Heroic Invincible!
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3,875 posts
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I would write out my history if it wasn't almost 1AM

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
It all started with Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, when I was little. I used to watch my uncle play it on the N64 and I loved it.

As I got older, I got a gamecube along with Super Mario Sunshine. I mainly watched my mother play the shit out of it, because it was too hard for me.

The third game I have fond memories of is GTA: San Andreas. I must have had hundreds of hours of my childhood clocked into that. Again, first discovered from my uncle. The first time I stayed up to midnight was when I played San Andreas.

Got a Wii back in 2009, played the shit out of Super Mario Kart, Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask, Super Mario Galaxy and Animal Crossing: Let's go to the city

It was all that really until I got into Pokemon in summer 2010. I've been playing since I first got Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. Loved the shit out of that game. Got every main series game since.

Then I started to get into more hardcore games. Got an Xbox 360 along with Skyrim in 2012. Played the shit out of it. Moved on to Fallout 3, then Fallout: New Vegas, then I started playing Warframe back in April.

Got bored at the start of September and decided to play Dark Souls. It was at that moment I realized how casual Skyrim is, and started to grow a dislike for it. Got Dark Souls 2 a few weeks ago.

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
Started late with a PS1 in 2000, and played mostly rally driver games and not much else. This developed further when I got a PS2 for Christmas, and virtually 70% of my games library was just racing games. I only had 1 FPS and that was Finest Hour.

Soon after moving here I made friends with someone and they showed me GTA 4 on the xbox. Since then, I've developed my taste in gaming from Racing to GTA, and the general FPS's. Only in 2009 did I get xbox live, and then on I couldn't really go back to singleplayer games (though RPG's like Fallou and Skyrim are exceptions).

Now I solely play on my laptop with Gmod and Half Life because A: I moved out of my house and couldn't bring my console with me and B: My laptop is a POS for games so I can't play with much variety past anything made after 2005.

| Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
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6,172 posts
It started with my uncle's gameboy, I really liked it. Then for my birthday I got a gameboy of my own. Then I got a GameCube, and then a DS lite.  I also played the Xbox(and 360) with my cousin when I went to his house on Sundays. Then my dad brought home a PSP, where I spent playing Monster Hunter most of the time. I got my first Xbox 360 in 2010, then I got a 3ds in 2012. My 3ds broke earlier this year(damn my clumsy self).
Edit: also got a Wii in 2007, played Mario Kart and ssb all day on that.
Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 09:16:18 PM by Luis

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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2,580 posts
I first played Asteroids on the Playstation 1, followed by nothing but Rampage and Spyro. In 2003, we bought a PS2 and I got Star Wars: Battlefront and Bounty Hunter for it along with some Spider-man games. My dad got a bunch of other war games too. Lego Star Wars I and II were my crack until I bought a PS3 2008. Got LittleBigPlanet, The Force Unleashed, and Spider-man 3 as a combo pack. LBP was one of the funnest games I played, and it was my first online experience with some friends from middle-school.

Eventually I broke away from platformers and beat 'em ups when I decided to play a game my dad bought for himself, Bad Company. I learned the controls pretty quickly and discovered there was an online mode, so I played around with that and actually did pretty well. Almost every game I was one of the top 3 players. Get rekt bitches. Bought Red Dead Redemption, as I love western shit. It's still one of my favorite games to date. Then my PS3 broke in early 2011.

With no game system, except my 2006 shitty laptop... I was destined to a boring summer. That is until my friend gave me one of the only games my computer could run, Halo: Combat Evolved. Halo was one of those games that I never looked at before because I didn't own the console. I actually thought it was a game like Final Fantasy due to the name (never even bothered looking at the game cover :/). Halo CE was amazing to me and I became completely immersed in the story. I played the game for 4 months until I got enough money to buy a 360. Shortly after I purchased all the Halo games and fell in love with the custom game community.. as it was very reminiscent of the LBP community.

3 years of Xbox later and I bought a PS4 for some exclusives, that of which were unfortunately delayed to be released this year. I'll be buying an Xbox One in the next few weeks for MCC.

Mega Sceptile | Heroic Unstoppable!
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2,071 posts
It all started with an NES, and Super mario brothers, 28 years ago, during my 4th year on earth at christmas time. I bolted down the stairs, after asking for a NES AAAAAALLLLL year, I ripped open the first box to see a NES cartridge for Donkey Kong, I knew it had come, a NES, packed with super mario bros.

I later began saving up hundreds of dollars in allowance money, all for new games for it... then came the Genesis, and my enjoyment with the Sonic games knew no bounds. I picked up a Game Boy as well, along with the greatest selling game of all time, tetris. After that was my Snes, then the N64. I won't go into much detail, as I only really had the Zelda, Mario, and Pokemon games for each respective console. after that I was burned out on gaming for a while, only really touching the Pokemon games on the GBC and GBA.

The gamecube, and Smash brothers Melee were what rekindled the flame, me and my Frat friends spent many a friday nights smashing while smashed, using multiple TVs we set up in-house tournaments. it was so fun... then the online age began with Halo, and my Xbox. then the 360 and Wii, finally the modern day gamer you see today.

Deesbee | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Mr Whiteflame
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2,475 posts
I have been a gamer since I was born. My dad was a hardcore gamer and my mom used to be editor for a gaming magazine in Australia. My mom has told me about her having contractions while playing sonic the hedgehog, since then both of my parents have stopped gaming but they have been a huge influence on my life with gaming. I was born in 199- and for as long I can remember I have been playing games, first gaming console I remember playing is the N64 with all the classics with my favorite being diddy kong racing or whatever the game with the big elephant on the magic carpet was.

The first few years of life I was solely a Nintendo gamer using the GBC and the N64, it would stay this way until 2001 or 2002 on Christmas Day when I opened up one of my presents. It was an Xbox original game, and from that exact moment I could guess what the big present for all the kids was (4 kids in the family). We set up our new Xbox and my dad sat down to show us kids one final game before he quit cold turkey.

What came on the screen was the start of what set my course of life to this day, a blueish light started moving across the screen, and then the words came up "HALO". My dad sat down and decided to show us the first level. I still remember seeing chief getting out of his cryotube for the first time and thinking that it was originally a girl I was playing as because I could hear this girl talking with no girls around.

After that my path was set, I was still a big time Nintendo player and I got my own first Pokemon game, Sapphire. I also played a lot of gamecube with my brothers and sometimes sister. We would play SSBM, Mario Party 4, and many more. By myself I would play games like the Simpsons hit and run, and Halo. Fast forward to around 2005/6.

I was playing Halo 2 with my older brother and my dad came home with the new Xbox 360, I don't remember too much of what I first played on it besides Guitar Hero and Viva Piñata (I still play it today because gardening is 1337). Fast forward to 2007.

September 24th, 2007. My brother was talking about missing school so he could go to the store and get Halo 3, I was so excited, it was like Christmas time had come early. The next day I got ready for school and went off, when I got home I went to the game room and saw my brother on the Xbox playing Sierra 117. For the rest of the day all we did was sit down and play games. I still did not have online gaming figured out or anything so I would just play with my brothers on my offline account that I still have on my Xbox. Then going to 2008 we were about to move to 'Merica and I found out my older brother and sister could not come, I was sad but I put up with it. We got to Boulder, Colorado and first thing I did when we got off the plane was open up my DS and continued playing drawn to life (which I still really think is an awesome game that people need to play). We got set up but I found out that Halo 3 was inside a case that was being shipped over. I started school and was really nervous but I found some friends who were talking about Halo, we all went to my house and played Halo 2 together (I would always win). These people are the friends that have stuck with me to this day, and though they have all moved on to much different gaming than me (PC master race) I still make sure that they are welcomed to the more popular group i hang around with in high school. Eventually I got Halo 3, started real online gaming, started going to local tourneys and got praised at them for being so good even though I was still pretty young. A few years later I got my first serious relationship and I started gravitating away from games, and it stayed that way for about 2-3 years until I was done with relationships for a while and Halo 4 just came out, I wasn't a huge fan but it was ok, I got back onto Bungie forums after joining just as reach was coming out, at this point I think the big update was out and though it was ok I missed the old flood forum. I have continued to be a Nintendo and Xbox player and I probably will be for a long time, I can't wait for MCC and i am going to have all my friends over on launch day to play those old LAN games again.

Edit: just saw how long I was writing for and that wall of china; I would edit it but I'm lazy.
Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 02:32:10 AM by Mr Whiteflame

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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6,711 posts
01001001 01101101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01110010 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101001 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101
I think I got my first console back in 97. Before that I played some Spyro the Dragon on my friends PS1 and Sonic on another friends Sega.
First games I ever got were, Abe's Oddysee, Crash Bandicoot and Tekken. Not gonna list every game I played for the ps1 because there are a lot.

In 99 I got a gamboy colour just to play Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Blue and Wolfenstein 3D were the only gameboy games I played.

2001 I got a Sega dreamcast

2002 I got both a Game Cube (Super Mario Sunshine ftw) and a PS2.

Was never really big into gaming when I was younger though I loved playing Timesplitters (1-3) and Judge Dredd during sleep overs.

2007 during lunch break in school I picked up an xbox controller and started playing Halo 2, fell inlove with Halo then. Got my then bf to buy Halo 3 for his 360 when it came out, also played things like COD4.

2009 got my own 360 (yeah I know it took me long enough) to play ODST, played a fuck tonne of 360 games from then till now, I wont list them all.

2011 I got a PS3.

2012 Played Dark Souls for the first time, all other games where instantly ruined.

2014 still playing with the 360, plan on getting an xbone before the years out

2015 Plan on getting a PS4.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,737 posts
Got a PS2 in '06 and played the shit out of Star Wars battlefront. In about '08, got an Xbox (Original as it came from my uncle) and Halo 2. Played the campaign, loved it. Got a 360 that year with Halo 3 and Wars (Bundle) and then joined the Reach hype train. Note that all of this was while I didn't have Internet. Jut after I got a 360, I got Fallout 3 and loved it, later getting Vegas after its release.

July 2011, got Xbox Live, got Battlefield 3 (I already had BC2) and that got me a fan of Battlefield. However, I was in a clan on Halo (I regret this naow) so never really got to play many other games. Mainly stuck on Halo until about mid 2013, when I got te mass effect trilogy, GOTY Fallout 3 and Vegas and Skyrim Legendary.

April this year, got Titanfall and added that to the series' I enjoy. Got Destiny in September, leading to the first time I have ever been disappointed by a game I bought. (Which is sad because I was cynical of it anyway, and it was still lower than I expected)

Won't be getting an X1 or MCC until March.

In all, I would be on PC now if it wasn't for Halo. Fallout, TES, Planetside, Starcraft and a bunch of other games look cool or better than they already are on PC. But muh halo.

Also point out the I don't like Halo multiplayer. Just the lore/ story and forge.

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
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ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯

It started when I was in pre-school. Back in the early 90's my dad and I played PC games together. He did the moment and I used the mouse. Some of the games we played were Blood and that Chex Quest game. One day at school my teacher asked me what pitchforks were used for and I said killing zombies because of Blood. That was either in pre-school or kindergarten.

Sometime in the late 90's my grandma got me a PS1. I played Tony Hawk, Spyro, some demotion derby game and mostly demos on that. I don't have much memories of it since I was young at the time and I didn't have that many games for it. I know at my uncles my Step cousin and I played some twisted metal game a lot on that.

Some years after the PlayStation I traded that in for an Xbox. That's when I really got into gaming. I played GTA, Halo, Max Payne, Star Wars and other fun titles. Halo is the only reason why I stayed with Xbox. Also the first game I got for that is the first Max Payne which I still have.

Then around 2005 the 360 came out and I got that. The first game I got for it was CoD 2. I traded in my Xbox for that game. That was when the game was still new. I finally got Live back in 2009 so the 360 was my first time playing online with people. The first game I played online was Halo 3 at my uncles. Then for the first game on my account that was Medal of Honor Air born.When the 360 still had the RRoD problem I ended up going through three 360's because of that. For online the two games I had the most fun in is Halo 3 because of the custom games and Black OPS because I played that with real friends. In Halo 3 I joined a clan back in 2009 called I.C.E. which has been dead for years. For Black OPS my freind started a clan called PHAG which stands for Pretty Hardcore Awesome Gamers. That clan consisted of friends and people that know each other in real life.

Then now 8th gen is out and I have all 3 of those systems. I pre-ordered the Xbone a few months before it came out. I January I got sick of waiting to find a PS4 in stores so I bought one on Amazon for $530. and I got the Wii U for my sister as an early Christmas present a few weeks ago. I also have a laptop which is able to play games.
For moments I remember I was playing Skyrim for the firs time one day. I was a low level and I shot a mammoth in the ass with an arrow. The thing turned around and started running at me so I sprinted towards a guard tower. I ran past a guard and in real life I screamed "There's a pissed off mammoth running after me!" After lots of arrows I did kill the thing.

Then for KoTOR the firs time I played the game was just great. I had no idea what I was doing which made it fun. For my first play through I went through the whole game by myself because I had no idea how to select party members to go with me. I remember on the Jedi planet I was running around thinking I was some badass with my two lightsabres. Then all of a sudden I encountered that Mandalorian leader. I thought I could simply kill him, but nope. When we locked blades I had a WTF moment because my sabers didn't slice thorough his swords. After so many play through's finally found out the swords are made a speaicl way to prevent that.

For Black OPS I remember going over to a friends house and we played it online together. I took my 360 with me and we sat next to each other playing with other friends. He used his TV, I used a spare and the person upstairs used his.

Also because of Halo 3 I ended up meeting someone in real life. Before we played custom games online together and sometime latter his account got hacked so he got a new one. I didn't know that, but at some point after that I still had an account of his on my list. I was talking to him one day and I brought up a person I used to play with. That person was him. So him and I with other real life friends played GTA 4 and Black OPS a lot together. We ended up getting close and we found out he lived around 3 hours from us. So one day we picked him up and he stayed with us for around a week. That was around 4 years ago.

Erives | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: erives
ID: Erives
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1,856 posts
I cant argue with progress, just you.
I started playing with an Atari just as my brother showing me what he used to play. What my siblings played most was SNES(4) and playing Super Mario All Stars. I was four when I started. After I got into PS1 ( 8 ) loving platformers. I never really got into RPGs until  years later. This is when I started learning about stealth games and racing games. Some of my favorites were MGS, Omega Boost, Jet Moto and Crash Bandicoot.

 I went to PS2(13-15) that got me into RPGs, shooters, more platformers, again more stealth games, and horror. I remember getting the shit scared out of me playing Silent hill. Thats the time I got into Ratchet and Clank, one of my favorite series of all time. Some games that I enjoyed was Jax and Daxter, TimeSplitters, MGS2, GTA San Andreas, and Second Sight(under rated game).

After awhile I got bored of console gaming and went to PC(about 16-19). This is where I started getting deep into modding and MMOs. I had to stop. Getting into 12 hour raids with my little sister and friends had to stop. So I stopped playing and got a job(finally). Then after about 3 months I got a 360.

I got a 360 just to play with my lunchbox heterosexual life partner. I really didn't like the 360 a first but it grew on me and then I learned of Gamerpoints then everything fell downhill from there. I ended up playing some of the best games on 360. I still played on PS3 that my brother in law had but i mostly stayed on 360 due to laziness. Now I'm here.
Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 01:51:41 AM by Erives

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
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1,925 posts
Love for paleontology => Love for Jurassic Park

Love for Sci Fi <= Love for Jurassic Park => Purchase of Dino Crisis

Purchase of Dino Crisis => Love for Dinosaur games

Love for Dinosaur games => Purchase of  DC2, Turok 1/2 and every Jurassic Park game ever [Man I have to reinstall Operation Genesis]

Purchase of Turok 1/2 => Love for FPS

Love for FPS => Love for Halo

And yeah then the hierarchy just breaks down into randomly picking out cool looking games.

[At some point I played Deus Ex and I realized that the RPG genre was almost completely worthless as no other game would give me the same feeling again.]

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
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3,310 posts
When I was a little kid I owned a Nintendo 64 and a gaming PC decent for it's time which I believe had a Pentium II processor that I used to play Unreal Tournament and some other games with my dad. When I was in first grade I got a Nintendo Gamecube which I played frequently and still have quite a few games for. For almost all of elementary school and 6th grade I would be a Nintendo gamer and an occasional PC gamer. Around 7th grade I bought an Xbox 360 for Halo 3 which I put quite a few hours into and just ran with the platform for a while. Currently with the 7th generation of consoles coming to an end I haven't seen any reason to buy a next-gen console as there appear to be no games that in my opinion would warrant the purchase as Halo 3 once did. I had decided that a new gaming PC would be the best investment with the money I had so I built one around the end of last year.     

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
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10,584 posts
Me n my bros starting gaming with destiny. Destiny is best game and I'm so glad there is 10 year pan. If you don't like destiny go back to cod you n00b. Destiny is massive mmo and my mom says I play to much Destiny but I say shut up dumb bitch I am raid. So yeah destiny is best game cuz I can play it for 10 years and buy the dlc for growing world

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯


PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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6,089 posts
Started with an NES in the mid 90's.
Then Played Pokemon and Playstation in the late 90's.
Had a PS2 for about a year, sold it to get an Xbox and Halo.
Got an Xbox 360
Got an Xbox One.

CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Sicrogame457
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4,892 posts
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." ― The Je'daii Code
My first game journey began from a PS2, I was little at the time and all I ever did was play spyro, my sister had an Xbox so we never traded console, when first saw Halo I was quite curious what she was playing, I asked if I could play and we did, custom games was the only small taste I got, now back to the story.

When the 360 came out every one got it even my sister, she asked if I could have the original Xbox and I did, thats how I became an Xbox geek, now moving forward into 2009, 1 year after Halo Reach, I never really got the chance to play Halo 2, I stoled from my sister's room, played the campaign, and thats how my life changed, Halo 3 is not my favorite but it was a good halo game, and there were many more games I played on the Xbox, but Halo will be in my heart because one, it was the first game to bring consoles on shooters, second the first MP game on consoles, and it's now the first game to have 4 games on 1 discs, Halo will be in my heart and this my story and how I got into gaming.
Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 05:18:51 PM by CyberGama

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
Started off when I was a kid with a Game Boy Color and Pokemon Crystal. Played some NES/SNES/PS1/PS2 here and there at friends' places. Got an N64 and played Ocarina of Time/007 The World is Not Enough/Goldeneye/Pokemon Stadium 1&2. Got a Gamecube and played a shitload of Super Smash Bros. Melee, 007 Nightfire, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Super Mario Sunshine, Pokemon Coliseum 1&2.

I had a Game Boy Advance & OG Nintendo DS and played a LOOOOTTTTT of Pokemon Gen 2/3. Played Gen 4, hated the campaign, and decided to ditch the franchise from then on. I played a lot of Animal Crossing: Wild World on my DS. Got an Xbox 360 in 08 and played Madden games for a few years, and offline H3 co-op with my brother. I got LIVE in 2009 and started playing nothing but H3 online, got my Team Slayer 50 in 2010. I started playing Minecraft when it was still in Alpha in 2009. I played a lot of Fallout 3 and New Vegas from 2010-2012, and a lot of Oblivion and Skyrim. I played H3/ODST/Reach a lot through 2012, with a little bit of Minecraft and Ocarina of Time thrown in there. After I graduated High School in 2012 I played a little bit of H4, quit that in early 2013, and started playing League of Legends. I started playing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup in 2013, and sometime in Fall 2013 I started playing Charles Barkely Shut Up and Jam Gaiden. I got WoW in Fall 2013. Today, I play League of Legends, Street Fighter IV, Killer Instinct, Destiny (not very much, but I'm trying to get my money's worth before quitting.) World of Warcraft, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, and Pokemon Gen 2.

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯

So did you do that video or whatever yet?

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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Legit 8-Bit | Respected Posting Frenzy
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433 posts
ayy lmao
My first experience of gaming is a little fuzzy. I know that I had a Playstation 2 in preschool and throughout elementary school up until around 4th grade. I'm not sure what my first game was, but I definitely played played Ratchet and Clank a lot, as well as WWE and Battlefield.

And then my parents got divorced. That alone changed my life for good. I had a period where I did not touch video games for the longest time and was miserable. My brother and I would go back and forth between my dad and his girlfriend's house and my mother's place. Fortunately, my dad's girlfriends's kids had an original Xbox and a 360. They were the people who introduced me to Call of Duty and of course, Halo.

CoD 4 was pretty awesome, but there was something about Halo 3. There was just something about it that set it apart from the other shooters. This game was the most fun I ever had. I had played Halo 2 before, but on a shitty, old laptop, so I couldn't have the same experience and therefore never got into it. The multiplayer was mind-blowing, the story was beautiful and I couldn't anything wrong with such a masterpiece. I still look back on it today as the centerpiece of all my best memories.

Of course, I've played so many other games that I've either loved or hated for many more years to come.

I was actually somewhat bullied in middle school by my friends for playing too much video games, but I didn't give a shit. Gaming became more serious to me. Eventually, after middle school, I used that passion to excel in high school. I met new people who liked me because I wasn't suppressed by others thinking I'm annoying because I play a little too often. I've become more outgoing from then on and it has made me who I am today.
Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 05:00:29 PM by Legit 8-Bit

Grapes | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Shitpost King
Windows 95, PC Master Race, is where my story starts. In the early 2000's when I was like two or something I would play video games with my Grandpa on his gaming PC. (Yes he used to be a gamer, he stopped right when Halo CE came out) This glorious PC had 8 MB of RAM Windows 95, Road Rash and various other racing games installed. I would sit on his lap use this Thrustmaster FFB Wheel he had and play Need for Speed Hot Pursuit and of course Road Rash. At these early stages of life, developing motor skills while having video games present, I kind of gained a 6th sense when it comes to video games.

 A few years later my dad had bought an Xbox with Halo CE. I don't quite remember the days of the first Halo being played by me, but they were there. Sometime in 2005-2006 I moved and met some kids a lot older than me. I was just a kindergartner, clearly inferior in everyway, but some how got along. This led to me playing Halo 2 all the time with them. I wasn't very good but I still had fun. In 2006 my dad had now bought a Xbox 360 on the day of launch. I played lots of Tony Hawk and of course Need for Speed but no Halo was out for the Xbox 360.

Halo 3 gets announced. Every one's minds explode, lots of hype. The release date nears and all my friends get excited, including my dad, but none of us had money. I was very poor at the time (still am but not as bad, I manage to get video games/new consoles cuz) so yeah, no Halo 3 for me. 2007, this was the year of not having Halo 3 and my Xbox 360 red ringing. So now, no Halo 3, no Xbox 360 everything is pretty meh.

We still had the warranty on the Xbox so we sent it in waiting for the fix. During the waiting time the Gamecube was very cheap, like $30. So I got one of those and some games. I had the sonic game collection, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Paper Mario, Mario Kart, etc. I had a blast with those then one day my baby sister decides to put jello in the floppy disc opening thing and yeah. Its surprising the thing still worked after I got most of it out and still works till this day. Guess things were made better back then.

I moved yet again never seeing my friends again and the Xbox 360 was fixed. My dad's friend had CoD 4   and gave it to us. It was quite fun, im not gonna lie, CoD 4 was really fun. One day with my "fixed" xbox 360 I remember taking it to my grandpas house and dropping it. The xbox was broken again, I helped my dad do the penny fix on the xbox 360 and it work for about 2 weeks and finally came the death of ol betsy.
It was now maybe early to mid 2008. I went to visit  my uncles in Eugene, (i used to live in portland at the time) one of my uncles, Mike, had Halo 3, I've been wanting  it for ages. He said he didn't play it much and gave it to me. That day I played through the campaign and finished it about 3 days later. I was then exposed to multiplayer and damn was that a blast. I played mutiplayer an unheathly amount every day. I met friends online, one I remember the most was CheezyDonut. We made a map in forge on foundry call KFC, it may have also been called A&W. Everyone we played with loved it. Infection was one of my favorites online with those crazy fun maps. Good times.

2010 Halo Reach came out and I was super pumped to see what forge had in store. I built crazy maps with the new tools and had fun. Multiplayer was fun but not on to par with Halo 3. The armor system was miles better. I don't have a whole lot of memories about Halo Reach since it was kind of boring.

2011 Halo 4 gets announced. I was reading something online about how Halo was no more, and to be honest, I cried, it really saddend me, my favorite game franchise was dead. Then E3 came.... Oh man was I ecstatic. Right after the announcement the hype was insane! I would constantly search for news and leaks up until release. I preordered Halo 4 but it was supposed to come late. So right after I got out of school on the release date I headed straight to the game store and bought Halo 4. I beat the campaign that day in about 7 hours, lame. I still had tons of fun though, but it was missing that bungie spark.

                                                          FIN .

KingFaZe#REKT | Member
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It all started when I was 12. I got a 360 from my parents as a gift for getting a B- in  math.  My first game was MW2. I played for hours and my K/D was over a 3.0.  Eventually I searched up MW2 videos on YouTube and discovered Sniping montages. I watched all of them yet the FaZe montages stood out to me and I realized that my dream was to be a part of FaZe. I asked my parents for an elgato and they said yes, on the condition that I get at least a C- in P.E. I worked really hard and even though I ended up with a D- my parents still bought me an elgato.  I quickly hit many Quadfeeds and trickshots and posted them on my YouTube channel. I wasn't a huge channel at first but I never gave up. Using my parents credit card I bought thousands of subscribers and views.  Eventually FaZe contacted me and asked if I wanted to join. I said yes and told my parents. I told them that I would need to focus all my time on hitting clips for my montages. My parents understood and began doing my homework. I was called FaZe REKT.  I then started to earn tons of money from YouTube and not to mention all of the free G-fuel I received. I no longer needed school because FaZe was my job. I dropped out and my parents bought me my own house to game in.  I also got a girlfriend who was a model which my parents gave money to for some reason. To this day I REK all the kids in Pubs while I am drinking my G-fuel and eating my Doritos which my hot girlfriend feeds me. That's my story of gaming. Hope I inspired all of you never to give up on your dreams because one day you'll achieve your dream just like me.

Erives | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: erives
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I cant argue with progress, just you.
Double post by accident. Damn app.
Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 01:52:52 AM by Erives

AngryBrute | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: AngryBrute
PSN: AngryRiot
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Leader of Sep7agon Gaming YouTube Channel
Update: You guys are amazing!!! I will do a video on each of these (if you want)

But I can really focus on ones that are more elaborate. I need those juicy details.

KingFaZe#REKT | Member
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77 posts

Update: You guys are amazing!!! I will do a video on each of these (if you want)

But I can really focus on ones that are more elaborate. I need those juicy details.

Is mine good enough?

nosejob | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Miyamoto captured me and forced me to play Pikmin 2. I survived on dog food and pencil lead.