Get hyped for Blood and Wine

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
Word is this expansion will be so good that it will also win GOTY.
What does this expansion have going for it that can compare to the new grinding DLC for Destiny?

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
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4,765 posts
This game has me all excited for the new DLC and I don't even know what it's about

Braixen | Ascended Posting Rampage
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ID: Braixen
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1,036 posts
I prefer Blood and Semen.

Braixen | Ascended Posting Rampage
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ID: Braixen
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1,036 posts
Is this shit like Elder Scrolls or the shit like that?

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
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4,765 posts
Is this shit like Elder Scrolls or the shit like that?
Heck no

It's like 13th century Magical Poland that's dark as heck, like super medieval and grim

I mean it's like Elder Scrolls in that it's a huge open world RPG, but it's actually an RPG

Braixen | Ascended Posting Rampage
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ID: Braixen
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1,036 posts
Is this shit like Elder Scrolls or the shit like that?
Heck no

It's like 13th century Magical Poland that's dark as heck, like super medieval and grim

I mean it's like Elder Scrolls in that it's a huge open world RPG, but it's actually an RPG

Comet | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Comet
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3,687 posts
i cant wait for this game to be on sale with all the dlc

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
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ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

👨🏽:honey, he's gonna say his first words



👶🏽:here come dat boi 🐸!

👨🏽:o shit waddup 😂💯

I mean it's like Elder Scrolls in that it's a huge open world RPG, but it's actually an RPG
It's sad that a game where you're forced to play as a character who already has a past and personalty ends up having more RPG elements than a series where you're able to create a character. A secondary quest and even a witcher contract has more depth to it than a whole guild line in Skyrim.
Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 05:01:28 AM by Little Willie

Onion | Elite Four Invincible!
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ID: Orion
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3,782 posts
i couldn't wait

starting new game plus with heart of stone ;-;7
Do you still lose all your Gwent cards going in to NG+?

That really put me off a second playthrough.
I don't wanna COLLECT 'EM ALL again.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
i couldn't wait

starting new game plus with heart of stone ;-;7
Do you still lose all your Gwent cards going in to NG+?

That really put me off a second playthrough.
I don't wanna COLLECT 'EM ALL again.
Yep, that annoyed me greatly.

I love struggling to win basic games of it because they have infinite nausicaas and I have 'poor fucking infantry' and rain cards.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
Oh yeah, in a recent interview CDPR said Toussaint will be about as big as all of Skellige combined. So, pretty big.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
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1,507 posts

Info was from the DLC page on Steam(it's taken down now) Supposedly releasing on May 30th by the way.

Visit new points of interest and set out on new side-quests in a realm rivalling No Man’s Land or Novigrad in size.
Kick and relax in your own vineyard, a real home away from home.
Use new gear, items, and combine them with your skills to slay monsters never before seen in the series.
Visit a world of fairytales gone wrong and battle surreal creatures you know from children’s tales and books.
Take on knights in a grand tourney to show your true fighting skill, or set out to discover the gruesome mystery behind a spoon-collecting creature known as a wight.
Team up with powerful allies to take down the beast terrorizing the kingdom, or turn a blind eye to what’s going on and play Gwent with an all-new Skellige deck.
Blood and Wine includes over 90 new quests and 40 new points of interest. It also introduces a dynamic system, where interacting with an area's main POI affects adjacent points -- for example, killing enemies in their main hideout lowers their numbers in surrounding camps. Additionally, there will be 14,000 new lines of dialogue, which is 8,000 more than the previous expansion.
New gear and monsters include over 30 new weapons, 100 individual pieces of armor, and more than 20 new monsters. No specifics were announced.
12 new mutations were detailed, however, and players will be able to unlock them in New Game Plus. The mutations include one that causes enemies to freeze and die instantly when knocked by Aard, one that makes enemies to explode when they're killed with a sign's critical hit, and another that heals and grants you damage immunity when you lose all of your health.
Other additions include the New Game Plus maximum level increasing to 100, a new "Skellige" Gwent deck, and a redesigned user interface. Players will also be able to change the color of their gear with armor dyes that can be obtained through merchants, recipes or loot. However, these can only be acquired in Toussaint.
Unfortunately, a release date has still not been announced for Blood and Wine. Polish gaming site GRYOnline posted a listing that said it would be released on June 7, but that has not been confirmed.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
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10,584 posts
I have this game but I've never played it

And the season pass
Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 10:57:02 PM by Tyger

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
I have this game but I've never played it

And the season pass
You should be ashamed. Go play it now. Don't quit till you finish. It will take a few days, but it's worth it. GOTY 2015. Best game I've played in YEARS. Speaking of, Uncharted 4 unlocks in 120 seconds. Later.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
I have this game but I've never played it

And the season pass
You should be ashamed. Go play it now. Don't quit till you finish. It will take a few days, but it's worth it. GOTY 2015. Best game I've played in YEARS. Speaking of, Uncharted 4 unlocks in 120 seconds. Later.
what's the #1 worst thing you can do when recommending someone a game

hyping it the fuck up to a point where his expectations are raised super high, increasing his chance for disappointment

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts

Official trailer shows 31st of May

Right before my exam. fug.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Why the FUCK haven't I finished Hearts of Stone yet?

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
Found some more info and screens

The Numbers:
•   30+ hour adventure.
•   Over 90 new quests.
•   Over 40 new points of interest.
•   Dynamic points of interest system. Killing bandits in their main hideout will affect the number of enemies in surrounding camps.
•   14000 lines of dialogue (Hearts of Stone had 6000).
•   100 individual pieces of armour (including new Witcher sets).
•   More than 20 new monsters.
•   New Game + maximum level increased to 100.

Armour and Weapons:
•   New Witcher armour class ‘Grandmaster’.
•   New armour merchant who is the only one able to craft this level of Witcher gear.
•   Can get blue, hooded armour from Witcher 2, armour from Witcher 1, Ursine Witcher armour with furry pauldron that was in the artbook but cut from the main game.
•   More than 30 new weapons.
•   Can now dye armour. Dyes can be bought from a merchant, crafted or looted. Only obtainable in Toussaint. Pink is among the colours.
•   You can acquire the golden, plumed armour of the Touissant knights, and the same goes for Roach!

New Mutation System:
•   Mutations. 12 new abilities. Mechanic is unlocked through a quest started by a letter from Yennefer. Examples: Signs can have critical hits causing the enemy to explode, instead of dying Geralt is healed and has damage immunity, opponents knocked down by AARD freeze and die instantly. Can only utilise one at a time.
•   The UI resembles Witcher 2’s character customization screen. Basically they’re super strong abilities/stat boosts that require mutagens and skill points to unlock. Can only pick one at a time but you have to unlock earlier ones to get the others.
•   Despite unlocking it at level 34+ (recommended level to venture to Touissant) the system and anything you’ve unlocked carries over to New Game+ so you won’t have to unlock it again.

UI Changes:
•   Greatly redesigned User Interface.
•   Can now rotate Geralt in stats screen.
•   Books moved to glossary.
•   Upon looting a readable item a little notification pops up in bottom left of screen. Upon clicking in the right stick (on Xbox One controller), you can read the text of recently looted books, letters, notes etc without having to go to the menu, inventory, finding the right book and so on.
•   Option to remove fish-eye effect from witcher sense.

Home Base:
•   Geralt gets his own motherfucking vineyard.
•   It’s called Corvo Bianco.
•   You can renovate it with large sums of money, the option I saw was for 5000 Orens.
•   You can add a greenhouse of sorts where you can grow herbs for all your witcher potion needs, an armourer’s table, a stable for Roach (with its own stat bonuses), upgrade your bed, renovated interior and exterior, secret lab, guest room.
•   Guest room where old friends will come to stay. They said the names Triss and Yennefer, but were reluctant to reveal the names of anyone else who might visit. Surprise Iorveth/Saskia visit?Unlikely
•   Scaffolding and workers will appear after you choose to build something. Each change takes a certain amount of in-game time to complete, but you can just meditate til everything’s done.
•   Can display your armour, weapons, paintings and books.
•   Some paintings can be bought, or specially made, others are obtained through quests.

•   Over 2 hours of new musical content in the game.
•   The title screen song is a reworked version of the Bruxa song from the CGI trailer.

Other Tidbits:
•   Can enter Geralt in a tournament, creating his own logo and team colours.
•   Can enter under a fake name, although you may not fool everyone.
•   You can of course race horses, but other events involve crossbow shooting and a grand melee. Seems like there will be more but they didn’t want to say.
•   No new unique weather effects, but the lighting has been prepared specially to reflect the feeling of Southern Europe.
•   No new hairstyles.
•   As of the preview event (3/5/16) they were still working on the final boss fight.
•   Grass has been optimised, more of it but less expensive.
•   Improvements to cloth tech (see interview for more detail).
•   New sword sheathing option. With this new option Geralt no longer automatically unsheathes his sword at the start of combat. Also, he no longer switches weapons to match the opponent. The player has to do it on their own.
•   CDPR staff were given a sheet that says “We do not talk about Cyberpunk” for this press tour.
•   Bioware staff apparently cheered when Witcher 3 was delayed out of 2014.
•   Nilfgaard and Northern Kingdoms physical Gwents cards exist, unsure if they’re being packaged with this expansion.
•   Release date May 31.

Old UI vs New UI

Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 07:36:51 PM by Josh55886

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
•   Bioware staff apparently cheered when Witcher 3 was delayed out of 2014.


Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Last Edit: May 11, 2016, 09:36:13 AM by Mordo

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
I have this game but I've never played it

And the season pass
You should be ashamed. Go play it now. Don't quit till you finish. It will take a few days, but it's worth it. GOTY 2015. Best game I've played in YEARS. Speaking of, Uncharted 4 unlocks in 120 seconds. Later.
what's the #1 worst thing you can do when recommending someone a game

hyping it the fuck up to a point where his expectations are raised super high, increasing his chance for disappointment

The hype is the sole reason why I don't want to play it.

Like, the amount of people fanboying it has put me off buying it.

I'm assuming this is how you felt with halo.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
Developer Diary.

I need this right now.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts

Get ready boys.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
How the fuck do you guys get to lvl 39?

I've literally completed everything except a couple of grey quests that I never did and I've barely scraped into 38. I just want to get the Viper gear before I start Blood and Wine smh.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
This games combat sucks so much dick. It's like dark souls autistic cousin

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
How the fuck do you guys get to lvl 39?

I've literally completed everything except a couple of grey quests that I never did and I've barely scraped into 38. I just want to get the Viper gear before I start Blood and Wine smh.
Try starting Hearts of Stone. Unless you've already done that too. Or NG+? I'm like level 69 I think.

Also, Tyger. Get out. The combat is fine.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
How the fuck do you guys get to lvl 39?

I've literally completed everything except a couple of grey quests that I never did and I've barely scraped into 38. I just want to get the Viper gear before I start Blood and Wine smh.
Try starting Hearts of Stone. Unless you've already done that too. Or NG+? I'm like level 69 I think.

Also, Tyger. Get out. The combat is fine.
Done HoS, and I want to do NG+ after I've done all the expansions. Everything I kill only grants me like 10xp and I can't really be bothered to trudge through all the question marks in Skellige and Velen.

I mean it's no biggie. I'm sure I can level up during the first quest of BaW but I would've preferred to start the expansion with the Viper gear.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
How the fuck do you guys get to lvl 39?

I've literally completed everything except a couple of grey quests that I never did and I've barely scraped into 38. I just want to get the Viper gear before I start Blood and Wine smh.
Try starting Hearts of Stone. Unless you've already done that too. Or NG+? I'm like level 69 I think.

Also, Tyger. Get out. The combat is fine.
Done HoS, and I want to do NG+ after I've done all the expansions. Everything I kill only grants me like 10xp and I can't really be bothered to trudge through all the question marks in Skellige and Velen.

I mean it's no biggie. I'm sure I can level up during the first quest of BaW but I would've preferred to start the expansion with the Viper gear.
Alright. I looked it up. Go to the expanded area in Novigrad added with Hearts of Stone. Should be Northeast corner IIRC. Find all the level 38/39 monsters and grind it out. The person said it doesn't take too long.