Fucking DEATH Magic

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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48,055 posts
Which probably means enemies can use it, too.


A salt rifle | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: A salt rifle
PSN: A salt rifle
Steam: A salt rifle
ID: Atticus
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1,778 posts
A salt Rifle
Would be funny if you could use it on the giant shown in one of the demos.

I don't think that it's a good addition though since it can make fight against single large enemies almost trivial. It's Still better than something like the white donkey kong though.
I bet there'll also be an achievement for not using the spell throughout the whole game too.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

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Death in previous Final Fantasy titles did exist for enemies to use but it worked different than how the player's Death spell worked. In the case of XIII for example, they would cast Doom on you and you had a countdown timer to defeat the enemy before it reached zero or it was a OHK. In the Final Fantasy titles before that, an enemy would usually cast an odd-number level variant of the spell (like Level 3 Death or Level 5 Death) where it would only kill the character if they had a level divisible by the set number.

Which probably means enemies can use it, too.


Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
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Actually the Iron Giant is one of the example enemies shown in the video.

Because the spell comes from the Ring of Luci, which is obtained late in the story, it's probably one of those spells that the player will be given to use against trash mobs when they no longer need to grind and want to work towards finishing the story. It probably wont have much effect on story bosses or the eventual post-story bosses.

Would be funny if you could use it on the giant shown in one of the demos.

I don't think that it's a good addition though since it can make fight against single large enemies almost trivial. It's Still better than something like the white donkey kong though.
I bet there'll also be an achievement for not using the spell throughout the whole game too.

A salt rifle | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: A salt rifle
PSN: A salt rifle
Steam: A salt rifle
ID: Atticus
IP: Logged

1,778 posts
A salt Rifle
Would be funny if you could use it on the giant shown in one of the demos.

I don't think that it's a good addition though since it can make fight against single large enemies almost trivial. It's Still better than something like the white donkey kong though.
I bet there'll also be an achievement for not using the spell throughout the whole game too.
Actually the Iron Giant is one of the example enemies shown in the video.
Yeah, no, I mean the BIG FUCKING GIANT - the one who could easily grab a handful of iron giants.
Because the spell comes from the Ring of Luci, which is obtained late in the story, it's probably one of those spells that the player will be given to use against trash mobs when they no longer need to grind and want to work towards finishing the story. It probably wont have much effect on story bosses or the eventual post-story bosses.
That sounds good.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
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Hmm, I don't remember seeing that one in any of the game trailers or demos.

Yeah, no, I mean the BIG FUCKING GIANT - the one who could easily grab a handful of iron giants.

A salt rifle | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: A salt rifle
PSN: A salt rifle
Steam: A salt rifle
ID: Atticus
IP: Logged

1,778 posts
A salt Rifle
Yeah, no, I mean the BIG FUCKING GIANT - the one who could easily grab a handful of iron giants.
Hmm, I don't remember seeing that one in any of the game trailers or demos.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
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Titan? The summon? You'll get the ring after you recruit him.
