Fuck Brian Reed (Halo 5 Rant)

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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
NOTE: I have far more to write about this whole shitshow that is Halo 5s story, what I have here is but the prologue, so enjoy reading a wall of text once i'm done.  but I am sleepy as fuck. Ill continue when I wake up

TL;DR : Halo 5s story is fucking shit and Brian Reed should be executed in a giant blender

UPDATE: Added Tanake

So I've finally come to grips with just how fucking godawful Halo 5s story is and I just felt like dumping my thoughts somewhere so here I go. I guess I'll list of points of everything about the story I hate, and Is a shame because interspersed within this mess are too many relay great moments completely eclipsed by shit or completely wasted potential. This is going to be a more rantty rough draft of something I hope to be more substantial someday so any input is appreciated. Ill fix the grammar and paragraph structure and shit later if it's fucked up.

Im going to try to steer clear of HUNTtheTRUTH and it's disconnect from Halo 5's story, since apparanlty is was conceived separately, so I guess it's not relay fair to judge and Ad campaign that was disconnected by nature, (Even though the point of an ad campaign is by nature supopsed to be relevant) although I may make a separate section for  it.


Lets start of with the characters. The worst thing about them all is that every single character was, in a theory pretty interesting, and could have had so many dynamics that played into their interaction and arcs but so much if not all of it is completely squandered. Lets start with Locke shall we?

Nightfall wasn't very good but is set Locke up in an interesting way, his first encounter with a Spartan II (Randal) could have and was supposed to be a major impact on him. Witnessing Randal's leadership was supposed to have majorly influenced his view if what a Spartan was supposed to be. This could have played into so many things, especially his view of the Chief, but it literally never plays into anything, we don't even get to know what Locke's actual opinions on anything are.
 One way they could have gone for example was having Locke comparing Chief to Randal, maybe idolizing Randal as sort of a gold standard for Spartans and Chief being a disgrace to that ideal. On the other hand the fact that both Chief and Randal are deserters, it could have instead given him some kind of sympathy for Chief, feeling that Spartan 2s would have a good reason for going AWOL and, thus leading him to want to learn the truth about what is going on.

Unfortunately nothing like that actually happens, instead we get a pretty boring drone of a character, who's only actual personality trait other than "follow orders" being his diplomatic nature which did actually carry over from Nightfall.

Let's get this strait, Buck is only thrown in for fanservice. Now that does not take away from his very good established back story, he's still a great character outside of Halo 5, but the real reason he was put in was because they couldn't get Thorne's actor and they wanted the nostgiafags to shut the fuck up, if only for 30 seconds.

Speaking of Thorne let me go on a tangent briefly, because it was clear they were setting him up as a protagonist since Halo 4. In my personal opinion he could have been a great character to have had  instead of Buck. Not because I don't like Buck, but because Thorne was set up as a character that would have worked well with Halo 5's basic premise. Thorne is shown to be particularly inquisitive and hold especial curiosity when It comes to the Spartan IIs. His backstory also in a way mirrors the Chief in that the Didact's attack on earth took loved ones from them. They are both traumatized from their losses and have pushed themselves to the extremes following as a result. (John taking missions nonstop and Thorne actually becoming a Spartan himself with the though that he could have saved his family if he was stronger) Throne not only had plenty of room to grow from this but it could have also given him a unique character dynamic with John.
But then again with how the game turned out, that would have probably been completely squandered as well, and he'd be about as big of a brick as Locke was.

Now onto Buck himself, Halo New Blood left Buck in a particularly good point to develop his character. After losing the Rookie, Dutch retiring, and Mickey's betrayal, Buck felt incompetent as a leader and thus stepped down from his leadership role. This could have have been used to great effect in developing him and potentially the other members of Osiris, especially since the are a new team after all. One example could be Buck questioning or challenging Locke's leadership, since he himself is still so used to being a leader. There's plently of ways i'm sure this could have been taken,  but instead he as well as everyone else (exept for John I guess) remains completely static. And any chance they do have to   explore his backstory is relegated to a few lines of Fanservice-y dialouge.

Wasted backstory is probably going to be the theme here so just bare with me.

Now Tanaka and Vale are the only two charachters who's backstories are actualy used and lent to the stories naratives but in tanaka's case in particular it is barely substantial. Her dialogue on Meridian was done ok. They ackgnowlaged her background of  being from a glassed planet, and how it gave her a unique prspective on the glassed colony, but the problem is that is does not lend it'self to the narrative at large. Tanaka could have maybe felt bad for the residents urged the team to help people that may have been to far out of their way, or maybe her unique knowledge of glassed planets could have let her find some kind of quirk in the glassed terrain that could help them get around better. Or they could have her be the one primarily interacting with the citizens or Meridian, and have them be more open to her after hearing her background. Anything that had some sort of bearing to the story at large would be nice. Another thing that seemed underdeveloped was her apparent skills as an engineer. This is probably her most underdeveloped trait as a whole, even not counting Halo 5, we've never actualy seen her do anything regarding engineering, all she gets is like 3 feet extra on her motion tracker which is pretty underwhelming. They could have done something with it, gameplay-wise or  story-wise. Maybe have her help fix some stuff on Meridian to gain their trust, or make her the only one who can activate certain objects in the game world, for example, there could be some fried turret controlls somewhere and only Takaka can fix it, or Hell just give her the Anti-EMP perk from Halo 4, something... 
Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 01:28:17 PM by Metal Earth™ Guardian

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
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I don't know if I would have wanted Thorne honestly, he could have worked well within the premise, but with how the writing was I don't think it would have been executed well.

Some details would have been cool, like when Tanaka mentioned that a new type of Knight was reported on Oban, Thorne was present at that battle so he could have talked about it, when Locke said "you're not the only one here because of him", it would have probably made more sense if he were speaking to Thorne (Thorne enlisted in the Spartan-IV's because of the attack on New Phoenix right?).

And then yes, Thorne was interested in the Spartan-II's and as you mentioned may have had an interesting dynamic with John.
Had the characters themselves been better, then I would have preferred Thorne, but sadly this wasn't the case so having Buck there as a Meme Man kinda works.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Buck felt incompetent as a leader and thus stepped down from his leadership role.

One example could be Buck questioning or challenging Locke's leadership, since he himself is still so used to being a leader.

Now, I'm not tryin' to be mean here. But that's a really damn good way to give a poor example.

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,147 posts
I love you, son.
Everything Halo 4 was building towards was shat on by Halo 5. Fuck 343i and fuck Brian Reed. If I were Chris Schlerf I'd be pissed.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,736 posts
Everything Halo 4 was building towards was shat on by Halo 5. Fuck 343i and fuck Brian Reed. If I were Chris Schlerf I'd be pissed.

It's even weirder when they said that they knew what would happen in 5 before they knew what would happen in 4

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
IP: Logged

9,147 posts
I love you, son.
Everything Halo 4 was building towards was shat on by Halo 5. Fuck 343i and fuck Brian Reed. If I were Chris Schlerf I'd be pissed.

It's even weirder when they said that they knew what would happen in 5 before they knew what would happen in 4
Well the other day it was revealed that Cortana was going to be Halo 5's villain all along.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Everything Halo 4 was building towards was shat on by Halo 5. Fuck 343i and fuck Brian Reed. If I were Chris Schlerf I'd be pissed.

It's even weirder when they said that they knew what would happen in 5 before they knew what would happen in 4
Well the other day it was revealed that Cortana was going to be Halo 5's villain all along.


| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
All things aside, I really do try to enjoy 343's work since they took over. But they're so damn lopsided all the time it isn't even funny. You find one good thing you enjoy about them for a little bit, and then you find a boulder landing on you as you turn around.

Like, everything they do has to conflict for some reason. If it's not one little detail over there that you like, it's another fucking thing that feels out of place or just flat out sucks. It's annoying.

CK97 | Legendary League Champion
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The story was definitely underwhelming and not what was advertised.

Still, I enjoyed playing through it.

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
Buck felt incompetent as a leader and thus stepped down from his leadership role.

One example could be Buck questioning or challenging Locke's leadership, since he himself is still so used to being a leader.

Now, I'm not tryin' to be mean here. But that's a really damn good way to give a poor example.

Please do feel free to give a better one and ill be glad to replace it. I did say I was looking for input in the OP

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Buck felt incompetent as a leader and thus stepped down from his leadership role.

One example could be Buck questioning or challenging Locke's leadership, since he himself is still so used to being a leader.

Now, I'm not tryin' to be mean here. But that's a really damn good way to give a poor example.

Please do feel free to give a better one and ill be glad to replace it. I did say I was looking for input in the OP

Well I certainly wouldn't write up a contradictory statement for starters. That's Brian Reed tier writing at that point.

Although I'd have to actually play the damn game first to really get a solid opinion on what they could change. Assuming things work out, that won't be too much longer.

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,147 posts
I love you, son.
What I find hilarious is how they're fine calling Dr Halsey evil and worse than Hitler but they then have the audacity to say that Cortana isn't evil even though she's killed millions, potentially billions by doing this.

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
What I find hilarious is how they're fine calling Dr Halsey evil and worse than Hitler but they then have the audacity to say that Cortana isn't evil even though she's killed millions, potentially billions by doing this.

I'm definitely going to bring up the Hasley bashing at some point, although I do think at one point in the story it was actually used well for once in terms of trying to convey how dangerous Cortana actually is.

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
The story was definitely underwhelming and not what was advertised.

Still, I enjoyed playing through it.

Indeed, the story had some great points in it. I loved that we actually got to see the War for Sangelios end in a game, instead of a another Travissty novel,  but thanks to Brian Reed's writing it served as nothing but filler in the overall scheme of things.
And I loved the plot twist of Cortana becoming adversarial, and the final cutscene between John and Cortana was such a powerful moment.
The fact that it left off on the cliffhanger it did was not a problem at all. I love where the series is left at with Infinity and the entire gang on the run from Cortana who is now in a huge possition of power over the galaxy is a great settu for future events, but the problem is that the journey there wasn't fulfilling at all.

Im gonna go into more detail later  as I update the OP

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,147 posts
I love you, son.
I remember when they said the Didact would be a major character throughout the Reclaimer Saga.


Having the Didact find himself having to use a Builder installation would have been far more interesting. Just leave Cortana dead.

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
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->Chief goes through a lot trying to destroy the Composer -> Didact shows up with like five more
->Emotional good-bye with Cortana -> She survives with space magic and is evil

What is Halo 4's ending

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
I remember when they said the Didact would be a major character throughout the Reclaimer Saga.


Having the Didact find himself having to use a Builder installation would have been far more interesting. Just leave Cortana dead.

I do like the idea. A composed Didact making his way into genesis' systems would make more sense to be able to overide all of the Monitor's access. We wouldn't even need the Warden Eternal as a new charachter and it would just the Didact taking control of his own created bodies.
The real only problem with this is how he wouldn't just use the Guardians to wipe humanity out instantly. And also there is the theory that the Warden is just a composed and brainwashed Didact anyway.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
Thorne was a shit character.
He was shit in SpOps, and he was shit in Escalation.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
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22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Thorne was a shit character.
He was shit in SpOps, and he was shit in Escalation.
Spartan Ops was shit in general

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Thorne was a shit character.
He was shit in SpOps, and he was shit in Escalation.

The only thing he had going for him was that compared to all the other characters he was the least shit.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
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ID: Rocketman287
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22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Have they fired Brian Reed or replaced him yet?

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Have they fired Brian Reed or replaced him yet?
They probably won't. I remember Waypoint collectively crying and begging for a reversal of his promotion the day it happened. Don't think they care that much.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
Thorne was a shit character.
He was shit in SpOps, and he was shit in Escalation.
Spartan Ops was shit in general
the second half was actually pretty decent

y'know, because it wasn't the same two maps

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
IP: Logged

9,147 posts
I love you, son.
343i has no idea what they're doing.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
OP is the only person who likes Thorne


Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
only until we can find a way to fight

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield

tfw you realize you're a lame character

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
ID: SpartanT110
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At least they realised giving us the rest of Majestic was a shit idea

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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I would've preferred thorne over tanaka tbh fam imo

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I would've preferred thorne over tanaka tbh fam imo

You know, that actually might've worked better. Thorne probably would have had or should I say, could, have an interesting dynamic with Buck.