Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood ramble

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
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13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Shadowbringers trailer

end of an era and heavensward are better

The first expansion, Heavensward, is free until June 27th if anyone is interested.

Barely structured ramblings on Stormblood. I needed to vent lmao.

Finally some of my favorite songs


This is why i dont do reviews.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
Ah, FFXIV, one of the best MMOs out there that I probably never play. I know quite a bit of people who play it, it seems like a good game with a ton of stuff to do.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Ah, FFXIV, one of the best MMOs out there that I probably never play. I know quite a bit of people who play it, it seems like a good game with a ton of stuff to do.
If performance is your concern you can try the free trial

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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I don't know if I have the attention span to make a opinion post as large as yours. Lord knows my thoughts on SB have changed from two years ago. Hard to believe we're only a month and a half away from Shadowbringers.



Job Stuff:






8 Man Raids:


24 Man Raids:





It's 5/10 blue-ball. Make Ala Mhigo an explorable city state and I'll change it to a 10/10 Kino. Here's hoping Mystery Niggas is a better expansion.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
Ah, FFXIV, one of the best MMOs out there that I probably never play. I know quite a bit of people who play it, it seems like a good game with a ton of stuff to do.
If performance is your concern you can try the free trial
While perfomance is concerning me, it's more of a problem that I don't have time and have other games I want to try.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Take back what you said about Mustadio right now. "MR. PRESIDENT GET DOWN!" The Boss is the best fight in the entirety of Orbonne.
If they make Manaward a 5 second CD (healers adjust eternally) or unfuck DRG i will

Good thoughts anyway, i agree with most of it. I just hope they would stop blue balling with Zodiark in ShB thats all i ask from it

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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>Farm some HQ Chysahl Greens to sell on the marketboard
>Match the person already selling them, never undercut
>Doesn't move for a few days
>Look back at the MB
>Person is now undercutting me by the city-state tax percentage and then a few gil afterward
>"Okay, I see how this is"
>Start camping the MB and undercutting back
>Drop the price of HQ Chysahl Greens from 33k to 16k and still lowering

You sell them in stacks of three because you need three to complete the level 60 BTN quest. Some dip shit then put two HQ on the board for like 5k and I bought those and went out and gathered one more to put another stack on the board. It's free gil to me so I don't care how low the price drops.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
My disappointment is immeasurable and i continue to seethe
oh well, elezen soon

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
A week and 2 million gil later. What an awful grind compared to Lux weapons.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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These """leaks""" on the job changes are getting out of hand. Can't wait for the rumor shit to finally die tomorrow.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
id love some utility for BLM

embrace the mana battery so i  can be best friends with healers

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
boutta bust a fucking nut

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,247 posts
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Here are the trailers from several weeks ago for reference sake.

Job action trailer:


Benchmark trailer:


You can download the benchmark and test your computer here:

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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How does fucking Soken keep doing it?! Every expansion he tops his previous final boss theme; it's fucking surreal.

boutta bust a fucking nut

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
How does fucking Soken keep doing it?! Every expansion he tops his previous final boss theme; it's fucking surreal.

boutta bust a fucking nut

When god himself passes away i want Soken to take the mantle. How did XIV, a MMO FF somehow produce the most competent people at SE

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
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1,507 posts
Man I fell off this game awhile back. Just too busy to commit to it. I never made it past the end of Stormblood. I'm on the level 79 quests(I think) so I'm close to the end. Should be at least. Then I have all the patches to play through. I'm sure it will take a good while.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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Patch series for Stormblood is pretty quick actually, you can complete it in one day if you poopsock it.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
My jobs are looking solid, losing sustain on WAR is lame but ill live.

Maybe ill even give DRG its chance

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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You guys DID log out in the Rising Stones with all your equipment removed before maintenance dropped right?

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
think im in rhalqrs reach, good luck logging into rising stones lol

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
i want erp shitters to leave my server

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

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>1201 in queue



Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
i see how it is and how it ends

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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I fucking love this guy he's such a God damn lolcow.


Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
im being fucked by my modem so im waiting to get a new one before i queue for Titania

Music in the early zones is miles better than SB already but the combat music is god awful
Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 08:07:57 AM by Ásgeirr

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
That cave sequence with Solus was fucking good

If he dies i riot

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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If he dies i riot

Just remember that Yoshi wouldn't even let us side with Garlemald, so we'll always be enemies to the trans-dimensional space liches.

Major final boss spoiler

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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Asgeirr hurry up and finish the story so I can start Elidibus-posting because it's some of the funniest shit to grace this game since Asahi and Ilberd.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
just need to disrespect vauthrys chunky ass with glossy xenos and then respect the last zone