E3 2016

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
Also, that game looks sloppy and terrible, I might add.
you're gonna hurt Miyazaki's feelings
Never liked mechas, or spastic camera movement. I didn't know AC was From, though.

That explains the shilling, I guess.

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ID: EnderWolf1013
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10,296 posts
That was my favorite segment of the entire show. What about you guys?
daryl holding a fetus

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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11,899 posts

That's like, just your opinion man.

Armored Core is fast paced to the point where you actually do have to think on your feet since you don't normally have more than a couple seconds to make a decision. The sheer amount of different ways you can build your mechs also allow for a variety of different play styles to come out. In heated fights you often end up having to just rely on instinct.

Dark Souls kind of on the opposite side of the spectrum since it's slower paced, but with the difficulty it presents and the somewhat unforgiving nature of the game it allows for battles to get tense to the point where all of your actions matter and screwing up once can cost you the battle.

If you see something done too many times it ceases to amaze you due to the fact it becomes mundane. While ME didn't show off much, some environments on display were intriguing due to their distinctly alien nature, they look like things you'd never see on Earth.

You might not hold music as a priority, but I do. Music can make or break specific scenes or even the mood of an entire game (as in the case of ODST).

I'm not a huge fan of Darksouls, I like it and I play it, but I'm not crazy about it like some other people here are. I don't bother looking for all the shit in Darksouls either, but even then it's fairly easy to get what you need to upgrade your items. However trying to get specific armor or weapons from certain enemies can be an absolute chore with their abysmal drop rates. Compared to an Ubisoft styled crafting system though, Darksouls is like picking flowers out of your garden.

Verb, I'm not sure what to tell you if you don't think they're moving that fast in AC. Like there's nothing I can really say if you honestly think the speed at which you move in combat is not much faster than in Horizon. You're just saying no for the sake of saying no on this one. Being able to move in a 3d plane instead of being restricted to a horizontal one and being human instead of a mech doesn't really matter when we're talking about how fast paced the combat is. The pace of the combat is just much faster paced in AC than in Horizon. You can cross the entire distance they went in the Horizon E3 demo in seconds.

I honestly don't really care what you think about the quality of AC.
Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 12:19:58 AM by LC

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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12,707 posts
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Everyone should stop saying nob and cuck permanently
People don't say nob nearly as much as cuck, unless its rising as a new insult word.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
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10,584 posts
Everyone should stop saying nob and cuck permanently
People don't say nob nearly as much as cuck, unless its rising as a new insult word.
I've only seen LC say nob on here and a few people on Reddit but I really don't want it to become a thing

Cuck is just so grossly overused

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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12,707 posts
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You know what Horizon's gameplay reminds me of, a reskin of that Lara Croft game that was free about 6-10 months ago on XB1.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
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10,584 posts
I want to know more about Gears 4 horde mode

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
That's like, just your opinion man.
Yes, yes. That's what we're discussing. Very good, LC.
Armored Core is fast paced to the point where you actually do have to think on your feet since you don't normally have more than a couple seconds to make a decision. The sheer amount of different ways you can build your mechs also allow for a variety of different play styles to come out. In heated fights you often end up having to just rely on instinct.
Sounds a lot like how Horizon looks. Horizon looks more intriguing, though.
Dark Souls kind of on the opposite side of the spectrum since it's slower paced, but with the difficulty it presents and the somewhat unforgiving nature of the game it allows for battles to get tense to the point where all of your actions matter and screwing up once can cost you the battle.
Horizon looks like that, too. Perhaps it won't be as punishing as Dark Souls, but who cares? Not all games have to be punishing. In fact, if it were, you'd whine about it for not being original enough. You come off as pretentious and unpleasable.

Maybe video games aren't for you.
If you see something done too many times it ceases to amaze you due to the fact it becomes mundane.
I already stated that you're jaded, and therefore biased. I don't need you to explain that to me.

I'm not jaded, though. I'm still capable of appreciating pretty scenery when I see it. Good visuals don't suddenly become bad just because everything looks nice these days in the AAA sector of gaming. The fact that everything looks nice is, uhh, a good thing. It's hilarious how utterly spoiled rotten people like you can be. You take everything for granted.
You might not hold music as a priority, but I do. Music can make or break specific scenes or even the mood of an entire game (as in the case of ODST).
I hold music as a priority when the full game is out.

I don't hold music as a priority in a trailer. Good music in a trailer is icing on the cake. Bad music in the trailer is unfortunate, but it's not gonna kill the game for me, or make me think not to buy a game. "Meh" or forgettable music isn't going to kill my interest, either. It's not a necessity, it's not important, and you're reaching.
I'm not a huge fan of Darksouls, I like it and I play it, but I'm not crazy about it like some other people here are. I don't bother looking for all the shit in Darksouls either, but even then it's fairly easy to get what you need to upgrade your items. However trying to get specific armor or weapons from certain enemies can be an absolute chore with their abysmal drop rates. Compared to an Ubisoft styled crafting system though, Darksouls is like picking flowers out of your garden.
There's no reason to believe that Horizon won't be like Dark Souls in that regard. Baseless assumption.
Verb, I'm not sure what to tell you if you don't think they're moving that fast in AC.
I already admitted that the game's combat is faster-paced than what we saw in Horizon, but I pointed out that it wasn't that much faster, and then I pointed out that it doesn't matter. Just because it isn't up to your unreasonable standards doesn't mean the combat isn't fast-paced in relation to other grounded third-person games, like Dark Souls.

Street Fighter is faster paced than any of the game's we've been talking about. Would it be fair if I said Armored Core was slow as fuck, because it's not as fast as Super Street Fighter II: Turbo HD Remix? Or Super Smash Bros. Melee? Or any fighting game, for that matter?

No, it wouldn't. So, cut this comparison bullshit. The game certainly isn't slow, but for a game where your primary weapon is the bow & arrow, a weapon that typically takes time to load and aim properly, it's fast as fuck.

Being able to move in a 3d plane instead of being restricted to a horizontal one and being human instead of a mech doesn't really matter when we're talking about how fast paced the combat is.
It absolutely does. You're comparing the speed at which a human being moves to the speed at which a mech can move in midair. Having a human character move as fast as those mechs would be unreasonable in the type of game that Horizon is--further showing just how shitty a comparison you made.
I honestly don't really care what you think about the quality of AC.
Well, it looks like shit. I don't care what you don't care about. It looks like garbage.

When drawing comparisons between game A and game B, it helps if game B is actually a good one. Otherwise, who gives a fuck if game A is nothing like it?
Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:12:54 AM by Verbatim

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
Tbh if it weren't for the setting of the game, I wouldn't care for Horizon, I love new worlds, even if they aren't overly new. Its a shame all I see is that Lara Croft game but with robots. I'll still play it regardless.
Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:17:50 AM by Yu

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
You know what Horizon's gameplay reminds me of, a reskin of that Lara Croft game that was free about 6-10 months ago on XB1.
Right. So when do you plan on actually watching the new Horizon gameplay?

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
You know what Horizon's gameplay reminds me of, a reskin of that Lara Croft game that was free about 6-10 months ago on XB1.
Right. So when do you plan on actually watching the new Horizon gameplay?
I did, when do plan on playing that Lara Croft game start to finish?

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
While I can't say anything of the sony conference particularly interests me, it's good to see at least one company has a fucking clue about what E3 should be. X-Wing VR looks cool but I'm not interested in anything else enough to justify going out and buying a new console.

So I guess EA won this one for me, which is really pathetic. Titanfall, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Skyrim 2 and Halo Wars, one of which is a game I already have and one is a sequel to a game that sounds like it has had all the good stuff of the original taken away in the sequel. And another's show was a two minute video amounting to "We are doing this game". Big surprise there.

Microsoft in particular has to win some kind of award for the most boring E3. It's like those guys are actively trying to get me to stop buying their stuff.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
You know what Horizon's gameplay reminds me of, a reskin of that Lara Croft game that was free about 6-10 months ago on XB1.
Right. So when do you plan on actually watching the new Horizon gameplay?
I did, when do plan on playing that Lara Croft game start to finish?
I meant this year's, not last year's. It was like, super amazing-looking and awesome? Look it up, I'm sure it's on YouTube by now.

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
You know what Horizon's gameplay reminds me of, a reskin of that Lara Croft game that was free about 6-10 months ago on XB1.
Right. So when do you plan on actually watching the new Horizon gameplay?
I did, when do plan on playing that Lara Croft game start to finish?
I meant this year's, not last year's. It was like, super amazing-looking and awesome? Look it up, I'm sure it's on YouTube by now.
And I told you, I did, and I'm telling you, its a reskin of the Lara Croft game, gameplay wise. Tell me, did you play that game? Did anyone here? I doubt so, because it was crap.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
You know what Horizon's gameplay reminds me of, a reskin of that Lara Croft game that was free about 6-10 months ago on XB1.
Right. So when do you plan on actually watching the new Horizon gameplay?
I did, when do plan on playing that Lara Croft game start to finish?
I meant this year's, not last year's. It was like, super amazing-looking and awesome? Look it up, I'm sure it's on YouTube by now.
And I told you, I did, and I'm telling you, its a reskin of the Lara Croft game, gameplay wise. Tell me, did you play that game? Did anyone here? I doubt so, because it was crap.
Might have clicked the wrong trailer, because I didn't see any Tomb Raider reskin.

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
You know what Horizon's gameplay reminds me of, a reskin of that Lara Croft game that was free about 6-10 months ago on XB1.
Right. So when do you plan on actually watching the new Horizon gameplay?
I did, when do plan on playing that Lara Croft game start to finish?
I meant this year's, not last year's. It was like, super amazing-looking and awesome? Look it up, I'm sure it's on YouTube by now.
And I told you, I did, and I'm telling you, its a reskin of the Lara Croft game, gameplay wise. Tell me, did you play that game? Did anyone here? I doubt so, because it was crap.
Might have clicked the wrong trailer, because I didn't see any Tomb Raider reskin.
Yea, because you didn't play the game.

>Equipment accessed by pinwheel
>Menu format the same
>Loot/crafting system is the same
>Slow mo during important takedowns

The only thing thats different is that in the Tomb Raider game you could for the most part run and gun/bow, this gives a bit more flexibility, but thats hardly a big over haul. Considering the similarities Horizon's gameplay won't have much depth to it, enemies are gonna be classical FF style in variety, meaning a set of AI with bigger ones be reskins of the the first set just stronger and a slightly different look. Story will likely be far too linear for a open world game, way to waste months of world building. And the upgrading skill tree, if it has some variety of one, will require farming mobs. Yea, theres nothing to suggest anything I said past the first sentence and a half will be spot on, but from what its looking, thats what it'll be and its disheartening that the setting would be ruined with crappy gameplay.

I'm sure you'll argue how having some of the same aspects doesn't make it a reskin, but when I see the same functions being implemented in the same way, its nothing but a reskin.
Also, you still haven't contested me on actually knowing how the Tomb Raider game plays.
Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:49:51 AM by Yu

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PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
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30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
—Judge Aaron Satie
because I know it will eventually happen at some point in the future, I'm always on alert for an ff8 remake announcement

easily my favorite one

it's going to be even better when they remake 4

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
it's going to be even better when they remake 4
They already did. Voice acting and all.

The earlier games get 3DS remakes.

| 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒏
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PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
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30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
—Judge Aaron Satie
it's going to be even better when they remake 4
They already did. Voice acting and all.

The earlier games get 3DS remakes.
Oh shit, I didn't even know that

I don't even have a 3DS anymore

FF8 remake is definitely going to be a bigger thing, though, like the FF7 remake

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Frankly sick of remakes. It's just like with movies.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
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30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
—Judge Aaron Satie
Frankly sick of remakes. It's just like with movies.
SE obviously isn't capable of making a good final fantasy anymore, so that's really all I'm interested in

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
Frankly sick of remakes. It's just like with movies.

I'd say there's a fundamental difference. You can still watch old films all you like, DVD format or Blu-Ray isn't going anywhere any time soon.

Games (Unless you're on PC) are generally stuck to one console and can't be played if you don't own that console anymore for whatever reason and it's not backwards-compatible.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I'd say there's a fundamental difference. You can still watch old films all you like, DVD format or Blu-Ray isn't going anywhere any time soon.

Games (Unless you're on PC) are generally stuck to one console and can't be played if you don't own that console anymore for whatever reason and it's not backwards-compatible.
That's why you don't sell your consoles.

I get so triggered when people say shit like "I'm selling my PS4." Makes me want to just throttle them and say, YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET THIS DECISION. STOP.

unless they literally needed the money, ofc

Thun | Mythic Inconceivable!
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8,991 posts
Speaking of remakes. Legend of Dragoon when?

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
it's going to be even better when they remake 4
They already did. Voice acting and all.

The earlier games get 3DS remakes.
Oh shit, I didn't even know that

I don't even have a 3DS anymore

FF8 remake is definitely going to be a bigger thing, though, like the FF7 remake
Yeah it's on steam. Yuri Lowenthal voices Cecil, and Liam O'Brian as Kain (google them, you'll know work they did). I really recommend it, as it's probably in my top 3 for FF games. Here, I'll link you the opening CGI.


Goosebumps every time. Music is so powerful.

> yfw Cecil is Griffith

Edit: I meant normal DS btw
Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 03:22:04 AM by Luciana

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
Frankly sick of remakes. It's just like with movies.
SE obviously isn't capable of making a good final fantasy anymore, so that's really all I'm interested in
Final Fantasy 14, buddy (after flubbing 1.0).

They're good at making them. Just not the main installments anymore. 15 might be good, but eh.

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ID: EnderWolf1013
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10,296 posts

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Frankly sick of remakes. It's just like with movies.
SE obviously isn't capable of making a good final fantasy anymore, so that's really all I'm interested in
Final Fantasy 14, buddy (after flubbing 1.0).