Caught my first Shiny in gen 6

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ID: Latsu15
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1,664 posts
I caught a shiny Wismur training my Wonder Trade team. Kinda sad that it's evolutions look mediocre so I think it's going to stay in my box.

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19,291 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
I've only come across a shiny once, I didn't know it was a shiny so I FUCKING KILLED IT

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6,172 posts
The last I encountered a shiny was in Diamond

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
I caught a lot of shinies from chain-fishing. Shiny Clauncher, Huntail and Skrelp. There's more, but they are the only noteworthy ones.

DAS B00T x2
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37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
There's a shiny Rhyperior chilling on my old copy of Pearl...

That's about it.

Miia | Heroic Posting Riot
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820 posts
I got a shiny metagross in Y, and I shiny feebas in AS

CK97 | Legendary League Champion
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3,487 posts
No joke, once I got the Shiny Charm in X, I encountered a shiny almost every day I played.

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ID: Latsu15
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1,664 posts
No joke, once I got the Shiny Charm in X, I encountered a shiny almost every day I played.
I have a shiny charm and have had it for 4 days and only 1 Shiny so far :(

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
i've come across nine shinies in my life
all of them were pure, legit encounters--no masuda method, no wonder trade, no gimmicks--just good luck

my first shiny was in gen ii (silver)--it was a rattata
i was so hype because i only learned about shinies one week before i saw it

then in gen iii, i found, like... four
- shiny electrike out of nowhere
- shiny wobbuffet that ran away, because it was in the fucking safari zone -_-
- shiny wurmple that i found while grinding, and the only 'mon on my team was a zigzagoon with red HP, so i didn't get it
- shiny numel that i found during a nuzlocke in jagged pass--my encounter was used up, but i caught it anyway

gen iv:
- shiny geodude

gen v:
- shiny basculin. i was grinding at the time, and wasn't even paying attention to the screen. basculin's shiny sprite is a SLIGHTLY brighter shade of green, but i didn't notice at the time. i almost knocked it out when i took a closer look at it and said "wait... something's not right here..."

gen vi:
- shiny pidgey (srs)
- not only was it a shiny flabébé, it was a shiny WHITE flabébé--caught literally five fucking minutes after i found the pidgey
Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 02:10:28 AM by Verbatim

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
it's only a matter of time before i get myself a shiny in alpha sapphire, too

beldum doesn't count

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
No joke, once I got the Shiny Charm in X, I encountered a shiny almost every day I played.
that's a thing?

That. Is so. Lame.

shinies are officially not special anymore

| Heroic Posting Rampage
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ID: Latsu15
IP: Logged

1,664 posts
No joke, once I got the Shiny Charm in X, I encountered a shiny almost every day I played.
that's a thing?

That. Is so. Lame.

shinies are officially not special anymore
It takes having all the Pokemon in order to get the charm. It's more for collectors than anything.

OT: I've only caught 3 Shinies so far.

Gen 3: Shiny Sharpedo while fishing for my Pokedex completion

Gen 4: Shiny Sentret while in the car at Arches National Park (And the encounter was in the Safari zone so I was freaking out thinking it could run away)

Gen 6: Hoard Training my Wonder Trade Battle team I found a shiny Wismur.
Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 02:58:48 AM by Latsu

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2,071 posts
I have 7 shinies, 4 of which were SR'd for.

gen II-
Cyndaquil -SR'D-

Treecko -SR'D-
Groudon -SR'D-

Gen V
Samurott -SR'D-

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
i would never do that

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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10,584 posts
No joke, once I got the Shiny Charm in X, I encountered a shiny almost every day I played.
that's a thing?

That. Is so. Lame.

shinies are officially not special anymore
they stopped being special when the action replay was invented

OT my only shiny is a shiny charizard that I caught in the friend safari, and a shiny munna I had in black but deleted my save

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
I was looking for a Larvitar in Heartgold, and I found a shiny Onix. Months later I deleted my save (with the Onix) and started over, got to the place where you can get Larvitar and started hunting for it again. A few encounters in and I found a shiny Onix again.

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18,501 posts
The Rage....
Shiny Starly. One and only shiny I ever got.

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3,727 posts
Moms spaghetti
I got the sun pokemon in Ruby. My neighbor on the boss didn't believe me when I said it looked different.

CK97 | Legendary League Champion
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XBL: CK997
PSN: Illusion997
ID: CK97
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3,487 posts
No joke, once I got the Shiny Charm in X, I encountered a shiny almost every day I played.
that's a thing?

That. Is so. Lame.

shinies are officially not special anymore
Even with the Charm, finding a shiny is still rare.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
they already increased your chance of finding it in general, though

it's not 1/8000 something anymore, it's like... 1/6000