Blame Bungie

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
Why do people care about the rocket launcher when the sword sucks so much ass it blinds you when you hold it.

I really hope they fix that.

Yeah. One of my few complaints about H5 was how I ende up avoiding the sword as it just blocks half the screen.

Personally, I like the new rockets- looks way more functional now. I really hope they do the same to the 'Hog and Scorpion, and make them actually look like feasible military vehicles.
For the scorpion it could look something like this with the tracks on each side being connected. It looks like an actual tank and it still retains a similar design.

Even going the route of the Grizzly from Halo wars and Spartan Assualt would be better; thicker armour and now the turret to above the driver so they any be sniped out.

That alone would increase the functionality like, 100%.
This thing would be one badass Scorpion. Like you said it  would have thicker armor and the driver is more protected. The other thing is that there are tracks in the middle would would help prevent it from bottoming out. But we can't have anything like this due to retarded gameplay. After all hijacking it would be a pain in the ass.

I could see it as a legendary vehicle in H5. That would be awesome, espcaially if there's a reason it being a replacement of the scorpion in lore.

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

πŸ‘¨πŸ½:honey, he's gonna say his first words



πŸ‘ΆπŸ½:here come dat boi 🐸!

πŸ‘¨πŸ½:o shit waddup πŸ˜‚πŸ’―

Why do people care about the rocket launcher when the sword sucks so much ass it blinds you when you hold it.

I really hope they fix that.

Yeah. One of my few complaints about H5 was how I ende up avoiding the sword as it just blocks half the screen.

Personally, I like the new rockets- looks way more functional now. I really hope they do the same to the 'Hog and Scorpion, and make them actually look like feasible military vehicles.
For the scorpion it could look something like this with the tracks on each side being connected. It looks like an actual tank and it still retains a similar design.

Even going the route of the Grizzly from Halo wars and Spartan Assualt would be better; thicker armour and now the turret to above the driver so they any be sniped out.

That alone would increase the functionality like, 100%.
This thing would be one badass Scorpion. Like you said it  would have thicker armor and the driver is more protected. The other thing is that there are tracks in the middle would would help prevent it from bottoming out. But we can't have anything like this due to retarded gameplay. After all hijacking it would be a pain in the ass.

I could see it as a legendary vehicle in H5. That would be awesome, especially if there's a reason it being a replacement of the scorpion in lore.
Hell the resaon could be the military needed a stronger cannon on the scorpion so they designed a chassis to handle the weight.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
IP: Logged

10,736 posts
Why do people care about the rocket launcher when the sword sucks so much ass it blinds you when you hold it.

I really hope they fix that.

Yeah. One of my few complaints about H5 was how I ende up avoiding the sword as it just blocks half the screen.

Personally, I like the new rockets- looks way more functional now. I really hope they do the same to the 'Hog and Scorpion, and make them actually look like feasible military vehicles.
For the scorpion it could look something like this with the tracks on each side being connected. It looks like an actual tank and it still retains a similar design.

Even going the route of the Grizzly from Halo wars and Spartan Assualt would be better; thicker armour and now the turret to above the driver so they any be sniped out.

That alone would increase the functionality like, 100%.
This thing would be one badass Scorpion. Like you said it  would have thicker armor and the driver is more protected. The other thing is that there are tracks in the middle would would help prevent it from bottoming out. But we can't have anything like this due to retarded gameplay. After all hijacking it would be a pain in the ass.

I could see it as a legendary vehicle in H5. That would be awesome, especially if there's a reason it being a replacement of the scorpion in lore.
Hell the resaon could be the military needed a stronger cannon on the scorpion so they designed a chassis to handle the weight.

Though popular and effective, the size of the Grizzly caused significant issues after the conclusion of the war, as remaining heavy-lift spacecraft were tasked for high-priority reconstruction and few threats couldn’t be countered with the lighter, cheaper Scorpion. In other words, while its performance was lauded, logistical requirements were simply insurmountable given post-war realities.

There's a reason why there were no Grizzlies on Earth or reach.

Also, the factory that made Wolverine tanks was obliterated on Mars.