Best Mortal Kombat kharacter?

Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
Noob teleport attack spam = best
God fucking dammit I was just about to post that. Up down Y or something, no?
Yeah something like that, you teabag then teleport.

I don't have fighting games myself but my friend has a few, so when I go over to his we sometimes play <.<

Soul Calibre something 4/5/6?
Knightmare heavy sword slam spam (Triangle Triangle Triangle = Perfection)
Non violence is best violence, made a gandhi looking fellow and did nothing but lurk near the edge of the ring and throw him out.
Then for MK I spammed noob's teleport beatup and lizardman's sideways jump kick shit.

Funny as fuck because he plays them quite a lot and I just straight up button spam and win e.e
Ever played Soul Calibur 2? Definitely the best one. The Gamecube version had Link from Zelda, being the cheapest character in the entire game. Link had a certain move that allowed him to block an attack and use the forward momentum of his opponent to just sidestep and send him flying. My friend beat almost the entire game on the hardest difficulty without taking a single hit by just waiting near the ledge while blocking and then throwing the opponents out of the ring.

Good times, but so cheap in actual matches.
I don't think I did >.>

Sounds like a right laugh though.