Best games you played in 2014?

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
I felt like making this. It's 2 AM, and I need something to do. Tell me your list of the best games you've played this year. Ratings and reasons why you enjoyed them are a nice touch.

This is just a list of games I've played for the first time in 2014, they don't have to be released within the year.

MY top 5 games of 2014:

5: Destiny
I know, I know. I was disappointed, too. But I've simply put too much time into this game to not include it. It does have redeeming qualities, like the art style, gameplay, and raids. Besides, no other new IPs this year interested me, as they were all delayed or broken.
4/10, worth half price.

4: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Like I said, some of these games didn't come out in 2014, but this was the first time I played them. While I can understand some people's dislike for this game, it really feels like Kojima's best was put into the game. For a PS2 game, the detail put into this game is astounding. While MGS 3 is phenomenal as well, this is a nice send off (cheapened by MGSIV, mind you) for Snake and has something extremely intelligent to say about society and the internet.
8/10, worth more than it's priced.

3: Pokemon Alpha Ruby/Omega Sapphire

While it remains my least favourite region/generation in Pokemon, the game tries to fix some of the shortcomings of the original (my favourite being the faster surfing speeds and the less common wild pokemon encounters while surfing). The jump to 3D is also great, and I managed to procure a nice Ruby red 2DS that is reminiscent of the Gameboy colour/Gameboy Advance. Great game, far better than the original.
6/10, worth the buy.

2: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Many of you may have remembered me on a few months ago just starting to get into the MGS series. After playing them all (MGS1-4, 2 being my favourite and 4 being my least), I managed to pick this game up in September the week before Destiny came out. While the complaints about the game's content/price were extremely justified, you simply cannot deny the game's fantastic gameplay, graphics and animation. As Hipi said on,

"I told you. MGSV's gameplay is sex."

Since the price drop, I'd highly recommend buying this game if you haven't already.

6/10, worth no more than $20.

1: The Last of Us Remastered

Yes, it's a re-release. But I never played the original, and the upgrade to 1080p and 60 FPS is stunning. It honestly has become my favourite game of all time, as it's been months since I finished it and still can't get it out of my head. Gameplay and story is flawless, the only issue I have with the game is the average AI, when the one advertised was far superior to the straight-up RETARDED ones we got on release. (Apparently, the more difficult and intelligent AI was scrapped a few months prior to release because it was too difficult, which is not only upsetting, but almost insulting.)
If you own a PS3/4 and haven't played this, buy it now. For best results, play on hard or Grounded.*

* ask me more if you want to see my reasons

9/10, worth the price.

A Cheese Potato | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: A Cheese Potato
ID: A Cheese Potato
IP: Logged

5,921 posts
Dark Souls II is easily my favourite of 2014.

But I gotta give mention to AC: Unity despite it flaws. When the gameplay worked it was immensely satisfying for someone like me who plays the AC games like a purist stealth mode.
Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 01:02:56 AM by A Cheese Potato

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
Top 5 In no specific order:
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands
Witcher 2

aMetroid | Ascended Posting Riot
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XBL: ImailU2Heaven
ID: aMetroid
IP: Logged

578 posts
Dragon Age Inquisition

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Top 5 In no specific order:
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands
Witcher 2

I was going to say something about Black Flag. Then I realised I had Destiny on my list, so I stopped typing.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
In this order
Dank souls 2
Dragon age inquisition
Pokemon OR
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit 2: destiny: playing with a good group and doing the raid is actually a lot of fun, and the game is beautiful but fuck everything else about it
Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 01:23:37 AM by Tyger

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
Top 5 In no specific order:
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands
Witcher 2

I was going to say something about Black Flag. Then I realised I had Destiny on my list, so I stopped typing.
Good, you fag

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands

Games, not movies

A Cheese Potato | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: A Cheese Potato
ID: A Cheese Potato
IP: Logged

5,921 posts
Top 5 In no specific order:
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands
Witcher 2

I was going to say something about Black Flag. Then I realised I had Destiny on my list, so I stopped typing.
Good, you fag
black flag was 2013 though

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Top 5 In no specific order:
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands
Witcher 2

I was going to say something about Black Flag. Then I realised I had Destiny on my list, so I stopped typing.
Good, you fag
black flag was 2013 though

MGS 2 was 2001.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
Top 5 In no specific order:
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands
Witcher 2

I was going to say something about Black Flag. Then I realised I had Destiny on my list, so I stopped typing.
Good, you fag
black flag was 2013 though
Excuse me mr. Potato but read the op you nigger

A Cheese Potato | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: A Cheese Potato
ID: A Cheese Potato
IP: Logged

5,921 posts
Top 5 In no specific order:
TellTale's GoT
Tales From the Borderlands
Witcher 2

I was going to say something about Black Flag. Then I realised I had Destiny on my list, so I stopped typing.
Good, you fag
black flag was 2013 though

MGS 2 was 2001.
Oh oops didn't see the part where you said they just had to be played for the first time this year

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Dank souls 2
Pokemon OR
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit: switch pokemon and dragon age and it will be in the order if favorite to least favorite

Nice to see you didn't enjoy our time on Destiny  :'(

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
Dank souls 2
Pokemon OR
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit: switch pokemon and dragon age and it will be in the order if favorite to least favorite

Nice to see you didn't enjoy our time on Destiny  :'(
I think if you, Brendan/James, and I played any game we could make it fun. The game was fun but not inherently good plus I'm still salty about the whole dlc thing

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Dank souls 2
Pokemon OR
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit: switch pokemon and dragon age and it will be in the order if favorite to least favorite

Nice to see you didn't enjoy our time on Destiny  :'(
I think if you, Brendan/James, and I played any game we could make it fun. The game was fun but not inherently good plus I'm still salty about the whole dlc thing

Yeah, I get it. If there was something else out that was enjoyable (for me) as Destiny, I'd be playing that. There just happens to be like no multiplayer games that are enjoyable for a casual like Brendan, a more well-versed gamer like yourself, and someone like me in the middle.

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
Prolly gonna go with Warframe.
Dark Souls 2 was a let down..

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
Dank souls 2
Pokemon OR
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit: switch pokemon and dragon age and it will be in the order if favorite to least favorite

Nice to see you didn't enjoy our time on Destiny  :'(
I think if you, Brendan/James, and I played any game we could make it fun. The game was fun but not inherently good plus I'm still salty about the whole dlc thing

Yeah, I get it. If there was something else out that was enjoyable (for me) as Destiny, I'd be playing that. There just happens to be like no multiplayer games that are enjoyable for a casual like Brendan, a more well-versed gamer like yourself, and someone like me in the middle.
I would say we're equally well versed/ casual. But yeah there's really nothing good for multiplayer right now. Everything either has like a small multiplayer that isn't the focal point, or is poop like AW

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
The Last of Us
The Wolf Among Us
Far Cry 3

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Dank souls 2
Pokemon OR
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit: switch pokemon and dragon age and it will be in the order if favorite to least favorite

Nice to see you didn't enjoy our time on Destiny  :'(
I think if you, Brendan/James, and I played any game we could make it fun. The game was fun but not inherently good plus I'm still salty about the whole dlc thing

Yeah, I get it. If there was something else out that was enjoyable (for me) as Destiny, I'd be playing that. There just happens to be like no multiplayer games that are enjoyable for a casual like Brendan, a more well-versed gamer like yourself, and someone like me in the middle.
I would say we're equally well versed/ casual. But yeah there's really nothing good for multiplayer right now. Everything either has like a small multiplayer that isn't the focal point, or is poop like AW

Lolno. I literally had to BEG Brendan to buy Destiny (which I thought would be a much more hardcore game) because he usually just buys CoD games. He's a real casual, albeit, a good one. He destroys in CoD.

James is a little less casual than Brendan, but still only plays games like AC, GTA, etc.

I'd say I'm less casual than those two, as I play a wider range of games, but I still enjoy playing my CoDs and my Halo 4s and such.

And even if you don't consider yourself a "hardcore" gamer, you play more difficult/hardcore games like Dark Souls and Dragon Age, which are games I never really see myself playing.

But yeah, no MP games right now. Is there anything you're looking forward to next year? Because the only thing on PS4 I can think of that I'm looking forward to (MP-wise) is Metal Gear Online. And maybe Black Ops 3, and if that doesn't exist, than if the new CoD is WW2, I'll prob buy that.

Plus, Comet DLC for Destiny (which I will buy, as I'm sure that wasn't completed prior to release of the game, and I'm using it as a "second chance" for Bungie to see if they still possess competency, as it's probably cheaper than buying Destiny 2.)

In case you haven't caught on, I'm trying to figure out what games we're both buying.

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
more difficult/hardcore games like Dark Souls

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
more difficult/hardcore games like Dark Souls

So, am I just demonstrating my casual-ness here? I've no idea.

BasedLove | Ascended Posting Rampage
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XBL: Dildact
ID: BreedLove
IP: Logged

1,315 posts
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big sponge
| PP
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,899 posts
I'm struggling to think of a good game that wasn't a port or remake that came out this year.

2014 was pretty shit. Its best games are pretty average.

nosejob | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Mistanosejob
IP: Logged

2,037 posts
No order
Mario Kart 8
PvZ Garden Warfare
Mass Effect 3
Shovel Knight

True Turquoise
| MILF Hunter
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XBL: Anora Whisper
PSN: True_Turquoise
Steam: truturquoise
ID: True Turquoise
IP: Logged

25,385 posts
fuck you
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dark Souls 2
Halo MCC

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
IP: Logged

10,584 posts
Dank souls 2
Pokemon OR
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit: switch pokemon and dragon age and it will be in the order if favorite to least favorite

Nice to see you didn't enjoy our time on Destiny  :'(
I think if you, Brendan/James, and I played any game we could make it fun. The game was fun but not inherently good plus I'm still salty about the whole dlc thing

Yeah, I get it. If there was something else out that was enjoyable (for me) as Destiny, I'd be playing that. There just happens to be like no multiplayer games that are enjoyable for a casual like Brendan, a more well-versed gamer like yourself, and someone like me in the middle.
I would say we're equally well versed/ casual. But yeah there's really nothing good for multiplayer right now. Everything either has like a small multiplayer that isn't the focal point, or is poop like AW

Lolno. I literally had to BEG Brendan to buy Destiny (which I thought would be a much more hardcore game) because he usually just buys CoD games. He's a real casual, albeit, a good one. He destroys in CoD.

James is a little less casual than Brendan, but still only plays games like AC, GTA, etc.

I'd say I'm less casual than those two, as I play a wider range of games, but I still enjoy playing my CoDs and my Halo 4s and such.

And even if you don't consider yourself a "hardcore" gamer, you play more difficult/hardcore games like Dark Souls and Dragon Age, which are games I never really see myself playing.

But yeah, no MP games right now. Is there anything you're looking forward to next year? Because the only thing on PS4 I can think of that I'm looking forward to (MP-wise) is Metal Gear Online. And maybe Black Ops 3, and if that doesn't exist, than if the new CoD is WW2, I'll prob buy that.

Plus, Comet DLC for Destiny (which I will buy, as I'm sure that wasn't completed prior to release of the game, and I'm using it as a "second chance" for Bungie to see if they still possess competency, as it's probably cheaper than buying Destiny 2.)

In case you haven't caught on, I'm trying to figure out what games we're both buying.
I will be buying treyarchs next cod, all I'm really looking forward to next year is blood borne but then again I generally don't get hyped for games long before release unless it's something I think will be really good. Uncharted if that does come out next year as well. Fingers crossed that some type of good multiplayer game is released before the summer gaming drought. I may end up getting an Xbox one sooner rather than later, it all depends how much my books for next semester cost.

Ushan | Mythic Invincible!
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XBL: Ushan the Panda
PSN: Ushan-the-Panda
Steam: Ushan
ID: Ushan
IP: Logged

7,158 posts
(っ ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ ° )っ
(っ ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)っ
Far Cry 3

Yeah I know, I'm late to the party, fuck you die in a cocaine fire.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Dark Souls 2 and Warframe

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Dank souls 2
Pokemon OR
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I don't think anything else came close to the enjoyment I got out of these 4

Honorable mentions
Infamous second son: if it was longer it would have easily made the list, but I shouldn't be able to beat an open world single player game in as fast as you can beat this one

Sunset overdrive: I didn't play it enough to really judge but it was fun

Smash bros because smash bros

Edit: switch pokemon and dragon age and it will be in the order if favorite to least favorite

Nice to see you didn't enjoy our time on Destiny  :'(
I think if you, Brendan/James, and I played any game we could make it fun. The game was fun but not inherently good plus I'm still salty about the whole dlc thing

Yeah, I get it. If there was something else out that was enjoyable (for me) as Destiny, I'd be playing that. There just happens to be like no multiplayer games that are enjoyable for a casual like Brendan, a more well-versed gamer like yourself, and someone like me in the middle.
I would say we're equally well versed/ casual. But yeah there's really nothing good for multiplayer right now. Everything either has like a small multiplayer that isn't the focal point, or is poop like AW

Lolno. I literally had to BEG Brendan to buy Destiny (which I thought would be a much more hardcore game) because he usually just buys CoD games. He's a real casual, albeit, a good one. He destroys in CoD.

James is a little less casual than Brendan, but still only plays games like AC, GTA, etc.

I'd say I'm less casual than those two, as I play a wider range of games, but I still enjoy playing my CoDs and my Halo 4s and such.

And even if you don't consider yourself a "hardcore" gamer, you play more difficult/hardcore games like Dark Souls and Dragon Age, which are games I never really see myself playing.

But yeah, no MP games right now. Is there anything you're looking forward to next year? Because the only thing on PS4 I can think of that I'm looking forward to (MP-wise) is Metal Gear Online. And maybe Black Ops 3, and if that doesn't exist, than if the new CoD is WW2, I'll prob buy that.

Plus, Comet DLC for Destiny (which I will buy, as I'm sure that wasn't completed prior to release of the game, and I'm using it as a "second chance" for Bungie to see if they still possess competency, as it's probably cheaper than buying Destiny 2.)

In case you haven't caught on, I'm trying to figure out what games we're both buying.
I will be buying treyarchs next cod, all I'm really looking forward to next year is blood borne but then again I generally don't get hyped for games long before release unless it's something I think will be really good. Uncharted if that does come out next year as well. Fingers crossed that some type of good multiplayer game is released before the summer gaming drought. I may end up getting an Xbox one sooner rather than later, it all depends how much my books for next semester cost.

You getting an X1 would be great, we could play MCC and H5. I really want to like Bloodborne but I think I'm too casual for it .

Kinda wish Arkham knight had a better version of Origin's multiplayer. Yeah, it was shit, but it was so fun to make fun of (like Destiny) with friends.

Naoto | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Naoto
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3,753 posts
{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]
No particular order:
Bravely Default
inFamous SS
Shadows of Mordor