Luis | Legendary Invincible!XBL:
Steam: exige
ID: Luis
6,172 posts
Treecko, shiny Beldum, Wingull, Lotad, a level 15 Taillow I got from the AreaNav thing, and a Slakoth.
I'm not getting it
Reported for liking the new art style of pokemen
Reported for being a fgt
Reported for saying your a MH fan and don't even have MH3U for the Wii U Virgin
Reported for saying you're a MH fan and not having MHFU for PSP
Reported for saying I don't have MHFU reported since I have it for the IOS
Reported for not having a psp disc of it and being an iOS using pleb
Reported for being mad that I have it
Reported for using the Piss Poor Portable
Reported for using ilOlS
Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 12:45:41 PM by Santa Luis