I'm sure there's a handful of y'all that dig the Age of _____ games, myself included. Turns out the group that more or less ported the games onto steam have announced an expansion to Age of Mythology.
http://www.forgottenempires.net/age-of-mythology-tale-of-the-dragon-announcementReally fucking early so there's little the learn, but more to assume. It's to do with the far east as you and I may guess, so you'll have your Oni and your Chinese dragons and whatever else exists in their mythology. More news to come in Forgotten Empires' stream on October 2nd.

We get nice little oriental architecture, I'm a bit of a sucker for architecture.
Edit: As an FYI since not everyone is aware old disc copies of the Age of games are not the same as the steam counterparts. You won't get this expansion unless you bought the steam version. Ensemble studios, the original company that created these games as you may remember dissolved after making Halo Wars. This new studio just ported them to steam where they get the integrated server support, the expansion is more or less fan made.