If I sold you a pound of gold wouldn't you like to make sure it was actually gold before I took your money and ran off?
Quote from: Snake on February 20, 2015, 08:33:33 PMIt shouldn't be assumed everything is broken until proven otherwise.If I sold you a pound of gold wouldn't you like to make sure it was actually gold before I took your money and ran off?
It shouldn't be assumed everything is broken until proven otherwise.
I feel bad kinda for pre-ordering Bloodbornebut it's the guy behind Dark Souls and he's CEO of his company so I trust him enough.
Quote from: Septy on February 20, 2015, 08:43:58 PMQuote from: Snake on February 20, 2015, 08:33:33 PMIt shouldn't be assumed everything is broken until proven otherwise.If I sold you a pound of gold wouldn't you like to make sure it was actually gold before I took your money and ran off?Of course, but that's not what I'm saying.A smith who consistently sells you quality-crafted materials would be insulted if one of his regular customers suddenly came around and said "I just want to verify that this is gold, you never know in today's market", despite honestly and flawlessly providing you with the materials you've asked for, time after time. Same with KojiPro, or Rocksteady. Which is why I'm buying their games, day 1.I would like to reiterate my stance, however. I was on mobile before, I didn't get to go as in-depth as I would've liked to.IF you plan on buying your games physically on day 1, there is absolutely NO excuse for you to pre-order. They won't run out of copies at your local game store, don't worry. This isn't 2004.But, if you plan on buying your games digitally, than there is only one reason to pre-order: pre-loading. Most games come out on Tuesday, and I don't get home from school until 3:30 PM most days. I want to play ASAP, right then and there, for specific games. I'm taking the whole week off to play Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain as soon as it's released, so I want as much time with the game as possible. Same with Arkham Knight (I'm not taking the week off, but you get the idea.) These are the only two game developers that have consistently given me a product that was well worth the asking price, so I'm okay with the trade-off of potential "broken-ness" for early game time.So really, I think your issue is buying games on day 1, NOT with pre-ordering. I agree, pre-ordering games from unknown developers or untrustworthy publishers is one thing you shouldn't do. Franchises I've loved for years (Halo, Battlefront, Ratchet and Clank, anything Naughty Dog produces, anything Bungie produces) will be taking a backseat on the pre-loading train until I see quality reviews and I agree with the ratio of content/asking price.
The fact that you only preorder to preload games shows that you don't care about the situation that is seriously effecting the gaming industry. Continue to waste your money. You're part of the problem.
Quote from: Septy on February 20, 2015, 09:41:31 PMThe fact that you only preorder to preload games shows that you don't care about the situation that is seriously effecting the gaming industry. Continue to waste your money. You're part of the problem. Deal with it.You seem to be painting me with the same brush you do everyone else, which I resent. I'll show you why.So,I'm apart of the problem because I trust talented, honest, trust-worthy developers (who are everyday people, like you) with my money upfront so I can play their masterpiece of blood, sweat and tears before anyone else I know?I'm part of the problem because I pre-order games that come out once or twice a platform generation, (MAYBE)?!That makes sense to me!Get your head out of your ass, kid. Your self-righteous bullshit doesn't work on me.
Quote from: Snake on February 20, 2015, 09:52:59 PMQuote from: Septy on February 20, 2015, 09:41:31 PMThe fact that you only preorder to preload games shows that you don't care about the situation that is seriously effecting the gaming industry. Continue to waste your money. You're part of the problem. Deal with it.You seem to be painting me with the same brush you do everyone else, which I resent. I'll show you why.So,I'm apart of the problem because I trust talented, honest, trust-worthy developers (who are everyday people, like you) with my money upfront so I can play their masterpiece of blood, sweat and tears before anyone else I know?I'm part of the problem because I pre-order games that come out once or twice a platform generation, (MAYBE)?!That makes sense to me!Get your head out of your ass, kid. Your self-righteous bullshit doesn't work on me.You're preorder based blindly on faith and trust instead of evidence.
Quote from: Luciana on February 20, 2015, 08:34:08 PMI feel bad kinda for pre-ordering Bloodbornebut it's the guy behind Dark Souls and he's CEO of his company so I trust him enough.SpoilerStop judging yourself
Quote from: The fuck? on February 20, 2015, 09:19:06 PMQuote from: Luciana on February 20, 2015, 08:34:08 PMI feel bad kinda for pre-ordering Bloodbornebut it's the guy behind Dark Souls and he's CEO of his company so I trust him enough.SpoilerStop judging yourselfOkay ;~;But your guises meen words make me feel bad.
It's like you think games have a natural inclination to be broken.
And to say that reputation means nothing is (I would assume) pretty insulting to developers who consistently put out quality games.
Considering the fact that games are being released in an unfinished state these days, yeah.
All pre-ordering does is show developers that you'll buy a game regardless.
Who gives a shit if it's insulting? It's true.
But hey, continue to be a part of the problem.
No arguments here about the state of most games these days. Which is why I leave it up to reputation and faith in the developer.
QuoteAll pre-ordering does is show developers that you'll buy a game regardless. What a surprise! We agree again.
1: I give a shit. I don't like to insult people who go to work everyday and put their best foot forward, craft a genuinely well-developed game, full of passion, only to be painted over with the same brush that the we ( the consumers) use to colour developers like Bungie, DICE, Ubisoft, etc.
If spending $120 over the course of 7-10 years makes me apart of the problem, I really couldn't give less of a fuck.
Again, reputation and trust mean nothing. It doesn't give you a reason to pre-order.
Pre-ordering off of faith is just blind consumerism and is a part of the reason so much bullshit exists in the industry today.
Yet you're still pre-ordering games.
Developers don't give a shit what you think of them whilst you're forking over your money to them for their games.
Making a few good games doesn't magically make them immune to bad games, bullshit and fuck ups.
You're a big MGS fan. Just look at GZ. It's a blatantly cheap £30 demo money grab, which is corporate bullshit, because they know they can do it and you'll eat it up like the blind and faithful consumer you are.
Thanks for being a part of the reason why games are broken and pre-order "bonus" cut content bullshit exists
Quote from: Lemön | The British Sod on February 20, 2015, 11:54:35 PMAgain, reputation and trust mean nothing. It doesn't give you a reason to pre-order. That isn't why I pre-order. That's some justification I use for pre-ordering, but it isn't why.
QuotePre-ordering off of faith is just blind consumerism and is a part of the reason so much bullshit exists in the industry today.Agreed.
I'm pre-ordering two games out 20 that I'll most likely buy if they get good reviews. Rocksteady hasn't released an Arkham game in nearly 5 years, and the last Metal Gear on consoles was released in 2008. That was 7 years ago.
It gives them more credibility is what I'm saying.
Me pre-ordering MGSV is well worth the potential for broken-ness in the game because I get to play it instantly, as soon as it's released.
I've never had an issue with Campaign progress saving in DICE's games before.
I'm not much of a multiplayer guy either.
And I'm not giving into hype.
I'm giving into my love for Star Wars.
The game can be as good as Colonial marines for all I care, I'm getting it for story.
Quote from: Septy on February 20, 2015, 08:43:58 PMQuote from: Snake on February 20, 2015, 08:33:33 PMIt shouldn't be assumed everything is broken until proven otherwise.If I sold you a pound of gold wouldn't you like to make sure it was actually gold before I took your money and ran off?Okay, if you're using that analogy, that doesn't make sense. They still sold you a game. Just not the one you hoped it to be. For your analogy to make sense, they would have to give you something that is not a game, like a tuba or something.You still get the gold. It's just in the shape of a dick, not a bar like you wanted. Some people like the dick. Just because you don't like the dick means you should be angry at others for liking it, you fucking homophobe.
Quote from: Tackelberry on February 21, 2015, 08:19:44 AMQuote from: Septy on February 20, 2015, 08:43:58 PMQuote from: Snake on February 20, 2015, 08:33:33 PMIt shouldn't be assumed everything is broken until proven otherwise.If I sold you a pound of gold wouldn't you like to make sure it was actually gold before I took your money and ran off?Okay, if you're using that analogy, that doesn't make sense. They still sold you a game. Just not the one you hoped it to be. For your analogy to make sense, they would have to give you something that is not a game, like a tuba or something.You still get the gold. It's just in the shape of a dick, not a bar like you wanted. Some people like the dick. Just because you don't like the dick means you should be angry at others for liking it, you fucking homophobe.Let's say there's a trusted car company. You're looking for a new car to buy and you immediently go to this company because they are trusted and have good reviews. But before you sign the paperwork and pay you ask if you can testdrive your car to make sure it works as expected. The company denies and asks for your money. Who is winning here? For all you know that car could have a lot of engine troubles but you're paying for it without test driving it. But fuck it, right? Cause it's a trusted company.
This threads still about not Pre-ordering right?
Quote from: True Turquoise on February 21, 2015, 08:52:27 AMThis threads still about not Pre-ordering right?I don't even know
Quote from: Septy on February 21, 2015, 08:47:55 AMQuote from: Tackelberry on February 21, 2015, 08:19:44 AMQuote from: Septy on February 20, 2015, 08:43:58 PMQuote from: Snake on February 20, 2015, 08:33:33 PMIt shouldn't be assumed everything is broken until proven otherwise.If I sold you a pound of gold wouldn't you like to make sure it was actually gold before I took your money and ran off?Okay, if you're using that analogy, that doesn't make sense. They still sold you a game. Just not the one you hoped it to be. For your analogy to make sense, they would have to give you something that is not a game, like a tuba or something.You still get the gold. It's just in the shape of a dick, not a bar like you wanted. Some people like the dick. Just because you don't like the dick means you should be angry at others for liking it, you fucking homophobe.Let's say there's a trusted car company. You're looking for a new car to buy and you immediently go to this company because they are trusted and have good reviews. But before you sign the paperwork and pay you ask if you can testdrive your car to make sure it works as expected. The company denies and asks for your money. Who is winning here? For all you know that car could have a lot of engine troubles but you're paying for it without test driving it. But fuck it, right? Cause it's a trusted company. if you car has s faulty engine you could dieIf your videogames isn't as fun as you hoped you just return it