So, there was a request for more ArmA II stories when I have them. Well I have a great one that just happened, is fresh in my mind, and is accompanied by screenshots.
Here we go.
The mission starts out like any other. The Squad Leads and Medium Anti-Tank team or MAT being briefed by Platoon Command or Command. General order of battle shit. Waypoints, bases of fire, and objectives.

I am a member of Alpha 1 under the command of the loving Swede, Defent. I am one of the fire team's Light Anti-Tank rifleman. So I am kitted out with an M4 and an AT4 anti-tank rocket. Alpha's job is to advance into a village and clear it of enemies while Bravo provides over-watch and attempts to block any incoming hostile reinforcements.
Our Squad leader is Vicko, a laid back Serbian who is best friends with Wiking, a Croatian. Strange, I know... Wiking is in command of Alpha 2. Each fireteam has six men, the Fireteam Leader FTL, the Automatic Rifleman AR, Assassitant Automatic Rifleman AAR, a Rifleman, and two Light Anti-tank Rifleman LAT. We have MAT attached to Alpha since we are expected to be in the most shit.
With our objective mapped out and the order of battle ready to go, we mount up for a short jaunt to our dismount point DM.

At dismount both squads break off to their objective. Alpha 1 leads the push into town with Alpha 2 in support. Bravo 1 and 2 move to their Base of fire marker and come under immediate contact. From here on in the next ten minutes is constant friendly and enemy fire. Tracers flying every which way. That's when Alpha 1 hits the shit. We get caught out in the open by hostiles no more than 100 meters away in slight defilade in front of a hill. Our AAR gets fucked up immedately. Don't remember the kid's name, but he caught a 7.62x54r round PKM to the face. He was dead before he hit the ground. Our AR gets pinned by the same machine gunner. I offer some suppressing fire while entertaining the idea of putting my rocket into the treeline that was hiding the enemy infantry. Our FTL also takes a hit. So we fall back as best we can to await the medic. In a matter of seconds we lost one team member, and two wounded. So, our team of 6 was reduced to three.
Medic happened to be right on top of us and gets us healed up. Alpha 2 took up the slack and pushed through dealing with the contacts. By the time we get ready to step off back to our objective I notice a monster in the trees.
Defent replies, "See it! It's moving South west down the hill!"
He calls it in to our Squad Lead as I mark it's approximate location on the map. This is the second time I entertain using my AT4 but the damn thing would just not give me a shot. It was crossing my field of fire and there was a lot of obstructions between me and it. I just could not get the shot.
"Okay Alpha 1, Alpha 2 is on it!" crackles the radio with a thick accent.
Moments later I hear a rocket launch, then a boom followed by an orange glow and the sound of popcorn. Alpha 2 managed to hit the BRDM and the sucker's cookin' off. The sound of popcorn being the ammunition exploding.
At this point I have no idea what is happening to Bravo. It's just constant gunfire. A mixture of AKM, AK-74, PKM, M4 and M249. So Bravo isn't dead, that's a good sign.
Finally Alpha reaches it's first objective, a metal construction building. We have completely cleared out the town and things begin to quiet down. Bravo is apparently hitting
technicals here and there causing them to go off like firecrackers.

That;s when our AR calls out another monster. Another BRDM is coming down the hill towards our location. It had not spotted us at that point to our good fortune. This time I pull out my AT4. The BRDM is no more than 300 meters and that is a damn easy shot.
"Defent, can I hit it?"
"No, hold on, wait for MAT."
"Defent it's getting closer, 250 meters now."
"No, wait."
"Defent, it's coming right at us, I can hit it!."
"Okay, shoot."
*PPPHHWAAAAaaa-* *BAM* *popcorn*
I lined up my shot, ranged to 150 meters, fired, and hit the thing dead on. It was within 150 meters and did not spot us. God damn that was a good hit if I don't say so my self.
So with this threat neutralized we push onto our next objective. Up the hill from where the BRDM just came from is an abandoned construction site. We are to push up the hill, take it, and hold it.
Contact en-route to the objective was light. I think we got into one minor firefight before finally getting eyes on the site.

We sat and waited for the order to begin the assault. Basically we were letting Bravo catch up to us since they had to go around a hill to get to it. In the meantime the cry of contact went out.
"Enemy infantry within 10 meters!"
Wait, what? Sure enough I looked to my left and there they were, a bunch of dudes in woodland BDU jackets and obscenely white pants running past our position, probably heading down to the town we secured. We lit those fuckers up like nobody's business.
Well Bravo caught up and we press into the objective. We get there and it's totally clear. Absolutely nothing there. Okay, this is strange... Alpha 1 takes up position inside the abandoned construction building. Alpha 2 joins us up there. Bravo takes up residence in the mass of pipes, concrete, out buildings, and piles of debris all around the compound. The compound it's self is walled on four sides with a gate leading to the main road that head East and West. There are occasional gaps in the wall that you can crawl through.To our west is a small forested hill with a series of small rock walls on the approach to the compound. North of us is a pair of hills with a saddleback between them. Both hills are forested but the saddleback is not. To our East is a village and yet another forested hill. South of us is the slope down to the first village we cleared. We are sort of in a half bowl on a ridge. All around us is peaks that are higher than our current location with lower valleys surrounding those. Overall we have great sight lines in every direction save for south which is blocked by terrain. Rain started to fall and it got darker, much darker.
It's like every gun in that compound lit up those two trucks. They were flaming wrecks in seconds.
Both those were quickly dealt with too.
Then all hell broke loose. BRDMs, more technicals, and infantry started to pour in from every direction. Flares went up to let us actually see the hostiles that were taking pop shots at us. We deal with a BRDM and then have to sort out the infantry. The enemy infantry attempted a few determined pushes but were cut down in open fields. Then another BRDM or pair of technicals would show up and those would have to be dealt with. This went on for the better part of 20 minutes. Then the realization hit us. We were running out of ammo... I was down to 3 mags, one of which half full. But the enemy was not letting up. We were pinned down, being whittled away, and running out of ammo. It was a war of attrition we were not going to win. Command dropped by on my roof and dropped me a couple mags and I continued for a bit more before expending those too. Then the call was made, grab enemy weapons. I nabbed an AKM and returned some 7.62x39 justice. Likely hitting nothing... But the worst part, we were out of AT. Someone scavenged an RPG right as another BRDM turned up basically on our doorstep. It was just outside the fence on the road. Meanwhile Command made a daring run back to our DM to grab a truck for extract. James, the commander, is a glorious mother fucker.
Defent, the FTL was hit there. Caught a round to the face and died. At the same time the AR was hit and killed. I was now in command of Alpha 1. I did a quick check to see who was alive. It was me and one other guy. Greeeat. The guy with the RPG managed to get a line on the BRDM and fired. The shot went south and hit the floor of the building in front of him, killing him. So a MAT team member ran up, grabbed the RPG and fired again hitting it.
That's when James turned back up with a truck. He parked it on the south side of the compound, got out, and then the truck was hit with an RPG. Well there goes extract... James was fine, but the explosion blew a hole in the wall. This was getting really fucked up at this point. We were either going to stay and die, or try to run and maybe die. Alpha squad lead organized us on the ground floor. Alpha 2 had mostly not been harmed, so the remnants of Alpha 1 folded into their team. The decision was made, Alpha 2 was going to essentially run south back to our DM. Basically we were routed...
We gussied up and booked it down the hill. Two enemy fire teams stood in our way but we ran through them. It was pitch black and I made a beeline for an even pitcher blacker forest. Before I knew it I was all alone just running and running and running. Coms with the rest of alpha got weak, but I kept going.
Finally I made it to the DM. I grabbed a truck and turned on the lights to guide my team. They got within radio range. It was finally time to relax a bit and laugh at the situation. It turns out Bravo ran the wrong direction, specifically North instead of South. I never found out why. But this proved to be their undoing because they never made it to the extract position. They died in that horrible place either as prisoners or from their wounds. We had some words for them then took off our Uniforms and joined the Chernarussians in being farmers or some shit. I married a bear of a woman, had three slavic children, and then died from a Vodka overdose. James was never seen again.
Then end.
Also, for the glory of James. He's the loud screaming one.