I really don't think there are men who see cis women and trans women the same way; cis women are always going to be better and that's fine.
I don't go up to everyone I know and ask whether or not they'd consider being with a trans woman, but off the top of my head I can think of 3 or 4 men that would be fine with the idea. There are also instances where, depending on the woman (trans or cis), there would be more reasons to be with a trans woman over and cis woman, thus making the trans woman superior. In some sense, anyway.
Men are generally very concerned with being not-gay and would find anything with a penis to be too masculine for them, but during my short time being involved with the gay community, I've met some pretty like-minded people. I imagine the same could be said for you if you branched out.
I suppose I can live with the idea of you finding yourself to be a second class woman (I wish you weren't this way but, again, this is probably unrelated to your dysphoria) but thinking
all trans woman are second rate is an unfortunate and offensive sentiment that I don't think many would appreciate.