You can't name an anime better than Space Dandy

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XBL: goooots
Steam: goootsby
ID: Gatsby
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19,291 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
Dragonball Z
It's funny, because you're serious...

I remember when you listed your apparent favorite anime, and you ended up just listing the top five anime that the average American would be able to name.
So? Lol just because they were popular on Western television does that make them less of anime?
No, it's because the closest DBZ came to quality anime was the Bardock movie.
I still don't get the problem, there are no set define standards for something to constitute as an anime so I don't really care about what verbatim thinks.
That wasn't his point.
From what verbatim said it seemed like he was implying that Dragon ball Z isn't a proper anime because it was well known.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
No idea how you even got that message.

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
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ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
I still don't get the problem, there are no set define standards for something to constitute as an anime so I don't really care about what verbatim thinks.
That's not what I'm saying, you dumb slut. Christ. When did I ever say anything about anything not being an anime?

I'm saying it's not a good anime.

(Because there's no such thing as a good anime.)

But talk to any idiot who watches anime and ask them what they think of DBZ. They'll probably dislike it. Anime is one of those mediums where if you consider yourself an anime fan, you're gonna have to look past the mainstream garbage to see the "good" stuff in order to be taken seriously by any circle.

And by the way, this is the standard for what constitutes an anime:
A Japanese animated production.
Who cares about any circle for the matter?

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Who cares about any circle for the matter?
That's not the point.

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
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ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
Who cares about any circle for the matter?
That's not the point.
I believe that if you read between the lines, it's the only point you're making so far.

Acceptance from others, that is. If this isn't what you mean, then it's that DBZ is a bad anime, but you think that all animes are bad, and thus your point is the least important reply on this thread.

Are you taking the piss, or is there some other point that you're not going to tell me about because I'm too stupid to read it, and then you'll forget about it, or not "feel" like writing it?

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I don't care if you care about what the fan circles think.

I'm just telling you how shit works. You don't have to care.
If you didn't care, I'd have to wonder why you're having the discussion at fucking all.

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
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ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
I don't care if you care about what the fan circles think.

I'm just telling you how shit works. You don't have to care.
If you didn't care, I'd have to wonder why you're having the discussion at fucking all.
Impulse, and boredom.

That's why I'm confusing to some.

I think that the number one anime can't be determined as there are so many different animes that are all good, but have different aspects.


dfhjdf | Respected Posting Spree
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XBL: Fletch 628
ID: FletchTheSniper
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Greetings... People? Yea, I'll go with people.