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ID: Prehistoric
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male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
I remember seeing that episode one Tuesday night -- this was when the DBZ canon was still mostly lost on me. I knew SSJ4 existed because I'd see the transformation somewhere before. But when I saw SSJ3 in action... I think I cried from happiness. I went to school the next day, and at recess, I was playing DBZ with my friends (we were really young, so our imaginations were still y'know, functioning). My friend was Vegeta, as per usual. I'm usually Frieza but today I decided to be Goku. (At this point, he still doesn't know what SSJ3 is and he's confused as to why I'd pick Goku, who I've always not really been a fan of.)

Anyways, we're pretend sparring or whatever, and suddenly, in the most "Coldsteel the Hedgehog" manner possible, tell him his "power level is nowhere near mine" and begin screaming in a very Sean Schemmel fashion. Luckily my screaming didn't draw too much attention, but even if it did, I wouldn't have really cared. In my mind I was Goku. After about two minutes of this transformation, he's just looks at me like, "What just happened?"

I had to explain to him what SSJ3 was lol. We snuck inside to use computers so I could show him some images on google. Good day.

I don't know why that just popped in my head, but yeah. Man, I wonder what that guy is up to nowadays.

Anyways, enjoy the sickest remix fucking ever.
