I'm not from the Thrives CLub but I'd steal your virginty
Are you Iachilla Xyr because you've intoxicated me
Are u Lydia because you make all the burdens go away
Are you Ohdaviing because I'd ride you all the way to Skuldafn.
I'd reverse-pickpocket a horker tusk into your inventory.
Are you fargoth because I would give you a ring any day.
I'm not Vivec but I do have a spear for you (careful not to say "but I'll kill you with my spear").
i'm not lucien lachance and you're not the night mother but i would suckle your brest
Did u just fus ro dah cos you blew me away
I'm not sam-guine but if u get me drunk i'll give you the staff
Are you dwemer because u look like an orc... wait what?